View Full Version : I made Cyrus shake in fear lastnight.

04-25-2006, 03:12 PM
I was watching TV lastnight laying on my couch (its also my bed so its super comfy, blankets & all) & Cyrus decided to come in & lay on the couch with me. I'm so happy that hes bonding so well with me, but that bond was broken lastnight, as I had to hurt him :(

Cyrus started licking his paw, no biggy. But then he would stop, so I told him to stop, he ignored me, so I pushed his head away & there was an open wound just below his front dewclaw. It was a little deep & looked infected. I tried to get a closer look, but Cyrus freaked & hopped off the couch. I followed him upstairs to tell Rose. Took us forever to talk him into hopping onto his couch, but we got him there & then Rose held him & I grabbed his paw. He squirmed hard enough to get away from us & then refused to let us touch him (he just kept moving away).

I told Rose I'll take care of it.

I called Cyrus & went to my room. I got him into my room & closed the door behind him. I think he knew what I was going to do & he started shaking. I got the anti-pain polysporn from my bathroom & got one of Max's old booties.

I put his muzzle on as I didn't know how he would react to pain & also didn't want him licking the polysporn off before I got the bootie on. He stayed near the door the whole time. I tried to calm him, with hugs & kisses & ear scratches, but it wasn't working. So I put a large glob of the polysporn onto my finger & talked to him while I ever so gently put it all over the wound & around it. It must have been super sore, as he was trembling really hard, had his tail between his legs & wouldn't look at me.

I started to put the bootie on & then I got that look. If only dogs could cry I'm sure he would have cried me a silent ocean of tears. I tried to put the bootie on quickly & he fought a little bit, but I think he understood I was trying to help him.

Once I was finished I tried to calm him down & the second I got my kiss, I opened the door & out he went...

Rose was very impressed as she loves Cyrus very much. Francois thinks he poked himself on a screw. Francois & Rose are renavation the whole house & try to keep it clean, but there is always one screw that will get away & poor Cyrus found it.

I'm sure he'll be ok... When I get home He always greets me & loves going into my room. I'll get him on the couch & see if its any better.. if not.. that I'll get Francois to give him a bear hug & I'll take an even closer look, cause maybe its a splinter.. I can remove most splinters, so I hope its one of those & not one that he has to go to the vets.

& people say Pit Bulls are horrible beasts!

04-25-2006, 03:42 PM
Poor Cyrus. It's good that he was at least semi-cooperative, that must hurt, poor guy! I hope it is feeling better by the time you check it today.

04-25-2006, 03:44 PM
I know you already told me about this but hey, I'm replying anyway :D I still think it's so great that he is taking to you so quickly, and I think he'll be totally fine with you even though you had to do that. Poor guy, I sure hope he's feeling better!

04-25-2006, 03:44 PM
Oh, poor baby! :( I'm so glad you were there to help out Cyrus. I hope his foot his doing better today.

04-25-2006, 03:55 PM
Thanks everyone..

I hope he'll greet me tonight, he did ignore me lastnight :( He looked at me & walked away.

I'll take out a bacon strip & I'll win him back with food :) Unless my guest arrives early, then Cyrus wont be anywheres near my place (he'll hide from strangers & woof at them) boo :rolleyes: Hes one odd Pitty hehe

04-25-2006, 05:15 PM
aawww poor lil sweet heart

give him a kiss for me

I am sure that he will be ok and you will win him back

04-25-2006, 08:12 PM
YAY, he ran up to me when I came home! But as soon as I joined him on the couch he ran away :(

04-25-2006, 08:22 PM
Aw, poor baby. Glad you were there to help! :D I hope he feels better soon.

04-25-2006, 08:39 PM
Hes just a big chicken, & this room bothers him quite a bit.. the last guy that lived her wasn't very nice to Cyrus & he remembers it... I'll just feed him more yummy treats hehe

04-25-2006, 09:06 PM
Glad he ran up to greet you! That shows that he still loves you, even if he cannot quite trust you at the moment!

Toby's my baby
04-25-2006, 09:24 PM
Poor guy!! :( I'm so glad you were able to help him, I hope it all heals up fine!! I'm sure, that soon, he will trust you again, and maybe he'll realize that you helped him, and didn't want to hurt him!!