View Full Version : Eating and not

04-27-2006, 07:12 PM
Ok so when we got Morris on Monday they came over and said he didn't eat hard food or drink water. They fed him milk. :mad: They didn't tell me what kind of food he was eating so I gave him what my other guys eat well he has had diarreah and he plays but I think his tummy is upset. Is there anything I can do and how long will it last for him to be used to our food? Thanks you guys are a great help to me! I haven't had a kitten for over 6 years or so and I am starting over and you all are wonderful :D

04-27-2006, 07:25 PM
I dont claim to know much about kittens, but i do know you should always gradually add a new food to any cats usual food until you finally end up with them eating the new food only, milk is often very bad for cats as a lot are lactose intolerant, so if you are giving the kitten milk, make sure it is the type you buy that is lactose free, especially made for cats.

There are many more experts on PT that I am sure will come to the rescue and give you lots of advice, in the meantime good luck with your new baby.

04-27-2006, 07:51 PM
yeah I know you have to do it gradually but the girl didn't even know what it was called. My best friend works with her and asked. They fed them milk I won't do that and he has had diarreah for the past few days and his tooshie is hurting and there was a little blood a few min ago :(

04-27-2006, 07:55 PM
Then perhaps you need to take him to a vet and see just what the problem is.

04-27-2006, 08:22 PM
Then perhaps you need to take him to a vet and see just what the problem is.
Yep just called the emergency one and I will let yall know

04-27-2006, 08:37 PM
Good luck at the vets, hope it is nothing serious and kitty will be ok.

04-27-2006, 08:47 PM
Good luck at the vets, hope it is nothing serious and kitty will be ok.
Thank you! So far so good they said to give him a bland diet of baby food that has chicken and white rice but first fast him for 6 hours. So we will see ( I am a nervous wreck about to just bawl my eyes out)

04-27-2006, 09:20 PM
Signs of "food poisoning" in a cat or dog typically shows up as "bloody diahrea". I would suspect the kitten drinking the milk has caused this. Milk should NEVER be given to kittens. There is a brand available for kittens at the pet stores in boxes that are lactose free and made for kittens specifically. It's ONLY for kittens who's mother's milk is not available for multiple reasons.
Adult cats CAN drink cow's milk if they are over a year old and be "safe". It's still NOT good for them to drink but they can drink it. Kittens digestive systems can NOT handle cow's milk and cause severe diarhea for days.
I would give the kitten plenty of water to get the milk out of it's system ASAP. You may want to try a can food temporarily and mix it with the dry. Canned foods are typically higher in calories. However, the kitten's digestive system may need help and canned food is easier to digest.
You may want to give some SMALL amounts of pepto bismal to the kitten. About a 1/2 a teaspoonful. This may help ease it's belly. Eating grasses may help soothe it's belly as well. No catnip! ;)

04-27-2006, 09:36 PM
Signs of "food poisoning" in a cat or dog typically shows up as "bloody diahrea". I would suspect the kitten drinking the milk has caused this. Milk should NEVER be given to kittens. There is a brand available for kittens at the pet stores in boxes that are lactose free and made for kittens specifically. It's ONLY for kittens who's mother's milk is not available for multiple reasons.
Adult cats CAN drink cow's milk if they are over a year old and be "safe". It's still NOT good for them to drink but they can drink it. Kittens digestive systems can NOT handle cow's milk and cause severe diarhea for days.
I would give the kitten plenty of water to get the milk out of it's system ASAP. You may want to try a can food temporarily and mix it with the dry. Canned foods are typically higher in calories. However, the kitten's digestive system may need help and canned food is easier to digest.
You may want to give some SMALL amounts of pepto bismal to the kitten. About a 1/2 a teaspoonful. This may help ease it's belly. Eating grasses may help soothe it's belly as well. No catnip! ;)

THANK YOU! That has helped alot I keep putting Morris in front of the water and he is drinking. I am watching him VERY carefully. IT made me so mad when I heard they gave him milk grrrr......

04-28-2006, 05:13 PM
I would keep him away from Milk,unless its designed for a Kitten.
One thing that you could try is the Nutro Complete Care Kitten,on which the Kitten Trio thrives.
Or the Royal Canin Kitten which is usually specially marked down.
Good Look With Morris.