View Full Version : Roxie's first agility class

04-25-2006, 08:47 PM
Ok so tonight was Roxie's first agility class and we almost didn't go!
It was the end of 6th hour and all of a sudden I feel the pinching pain go from the lower part of my back all the way down my left leg. I walk down the hallways and I almost fall because the pain in my leg was so bad. *I think I was pinching a nerve, I'm not sure*. Go to the nurse and get Ibeprofin and some theriputic rubbing stuff to relieve the pain, still doesn't help. Then coming home I couldn't take off my shoes because I couldn't stand on one foot. I sit down which really hurts at first. And I sat for about 2 hours and then laid for an hour. Finally I was ok enough to go to agility and while I can't very much bend down. I did great with Roxie!! And Roxie did just wonderful herself!! She was good with the other dogs and at the beginning I was asked that "because she was a min pin, she'll wanna take charge and be the boss of other dogs and might get aggressive?" :rolleyes: I hate quick judgement, infact Roxie does great with other dogs when no food is involved. There are two groups the big dogs and small dogs. My group has a pointer and a border collie and the other group is 2 labs and a golden retriever. Roxie loves the Border Collie and was very interested in the Pointer, they were both very intersted and friendly with her too. Roxie did the tunnel, the teeter, the A-Frame, the hoop tunnel, and the shoot tunnel. She did good on all of them except she was scared of the teeter. Hopefully she'll get that soon!

Anyways we had a great time and did better than I really expected. Like my friend said "Roxie knows what she's doing, she's just keeping it a secret" :p

04-25-2006, 09:04 PM
I'm sorry to hear about your back trouble! I hope that it doesn't bother you again.

But, that's cool that Roxie did so well on her first class! She must be a natural. :)