View Full Version : What makes 4 week old kittens die

04-29-2006, 01:00 PM
out of nowhere?

04-29-2006, 01:03 PM
:( :(

Laura's Babies
04-29-2006, 01:04 PM
Birth defects, undetected illness, injury?

04-29-2006, 01:07 PM
Many things can cause a young kitten to die. Such as upper respiratory infections, genetic defects, dehydration, fleas and distemper. :(

04-29-2006, 01:09 PM

I was just informed by one of the daughters that the kittens ribs were broken and it died last night. Wouldn't you put a stop to it's pain? Bring it to a vet?

Is it just me or isn't that animal neglect????

04-29-2006, 01:10 PM
This guy I know has a female who gave birth to 5 kittens last year. For the first 2 weeks they were doing fine. Then in the 3rd week, they all died within that week. Two of them on Monday, one on Wednesday and the last two on Friday. It was the saddest thing. The vet said that it sounded like cat distemper and there was nothing that could have been done.

Maybe this was the same thing that happened to the 4 week old kittens.

I'm sorry. Rest in Peace little ones. :(

04-29-2006, 01:13 PM
Whoa!!!! First off, how does your friend know that the kittens ribs were broken and secondly, did she say how this could have happened????

Was this just one kitten that died, or was there more, as you stated "kittens."

04-29-2006, 01:14 PM
Whoa!!!! First off, how does your friend know that the kittens ribs were broken and secondly, did she say how this could have happened????

No clue. She said that the kittens ribs were indented. I do know that they have five dogs in the house, and the black lab killed TWO kittens prior to this incident.

04-29-2006, 01:16 PM
That is just so sad. :( If your friends lab killed 2 of the kittens, then why didn't they keep the other kittens safe in a closed room.????

04-29-2006, 01:23 PM
No clue. She said that the kittens ribs were indented. I do know that they have five dogs in the house, and the black lab killed TWO kittens prior to this incident.

Poor little kittens. :(

04-29-2006, 01:25 PM
She really needs to give the remaining kittens and their mother to the local shelter. Its very unfair that the kittens keep dying whether it be any fault of her own, or poor supervision.

04-29-2006, 01:48 PM
She won't take them anywhere, but to her new place out in the country. The cats will be outside.

04-29-2006, 01:50 PM
That is just so sad. :( If your friends lab killed 2 of the kittens, then why didn't they keep the other kittens safe in a closed room.????

She did yesterday, but by then the damage was already done.

04-29-2006, 02:00 PM
Thats very sad that these Kittens have passed on before they really got a chance to experience and enjoy life.
Proper Cat Care and Spaying would have prevented these needless deaths.
These Kitten are Now Eternal Kittens and now are with the Pet Angel Army.
These was no need for this to happen.

04-29-2006, 03:41 PM
She won't take them anywhere, but to her new place out in the country. The cats will be outside.
Then being outside is almost a worse fate than they being unsupervised with the lab. There are far worse predators outside than dogs. I certainly hope she is getting them spayed and neutered, especially the mother, so she does not have this problem again!

04-29-2006, 06:02 PM
She doesn't believe in spaying or neutering. I already told her to take them to a place here that does it at a reduced price, and she won't.

Says that her kids who are 11 and 12, NEED to experience life and death :rolleyes: :(

04-29-2006, 06:05 PM
She doesn't believe in spaying or neutering. I already told her to take them to a place here that does it at a reduced price, and she won't.

Says that her kids who are 11 and 12, NEED to experience life and death :rolleyes: :(

At the expense of poor, defenseless kittens!! Kittens being mauled or crushed by a dog is NOT "experiencing" life and death, its abuse, its neglect, its illegal!

If she refuses to spay and neuter her animals, someone needs to report her to the local authorities anonymously

04-29-2006, 09:25 PM
I am sorry to say, but your friend is one inconsiderate, irresponsible person.

I agree 100% with Jessika, this is abuse and neglect on your friends part.

Oh, I don't want to get into the pros and cons about having your animals spayed and neutered because obviously you might as well be talking to a WALL where it concerns your friend.

This whole thing just saddens me to no end.

Poor sweet little babies and those poor precious mamas. :(

What does she do, bring her kids into the room while her dog is killing one of the kittens and say, "Oh look dear, this is part of death." :mad:

I know she doesn't really do this, is just that I am venting at the STUPIDITY of it all.

04-30-2006, 11:07 AM
I am so angry after reading this thread, I cannot even write a reply!!! I would be thrown off by Karen!!!

04-30-2006, 01:16 PM
You really should report her to the HS or why don't you take her cats yourself to get fixed without her knowing?

04-30-2006, 01:26 PM
To put up with and/or tolerate this behavior by anyone is cruelty in itself ~ PAH!!! :mad:

04-30-2006, 01:42 PM
She doesn't believe in spaying or neutering. I already told her to take them to a place here that does it at a reduced price, and she won't.

Says that her kids who are 11 and 12, NEED to experience life and death :rolleyes: :(
I just love this mentality. Ican't say anything else, because it would not be polite.... but thoughts of killing mom ring in my head. How's THAT for a life experience for the kids?

04-30-2006, 02:07 PM
Like everyone else posting on this thread, I'm sitting here surrounded by cats that have led hard lives due to people just like this woman, and I find myself choked with tears of rage because I know she will not understand her cruelty.

Experiencing life and death is easy for anyone to see. She can take the children to a kill shelter. Or she can take them to the back of a mall in the early hours of the morning to see the cats trying to survive on their own, and those who are obviously sick and dying. Or she can take them to a children's hospice, or any hospice. Living and dying is all around us and doesn't need a home experiment to be seen and experienced.

04-30-2006, 02:36 PM
I am too mad to reply anything :mad:

04-30-2006, 03:02 PM
I am so angry after reading this thread, I cannot even write a reply!!! I would be thrown off by Karen!!!
My thoughts exactly,kb2yjx! Considering the attitude and enviornment described, I shudder to think of just what her two kids are learning from all this. Will they come through thinking animals are expendable? That animal abuse and neglect are no big deal? I learned at a very young age not to tease the dog, pull the cat's tail or mistreat ANY animal; just like us, animals are living beings deserving our respect and care. My heart breaks for these poor baby kittens who never had a chance. I also worry what this person's kids are learning about respect for all life.

04-30-2006, 03:37 PM
Says that her kids who are 11 and 12, NEED to experience life and death :rolleyes: :(

How's that 'experiencing death' working out for them?
:mad: :(

Funny, I guess I was 11, 12 yrs old once, didn't have to experience it at all.
Still, I figured out what it was all about, and nothing needed to die.

04-30-2006, 05:28 PM
What sadly happens is that they come to the Hotel as Porch Cats,and I have to make the decision to have the Animal Control tkae the Ill or Injured ones away.
Thank God for Tubby 2,Scrappy 2,Gary , Pouncette and Babies and the ones I was able to help.
And on a sad note Nugget,GCK,Angels , Charcoal Gem1, Karina and Roadblock and Tiger who are now Angels,and the sad thing is that the Careless Pet Owners are going to make it tough on Concerned Pet Guardians.