View Full Version : What do you guys think about liking someone over the internet?

04-28-2006, 02:54 PM
I know many people love everyone on PT very much but I want to know how you feel about this.
Theres a guy who lives like 5 hours away from me and hes always flirting and say i love you to me and stuff and its like were dating like we tell each other like evrything. But we always get into little fights like people in realation ships do.
If anyone has seen the notebook thats exactly how we act like identical to that movie. But I dont know if I'm wasting my feelings liking him or if its ment to be. He's coming down in the summer and I'm gonna meet him (yes with freinds) Iv'e herd his voice seen TONS of pictures and pretty positive hes NOT a petafile or anything. And I dont think a petafile would get in as many little fights as we do.
But after our fights we like make up and stuff and he goes back o always saying I love you. It's like were in a relationship but not.:confused: I dont know I need PT words.

04-28-2006, 02:57 PM
Well, you know how I feel about this. But just really be careful, since you did meet him on Myspace. :D I think you 2 are perfect for eachother<3

04-28-2006, 03:04 PM
just be careful, internet is a bit tricky.............i know the feeling of having someone you can talk and feel comfortable with but just be careful about some things even if you are 100% comfortable dont be 100% open, you really dont know for sure............but whatever i´m glad you found someone you "like" we have to wait and see the outcome....... :)

04-28-2006, 03:06 PM
How old are you? Do your parents know about him? If your parents don't, they NEED to, ESPECIALLY when you go to meet him.

I met my husband through an internet dating site - but I was older and had life experience on my side. I was VERY cautous and never revealed anything to him other than my first name and cell number so we could talk on the phone. NOTHING ELSE. It took a few months before he knew anything more than I what I did fora living and other bland details. I never regret how I met hubby, since it turned out to be a wonderful natch, but let me tell you..... the jerks I met while I was online could boggle the mind!

04-28-2006, 03:07 PM
Like sometimes though I tell myself no I just like him as a freind am I cant possibly like someone over the net. But then we talk and it like wow I love this kid.:rolleyes:

04-28-2006, 03:09 PM
How old are you? Do your parents know about him? If your parents don't, they NEED to, ESPECIALLY when you go to meet him.

I met my husband through an internet dating site - but I was older and had life experience on my side. I was VERY cautous and never revealed anything to him other than my first name and cell number so we could talk on the phone. NOTHING ELSE. It took a few months before he knew anything more than I what I did fora living and other bland details. I never regret how I met hubby, since it turned out to be a wonderful natch, but let me tell you..... the jerks I met while I was online could boggle the mind!
I'm 16 and my parents do know about him. I dont tell him like my phone number or anything he knows my name and stuff but nothing else oh other then that fact I live in Ontario and work at Pet Valu but ya. I've been talking to him since like November/December like everyday since then.

04-28-2006, 03:33 PM
I think as long as your parents know about him, it's okay. However, I would have him go to your house and meet you in person as well as your parents before you go out (even if it's with friends). If he really likes you, he won't see a problem with this. Good luck. I hope it works out.

04-28-2006, 03:55 PM
Alicia...you do have to be careful, but I did met the love of my love on the internet, and have been with him for 3 years. This might sound dumb...but i met him in person 5 days after i met him online, i was just glad that he wasnt a pervert or anything. so you can find good people online...but just be careful girl!!!:)

04-28-2006, 06:19 PM
I would very much like to relate an experience that happened to me. And even though it is NOT the exact same type of relationship, it might help you to understand how things might go wrong.

I made a friend (what I thought was a very dear, and close same sex friend) over the internet. we were compatible and had many a wonderful conversation. I often thought that if we lived closer we could possibly be best "real-life" friends. Many of the same likes and dislikes and ideals.

But one incident (the actual reality that we might actually be able to meet in person) turned this person into someone I did NOT know. All of a sudden the friend that I thought I had made was gone because she was obviously not the person I believed her to be. And let me tell you........it hurt BAD. And I am certainly old enough to know better. :rolleyes: But I was taken in by someone who could talk the talk.

So, even though I truly believe that you may be able to find someone very special through the internet, please be OVERLY cautious. People can pretend to be anyone they want through their writing.

Good luck.

04-28-2006, 07:24 PM
Personally, it concerns me that this person would say that he loves you without having met you. It's kind of cute that he would be so naïve as to claim his love for you without meeting you, but it's quite frightening as well. I really REALLY do not trust the Internet. You met this boy casually through Myspace, correct? That is not safe AT ALL. The media and parents are truly horrified by the whole concept of Myspace and it's easy to see why. I don't know how the rest of you met your spouse, but you most likely met him or her through the direction and authority of an online match site. These sites often perform extensive and thorough screening before they allow you access to the files of single individuals. Though there are flaws, they are, for the most part, relatively effective.

Myspace, as I'm sure you know, is full of frauds. Several friends of mine got their pictures stolen and used on other people's pages. That is why you'll often see young girls type their name or phrases over their picture so that nobody can crop it out and steal the picture.

The Internet is a powerful tool, but because it is so powerful, it is extremely dangerous as well. When you meet this boy, PLEASE bring an adult with you. Your friends are not that much mature than you but an adult is.

04-28-2006, 07:55 PM
It sounds like you have been sensible about this relationship, by first telling your parents, arranging to meet in a public place with friends, two good steps in the right direction I think, however just remember to be cautious, on the internet you can be whoever you want to be.

Internet dating is not uncommon today infact it is probably the way many people meet these days, and some like Catnapper and my own two friends who met on the internet and married, had the wedding planned before meeting, he was an american,actually go on to have lifelong lasting relationships, if it is meant to be it will be, but just be realistic and be prepared that it might not be all it seems, but then again maybe it is, who really knows, I think him telling you he loves you is not necessarily a bad thing, and i honestly believe you can fall in love with someone over the internet, especially if you do voice chat.

I wish you all the best, but again just continue to be sensible and cautious and good luck.

oops i just read Giselles response, and now I know that this site you met him is not a very safe one, so i cannot say it enough BE CAREFUL and CAUTIOUS.

04-28-2006, 08:08 PM
The only problem I have with the guy your talking to is that hes saying he loves you... THATS a big hint right there, that all he wants is to get into your pants!!

I met greg online & I'm meeting him tomorrow.. Not once did he say he loved me, wanted to marry me, & so on. Yes its a date, but its also a friendship get together.

Has this guy brought up sex? or mentioned anything sexual? If so PLEASE keep away from him!!!

If I had a car I would meet up with you & keep my eye on him.. I don't trust his kind at all!!! I know he sounds wonderful & that he says he loves you, but you cannot love someone you have never met!

I REALLY REALLY like Greg a lot! But I don't love him, as I've never met him. If things work out, then maybe a couple weeks down the road I'll be in love with him.. but not just by chatting with him online...

If you wanna talk more, just PM me :)

04-28-2006, 09:09 PM
No no King belive me its not at all like that like I was joking around once cause I said ya well you like to have sex with cows ya ok random but ya and hes was all confused and im like you just wish I was the cow and he's like no..not really so that says something right there. And I didnt mean meet up in my house NO WAY!!!! I ment in a public place with freinds my guy freinds are the same age as him so ya I dont think he would do anything. I'm not dumb enough to go meet him all alone in some like dark ally...and it was over myspace but I added him so it;s not like he's after me.

04-29-2006, 04:33 AM
People can be a lot different in real life.

Miss Z
04-29-2006, 05:40 AM
As others have said, just be on guard when you meet him. I think you're being very sensible about it all, personally I would never do it but you seem to have thought it through and I don't see much of a reason why you can't just see him. But if there's ANYTHING you are unsure of about him, run like the wind. I hope everything works out for you:)

04-29-2006, 09:27 AM
Belive me I'm a worry wart abou everything and need tons of security before doing anything like that. Heck I'm even kind of scared meeting the PTer's in the summer.

finn's mom
04-29-2006, 09:40 AM
I don't see anything wrong with it at all. I think as long as you are careful when you first meet him, then, go for it. Just take it a couple steps slower than you would if you'd met him in person first. people aren't always what they seem to be in person either. I'd even go so far as to say you and your parents meet him for lunch or dinner or something. Go to public places a few times and really hang out with him, before you let him know your phone number and address. I've got a great guy friend that I met online. And, he was fine with the fact that I wouldn't give him my number for almost a month. But, I kinda did that all the time anyway when I was dating. Good luck, and, just be safe. But, I'd say that no matter how you met him. ;)

04-29-2006, 10:28 AM
if your bringing your guy friends, I feel SO much better :)
your guy friends will watch him like a hawk & will keep you safe :)

You don't have to be scared of me this summer, I'll already be scared of you hahaha
I like & hate meeting new people :) I'm a chicken hehe
The guy I'm meeting today I've given a few people all the info I have on him :)

04-29-2006, 11:23 AM
Alicia, you better tell me everything after you meet him :D.
I wish I could meet PT'ers you're lucky >.<.
Nobody ever drives my way though, so oh well :p.

04-29-2006, 11:45 AM
I've had alot of different people who met their soulmate on the internet. Those are the lucky ones. I am very skeptical when it comes to meeting someone on the internet, only because you never know who you're communicating with. There are alot of perverts out there that prey on vulnerable people, especially the younger ones. You just never know. Maybe that's why I'm single. But I'd rather be single and alive than meeting someone unknown online and ending up dead. JMO.

04-29-2006, 12:42 PM
I strongly disagree with everyone here. I think meeting over the internet is brainless.

True Pedaphiles are very clever in the way they lure in victims. They have a sequence they follow for their victims. A step-by-step list on how to lure you.

You've heard his voice - IMO, that means nothing.
You've seen pictures - well, heck.. I could easily find a gallery with pictures kids have taken at their school with their friends to trick you.

What's even more irresponsible is not telling your parents about him. Your parents have a RIGHT to know what you are doing and who you are talking to on the internet.

My best friend's Mom was almost beaten to death by her husband, who she met online. She'd known him online for 5 years and they had talked on the phone, mailed each other, etc., and one year she picked up hers bags, her kids, and they flew to Australia to go live with him. Little did she know who he really was, deep inside. He beat her kids, and eventually beat her one day. They got away from him eventually, but no one knows where they are anymore. All I remember is my friend telling me on the phone one day was "I just wish I was back home in Canada".

04-29-2006, 03:17 PM
BC_MOM they do know about him belive me theyve talked with me about it.
And I'm the one who found him he didnt find me so its not like hes stalking me. I'm pretty sure there isnt a way for people like that to make you add them...
Hehe King I'm the same way I hate meeting new people just incase they pretend to like me but really dont.

04-29-2006, 03:38 PM
I've had alot of different people who met their soulmate on the internet. Those are the lucky ones. I am very skeptical when it comes to meeting someone on the internet, only because you never know who you're communicating with. There are alot of perverts out there that prey on vulnerable people, especially the younger ones. You just never know. Maybe that's why I'm single. But I'd rather be single and alive than meeting someone unknown online and ending up dead. JMO.
Don't forget, Donna. You met me over the internet and I think I turned out alright! However there are dangerous people over the internet and you have to really careful who you talk to.

Lady's Human
04-29-2006, 04:26 PM
Pardon me for being the bad guy, however........

There is only one way I would allow it, and that would require my presence there. Not your guy friends, not friends from school, but to have a parent there. I would also have to meet his parents. Not just him. There are far too many people on the net who know how to play on teenagers' feelings.

In the states, they run PSA's (public service announcements) from the FBI/Police about pedophiles and how they operate on the 'net. Evidently they don't in Canada?

04-29-2006, 05:09 PM
Hmm I kind of agree with Jess. See I met a true pedophile online and you know what I pursued him, I didn't know he was a pedophile. I thought he was a harmless guy that wanted me to dogsit for him. I bugged him and told him that I would dog sit, that it was ok with my parents, all that crap. Then come found out that he was. So NOT cool! Quite scary actually... God knows if he actually has dogs. Anyways just please be careful if you actually do it.

04-29-2006, 07:12 PM
Just got back from meeting the guy & umm ya.. lets say I'd rather chew my own hand off then EVER see him again! I was sooo close to breaking every bone in his body!!!

Anyone have a time mashine so I can get my day back?

04-29-2006, 08:01 PM
Just got back from meeting the guy & umm ya.. lets say I'd rather crew my own hand off then EVER see him again! I was sooo close to breaking every bone in his body!!!

Anyone have a time mashine so I can get my day back?What happened?
Eeee I'm scared now. But kind of not like my biggest fear right now is like I'd go see him and he'd give me a hug and like pull a knife from behind his back and kill me. Ya I doubt that would happen but for some reason thats what I think. (I have a big imagination wich always makes me think of the worst possible outcome) Thanks for helping me you guys I knew I could count on PT for opinions your guyys are great!

04-29-2006, 08:11 PM
What happened?
Eeee I'm scared now. But kind of not like my biggest fear right now is like I'd go see him and he'd give me a hug and like pull a knife from behind his back and kill me. Ya I doubt that would happen but for some reason thats what I think. (I have a big imagination wich always makes me think of the worst possible outcome) Thanks for helping me you guys I knew I could count on PT for opinions your guyys are great!

he has NO life! a Potato has more of a life then him... *pulls out hair!!*

We planned to go for a nice walk in the park.. guess what he HATES walking!! SO we get back to watch tv.. guess what usually at 4pm he has a NAP!!! Then he was suppose to cook us dinner, guess what he hates cooking!! I didn't eat all day to make sure I'd have enough room for dinner & I didn't get home until 8pm!!! Thats more then 24hrs of NO food!! I opened the fridge & ate cold weiners & downed a can of pop & I'm on my 2ed can I'm soooo hungry!!!

04-29-2006, 08:18 PM
Maybe that's why I'm single. But I'd rather be single and alive than meeting someone unknown online and ending up dead. JMO.Donna, I'm right with you there. I would never, ever try to meet/date someone from online. Sorry, I'm just way to skeptical.
That being said, do I love someone I met on line?? Absolutely and certain Pet Talkers know who they are. ;)

04-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I, too, have met a special man on the internet. We talk every day on the computer and phone. I'm going to visit him in July. You need to be extra careful since you are so young. We don't have the arguments you speak of but I remember how it is being a teen. I agree that your parents should meet him the first time you do, also. Good luck and hope it works out.

04-30-2006, 12:17 PM
Just be careful the internet can be a bad place if people make it a bad place.

04-30-2006, 12:42 PM
In **some** ways, I dont see any more risks in meeting someone over the internet, than I do in person. The facts are- there are weirdos, con artists, perps, etc., in all walks of life. Prolly, those weirdos meeting people over the internet also meet people in the more traditional way! They see the internet as fishing with a larger net, possibly.

Some problems with the internet situation is your 'sixth sense' is not as active until you meet the person, in person. So, where you might normally be wary of someone that appears unkempt, you wouldn't know this about him/her until you met. IF you had first connected with this unkempt person over the internet, you might have established some emotional attachment, at some level, and not be SO wary when you met in person. I don't know WHY I used that particular situation as an example...he he he...maybe cause I am looking pretty unkempt myself right now? Good thing we are on the 'net, and not in person, eh?

But, you can take that example to any other level- you might be inclined to overlook some warning signs that present when you are in person, since you already have this connection with him/her, established over the 'net.

I am VERY wary of anyone that professes some strong attachment to me early on. I can only wonder WHY they feel these things, without knowing me very well. The daily contact is also a little off for me. Doesn't this person have anything else to do in their lives that interest them?

I think I would tell Mr. Internet that you, AND your parents want to meet him, in a public place. IF he is above board, he will be 100% in agreement.