View Full Version : Cats and Dogs

04-25-2006, 02:06 AM
What's is the best way to let an old dog get used to a new kitty two months old? :confused:

04-25-2006, 10:40 AM
Gradually introduce them. Put the kitty in a room by himself with food, water and litterbox. Allow the kitten out of the room when you are home and can supervise them. Have a squirt bottle ready just in case the kitten wants to pounce the dog (it's a probability that he will want to pounce as he's a kitten). Let the dog and cat get used to each other. It'll take some time. NEVER let the kitten out when you're not home to supervise. Eventually, they'll get used to each other. Kittens are far more easily incorporated into a household than an older cat who is set in their ways.

Good luck and keep us posted.

04-25-2006, 10:57 AM
yeah but the problem is that my dog will like to smell the kitty but as soon as he gets near the kitten the kitty gets mad and after that so does the dog...my dog never had problems with cats because he had 3 old cats when he was old and a kitten last year(R.I.P. Speedy) and he didn't have problems with them..usually how much does it take for a golden retriever to get used to a two months old kitten??Thanks a lot

04-25-2006, 11:00 AM
Just let the kitten explore his surroundings while the dog is also there. There is going to be hissing, spitting and barking I'm SURE. But the dog can take care of himself. He'll let the kitten know when he's had enough.

04-25-2006, 11:09 AM
the really proble that the kitty is scared as hell when he sees the dog...what to do in that case???This forum rocks

04-25-2006, 11:40 AM
I would let the dog sniff the kitty, while he is in a carrier, or protected in some way. DO NOT hold the kitty while the dog sniffs or you'll have Shredded Wheat for arms.

It's normal for the kitty to be scared. But as long as he's in the carrier, the dog and he can get to know each other's scents.

04-25-2006, 05:15 PM
Theres more danger in Your Dog accidentally hurting the Kitten without meaning to,than him trying to hurt the Kitten.
You have to make sure that the Kitten doesnt run under his feet,as I know a couple who lost a Kitten that way.
Is he a Big Dog?
We do Pray that Things go well for All Concerned.

04-25-2006, 05:56 PM
i would make sure you have a dog that is capable of being ok with your cat in the house. i had a rescue husky, Kodie, that could NEVER be trusted with a cat. no matter how much time and training. he just has way too high of a prey drive, but my permanent husky, Gracie, is a lovebug when it comes to my cats. she just lays there and lets them climb all over her.

if your dog could be ok with the cat i would put the cat in one room with food, toys, etc and put the dog in the next room. don't close the door, but put a TALL baby gate up. make sure the dog can't bust through it. over time they will get use to each others presents. once they get to this stage leash the dog and take down the baby gate.

hope this helps. :D

04-25-2006, 10:04 PM
First off, it's good that your dog is use to living with cats and kittens as these should make it easier for your kitten to accept the dog.
I don't blame him for being scared right now as your dog must look HUGE to him right now.
Just take it slow with the intro's and the kitten will get use to having the dog around, but, and I'm sure you know these already, never leave them alone without any supervision, until the kitten is okay with the dog.

Good luck and keep us posted on how it goes. :)

04-27-2006, 04:30 PM
think of it this way...

You are the new kid on the block, someonein the neighborhood wants to introduce themselves (usually by sticking thier nose in your neither regions!)

Put the cat in a cage while you supervise their playtime..... ;)