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04-25-2006, 11:03 PM
Here are some pictures I took of Violet today... The second one makes her look tiny... She is about 40lbs..

04-26-2006, 12:15 AM
I see dobie in the second pic. :) In the other ones she looks more rottie. I'd say a rottie/dobie mix, though it is so hard to tell with black and tan dogs!

04-26-2006, 12:41 PM
A neighbor commented yesterday with Rott / Shepard

04-26-2006, 03:45 PM
I agree maybe a rottie/dobie mix. Maybe some lab? I could be wrong. In my opinion I don't see much sheperd in her.

04-26-2006, 06:41 PM
I agree with Jordan (Wolfsoul). I thought the same thing when I looked at the pics. She's very pretty :)

04-26-2006, 08:35 PM
WOW!! Violet is precious. She reminds me a lot of my Kiara!

is she mean? rottweilers are usually mean.

Rottweilers are NOT mean.

04-26-2006, 10:03 PM
is she mean? rottweilers are usually mean.

You're obviously some sort of 'troll' so I don't even know why I'm bothering since I don't usually get into these things but since I've had this very breed since the second I was born, I *do not* appreciate comments like this at all!! Every Rottweiler except for two (due to bad owners) have been the sweetest, most wonderful dogs I've ever been around. If you're going to make comments like that, I suggest you leave as this is certainly not the place for people who think of certain breeds like you do. I have no use for people who discriminate against certain breeds at all.

Anyway, back to the original poster since she is so small for both breeds I doubt she could be purely mixed with just those two, maybe she has some sort of terrier in her too? I don't know why, but her face sort of reminds me of a terrier type dog.

04-26-2006, 10:16 PM
I do see Dobie in her.Not sure about the Rotti though.IMO,it looks like she has a smaller breed in her.Like Orangutango said,her face looks like a terrier.

04-26-2006, 10:23 PM
is she mean? rottweilers are usually mean.

That is quite a load. Both of my Rotties were/are the BEST behaved dogs, all around, that I have ever had the pleasure to be around. This includes attitudes (towards new people, etc), pottying, etc.

I find that this is a highly ill conceived idea spread by people trying to give a wonderful breed a bad name just because they don't like them for one poor reason or another.

04-26-2006, 10:29 PM
I concur, Orangutango! She does have a very terrier "air" about her. :)

04-27-2006, 01:21 PM
She is a beauty! I see Rottie or Dobie... maybe some Terrier :confused:

Rottweilers are not mean. Blame to deed not the breed! Rotties are sweet, well-behaved, loving, pets! Just like any other breed!

04-27-2006, 04:08 PM
Rotties are SWEET dogs! Most of them are absolutly wonderful to be around. As zoomer said, blame the deed not the breed.

04-28-2006, 02:37 PM
Terrier huh?

Thanks for all the input...


And about Rotts, obviously some ppl don't have their facts straight.. Rotts are very loving (brother-in-law had 5 at the same time once). It is truely how you raise them, socialize them, how much time you spend with them...
Same goes for the Pitbull... A lot of bad press about them, a lot of ppl having them for the wrong reason, but again, can be very loving and gentle dog... Friends have a pitbull who is the sweetest little guy..