View Full Version : chews/bones

04-27-2006, 08:28 PM
My mom won't feed greenies to the pups anymore because of the news and stuff. Molli has horrible teeth as lots of small dogs do, and brushing them just doesn't seem to be enough to get rid of the plack. (sp?) Is there any bones or chews that seem to work well and is safer? Molli tends to choke easily so it's so hard to pick what to get.

EDIT: I just saw the thread on bully sticks. Do they work with removing plack?

04-27-2006, 08:36 PM
The greenies thing is a missunderstanding. You have to watch them like any bone or toy. Any signs of gulping it down then take it away if they sit there chewing it then theres no problem.

Umm something else I would recomend hmm there is a chew toy made by nickold or something along those lines and it freshes breath and takes care of teeth there are also tons of greenie imitation that are sometimes better. Have you gone down to your local pet store to look?
I'll try and find what I described.

04-27-2006, 08:37 PM
Bully sticks help with that yeah, mine chew on them pretty good. The best thing of all that I've found to really get plaque off though are butcher bones, you can often get them from a butcher or sometimes at grocery stores and they should be big enough that they can't choke on them although they should always be monitored.

04-27-2006, 08:38 PM
you can try Pedigree Dentabones (http://stat.dealtime.com/DealFrame/DealFrame.cmp?BEFID=96443&acode=63&code=63&aon=^33&crawler_Id=811143&dealId=tV2coo5oG9f-0CqkjAk0CQ%3D%3D&prjID=ds&searchID=TGY7GmDEJq&Mrt=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.petsmart.com%2Fps%2Ftarget.js p%3FproductCode%3D50624%26affID%3Dshopping%26adver tCode%3Dshoppingpsmfeed%26cm_ven%3DShopping%26cm_i te%3DProductFeed&DealName=Pedigree%20Dentabones&MerchantID=7043&HasLink=yes&frameId=0&category=62&AR=1&NG=2&GR=0&ND=1&PN=1&PT=0&RR=1&ST=7&DB=sdcprod&MT=sfo-pmt7-3&MN=MT&FPT=DSRSP&NDS=4&NMS=2&NDP=4&MRS=&PD=23697267&brnId=2455&lnkId=3033102&IsFtr=1&IsSmart=0&crn=USD^USD&DlLng=1&istrsmrc=1&isathrsl=0&dlprc=9.98&TstId=${cvs.tag}&CT=15) :)

or a Denta-green bone (http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444178 1483&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026221&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&bmUID=1146188197591&itemNo=15&Nao=12&In=Dog&N=2026221&Ne=2)

I think they sell the pedigree dentabones at wal-mart, but I am not sure. I was just saying that, incase you don't have a Pet-Smart or a Petco.

there's also Dentagreens (http://www.petsmart.com/global/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=84552444177 9336&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302026221&ASSORTMENT%3C%3East_id=2534374302023689&bmUID=1146188252639&itemNo=31&Nao=24&In=Dog&N=2026221&Ne=2)

04-27-2006, 08:43 PM
For clarification in case you aren't sure what I mean by butcher bones, these are what I mean :)



I let mine chew on them for an hour or so and then put them in a ziplock in the freezer again and let them have them off and on a few times before throwing them out. Nothing gets their teeth whiter faster than these in my experience!

04-27-2006, 08:47 PM
Lily's teeth are horrible, too >.<

04-27-2006, 09:13 PM
Here are some


04-27-2006, 09:17 PM
I also thought greenies aren't as digestable as other chews.

Thanks for the suggestions! There is a petco and petsmart about 30 miles from here, and a walmart in my town. We are going to st cloud on sunday so I could see what they have. I wanted to see what you all suggest first. I might get one of those dental chews and another one. The denta green bone says not for puppies or dogs under 12 pounds so I couldn't get that.

04-27-2006, 09:23 PM
Raw bones (or butcher bones) are by far the best at removing plaque! :)

04-27-2006, 09:48 PM
I think Bully sticks would be a good choice

04-27-2006, 09:52 PM
If you are coming to St. Cloud (which is where I live :p) I know Coborn's has packaged butcher bones in the meat section, at least I know for sure the one in Sartell does but I'm betting they all do. I haven't checked Cashwise but I should since I actually live closer to Cashwise :p. Good luck :).

04-27-2006, 10:00 PM
My dogs only get raw bones and nylabones (the nylabones don't do much, they're just around for whenever they feel like chewing something). Raw bones are by far the best you can get for them.

04-28-2006, 09:47 AM
If you are coming to St. Cloud (which is where I live :p) I know Coborn's has packaged butcher bones in the meat section, at least I know for sure the one in Sartell does but I'm betting they all do. I haven't checked Cashwise but I should since I actually live closer to Cashwise :p. Good luck :).

Oh you live in st cloud? That's cool!
There is a coborns where I live, too. I could check there. Thanks again!