View Full Version : Babies Are Here!!!-UPDATE!more babies!

04-27-2006, 01:26 PM
PiddyBob was being really freindly last night and i knew she was going to have them soon. i was right!

PiddyBob had 2 kittens late last night! she had a small black one at about 2:30am and had a big calico one about 3:40am. the calico one is almost totally white with small specks of black and orange. VERY pretty kitten!

PiddyBob is such a wonderful mother! checking on them when they make any noise. i'm glad she had them before i left. i left early this morning for Nashville. i've got a dog show. i've already called my mom about 5 times asking about the kittens. i thought i felt one more, but i guess not. she's not having any more contractions and she is leaving to get drinks and food. she's being VERY friendly. rubbing against me and being very vocal.

i didn't have time to get pics, but i took some and will take more when i get home and post them ASAP! :D

04-27-2006, 01:38 PM
OMG !!!! Goodie Goodie :D ...........congrats on the babies............ if you where nearer me i would ask for the calico .............or the black.......... i have a soft spot for "patched" ones and also blacks (although iñm not such a cat person, but i´ve been considering getting a cat)

let us be witness with lots of pics as soon as you can!!!!

tell us about the dog show also!!

04-27-2006, 01:53 PM
OMG !!!! Goodie Goodie :D ...........congrats on the babies............ if you where nearer me i would ask for the calico .............or the black.......... i have a soft spot for "patched" ones and also blacks (although iñm not such a cat person, but i´ve been considering getting a cat)

let us be witness with lots of pics as soon as you can!!!!

tell us about the dog show also!!
thanks! :D my two favorite cat coat colors are calico and black. what luck to have one of each in this litter. it's gonna be SOOOOO hard to give them up. :(

i'll post about the dog show in dog general when i get back Indiana. i'm getting ready to bathe FIVE siberian huskies for a show tomarrow! :eek: i'm gonna be one soaking wet human! :rolleyes:

04-27-2006, 02:02 PM
i'm getting ready to bathe FIVE siberian huskies for a show tomarrow! :eek: i'm gonna be one soaking wet human! :rolleyes:

while on the mood i have a duo that require those services :p ;)

04-27-2006, 02:03 PM
while on the mood i have a duo that require those services :p ;)
AHH! yer dogs are probably a lot more well behaved than these dogs. they are CRAZY!

04-27-2006, 03:05 PM
Well, congratulations! Am so glad the delivery went well and that the kittens are being cared for by mama.

would LOVE to see pix when you get back!

04-27-2006, 03:44 PM
Concatulations, Piddy Bob! Your babies sound absolutely adorable and I just can't wait to see pictures of them. And you're being such a wonderful and attentive mommycat, lots of lovebug sent for you and your sweet little newborns.

04-27-2006, 04:10 PM

i just got off the phone with one of my brothers. he said PiddyBob had 2 more babies! another black one and one that looks just like PiddyBob herself. :D i wish i was home! i want to see them!

my brother said she's still being very friendly. i could hear her being very vocal over the phone. he said it looks like there could be one more., but he's not for sure.

i'll keep you updated as i learn more!

04-27-2006, 04:18 PM
WOWZERS!!! 4 babies!!! how cute that means more and more pics!! YIPEE!!!

04-27-2006, 04:32 PM
Great job, Piddybob!! Can't wait to see pictures. Hey Lute, at least now you can go away with peace of mind. Glad it all worked out. Now, PICTURES PLEASE!!!

04-27-2006, 04:37 PM
Wow! What a nice surprise you got when you called home! Hope Piddy-bob and babies are all well and thriving by the time you get back!

04-27-2006, 05:52 PM
I will never forget the Morning taht I went downstairs and heard "mew mew mew" and there was Pouncette and her Two Babies Gary and Ivon.
I took them into the Spare Bedroom after shooing the Found Cats out.
They stayed there for Ten Days until the Animal Welfare fostered all 3.
We are Praying for the Momma and Kittens and Pray that they will all Find Furr Ever Homes too.

04-27-2006, 08:50 PM
pics will definatly be posted on monday! :D

my breeder friend is already talking about how she's gonna tell her hubby that there will be a 4th almost totally white cat in the house. she might be taking the mostly white calico. my mom is already talking about keeping the one that looks just like PiddyBob. :rolleyes:

04-27-2006, 09:56 PM
Yay! I can't wait to see pictures of their teeny tiny faces. I'm such a sucker for the babies!

04-28-2006, 02:33 PM
Oh boy! I can hardy wait to see pictures! :D Congratulations to all, and great job Piddy-bob! What a good mommy you are!