View Full Version : Foster Failure, Maggie Moo

04-24-2006, 10:38 PM
I know I don't post on the dog-side much but would like for you all to meet Miss Maggie Moo...


We're not really sure where Maggie came from - she just kind of "appeared" a little over two weeks ago. Mom went out to move my car and there was Maggie, a cowering, trembling, emaciated little body full of cuts and scrapes and raw sores. She looked as though she had either been tied up by her feet or confined in a small cage. (Puppy mill victim? She's had at least one litter - but didn't/doesn't have milk.) Her rump has a wound and her tail's been shoddily docked and is sore.

At her first offer of food, she ate about 1/3 of it and hid the other 2/3s. It took a few days of hand feeding and coaching for her to eat the full portion.

She's terrified of men but has REALLY warmed up to dad since the ol' t-r-e-a-t bag was introduced. She's also terrified of bicycles, skateboards, and motorcycles.

Are you sure about this?

Long story short, we exhausted a search for her owners. Certainly if they were abusive, they didn't need her back. But we wondered if maybe she was a recent rescue case or perhaps someone's stolen pet. During the midst of this search, we slowly began testing the waters with our other boxer, Sara. Sara's normally dog-aggressive but showed little interest in Maggie. Even the cats seemed unphased by the new doggie-smell. (I have to "paws" and mention that it was during this time, Miss Staci mentioned, "Ya know. Sometimes you don't know what you need until you get it. It just appears." ;) How prophetic those words would be!)

I need to take a moment and thank Miss Dixieland Dancer who really helped make this possible. We've never had two dogs at a time -let alone an abused dog- and she really took the time to work with us and answer the many questions we had.

Thank you, Candy!!

We weren't 100% sure whether Maggie was a good match for us or whether we were a good match for her (ie did she need to be an only dog?) but spaying was a top priority. Soooo it was off to the vet's!

And of course spay day means an over-nighter at the vet's office....

We cried as we left her - she gave us the tilted head "What did I do wrong? Why are you leaving me?" look. :(

We knew then it was a sealed deal; she was meant to be!

Look at me play! I'm feeling *MUCH* better now!

Maggie Moo's filling out quickly; in person you can still see her ribs and backbone - more so than in these pictures. She's still very wary of strangers and terrified of bicycles, skateboards, and motorcycles. We're still slowly introducting her to Sara and she has yet to meet the cats/bunny but so far so good! :D

She has the most *amazing* personality considering what she's been through in her short little life. Five minutes and I promise you'd be in love. :D

I can't get enough of this darn laser lighter!
(You can see a scar here on her front right foot. She has a matching one -heighth wise- on her other foot but it's much lighter. The flash on the camera fades it out to where you can't see it.)

Sorry this is so long but thanks for letting me ramble about our new girl! :)

04-24-2006, 10:42 PM
Oh yes! And one of big sister Sara waiting for Maggie Moo to get thru with "Spa Day" (a la Loud Louie ;) )...


04-24-2006, 10:44 PM
YAY for foster failures! The only thing I'd ever pride myself in failing...

She is just adorable and ever-so lucky. I'm so glad everyone's getting along with her.. this is just wonderful!

And how perfect is it that you find another female Boxer.... Staci's words ring very true!

It's great to see Sara, too! :)

04-24-2006, 10:45 PM
hehe, congrats! :)

04-24-2006, 10:46 PM
What a sweet little girl!!! Congratulations on your foster failure, those are always the best kind (besides, how could you say no to that adorable smooshy little face?) :). Your family's great for taking her in and she sure looks like she's settling in nicely, it MUST have been fate! :D

04-24-2006, 10:50 PM
I am in love with him already... he is a real handsome dog. I am usually not a fan of Boxers (is that what he is), but he is just beautiful. I hope it all works out for you all!!!

04-24-2006, 11:03 PM
What a beautiful Boxer girl! Congrats on the new addition :)

04-25-2006, 12:06 AM
well you already know that I'm in love with her -
I am so happy that your mom found her -
looking forward to hearing lots about Mad Mags in the future! ;)

Cinder & Smoke
04-25-2006, 12:21 AM

Boy, this sure Took a While to make the News!!

I'm glad the scars don't show up on the photos ...
and Smokey arrived with all ribs and his backbone plainly showing http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif.
Sad sight to see!

Hope Maggie warms up to ALL guys in time - it took SmokeMutt well over a year
before he was comfortable with most any "man" ... before that only a select few
were in his "Circle of Acceptable Guys Who Can Touch Me" - Me, Unka Pat, Doc Mike,
one or two Firefighters, and the Shop's Landlord.

Maybe you can turn her into a GeoMutt to help on searches! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif
Welcom to Heaven on Earth, Maggie!!

04-25-2006, 12:31 AM
She's a cutie!! I love to hear about foster failures.... :D

Killearn Kitties
04-25-2006, 04:05 AM
What a lucky girl! She chose the right car to cower beside, poor baby! :(
I'm so pleased that things are gong so well for her.

04-25-2006, 05:04 AM
Maggie Moo is adorable and so lucky to have found you! :)

04-25-2006, 06:22 AM
Strange how she found the absolute perfect home to wander toward. There was definitely some Divine Intervention for Maggie Moo. Your mom didn't see an angel darting quickly away, did she? She's gorgeous too and has so much the same coloring as Sara. Don't worry if the connection between the two of them isn't immediate. Sometimes it takes a bit to develop the bond, but once they do, it's so much fun to observe. (As for her name, would you consider Maggie Mae*? Then you could sing her that Rod Stewart song ;) ).

You'll absolutely love having *two dogs*. Personally I think it is totally a different experience than having one dog. My husband and I tried very hard to go back to being a one dog family after the passing of our Bailey and then later our Tizzie. Each time it just didn't seem right. I know in the future because of our ages, that will be something we will have to face, but I dread even thinking about not having two. It's so totally different and a totally addictive experience.

Congratulations on the addition to your family. This is indeed a happy happenstance.

04-25-2006, 07:08 AM
That is so awesome that she came to you and you gusy were able to give her such a great home. My girl was also abused and is fearful of most men, except my husband, and was also a seeming abuse case. It warms my heart to see how much love they still have to give after such horrid treatment. I am so happy for her and for you!

Big hugs Maggie!

Daisy and Delilah
04-25-2006, 07:20 AM
OMG!! What a gorgeous girl she is and what an amazing story! No matter where she came from, she has the best home in the world now! Thanks for saving her. She's a jewel :)

04-25-2006, 10:10 AM
Congratulations on your new sweetie - she's a very pretty girl! She and Sara will have so much fun together! Having two doubles the fun, and you don't worry about them getting lonely while you're out. BTW, there's no such thing as "accidently", she was sent to you! ;)

04-25-2006, 10:24 AM
Yahoooo for the Foster Failure!

Her story is horrible but she sure is in good hands now!

She is such an adorable girl! I have two Boxers myself and know how great they can be for pets! :D

Man do I wanna see more of this baby girl!

04-25-2006, 10:59 AM
Congratultions on being a failure!!! Maggie Moo is a beuaty!! So glad she found your family and has fit in so well!!!

04-25-2006, 11:41 AM
Congrats on your new addition!!!:D She's adorable and has found the perfect family.:D

Ginger's Mom
04-25-2006, 12:58 PM
Oh what at great thread! Congratulations. I am sorry to hear that Maggie had such a horrible life, but I agree with Rachel, someone brought her to you to be healed physically and emotionally. I am so glad you and your family were able to take this little girl in and give her a great forever home.

04-25-2006, 03:02 PM
WOW, she must think she is in absolute doggie heaven! Congrats, Tonya, and a special hug to Maggie Moo. I **love** boxers.

04-25-2006, 03:07 PM
;) :eek: WOW Maggie Moo you are so adorable & sweet looking.. Looks as if you have found the perfect loving home & just at the right time..

04-25-2006, 03:10 PM
Ms Zippy, now that you are over on the Dog Side, you need to know that we are a needy bunch....need to know any developments...any *getting acquainted* stories and definitely need more pictures. I'm personally eager to see her with Sara. I just can't get over her being a boxer and with the same coloring. Most of all I'm have all my fingers crossed that she is able to be a good dog with the other critters.

04-25-2006, 03:53 PM
What a face! What a Love! She may have wandered a bit before finding your house, but once there, I am sure she saw the "visible only to critters" sign that says "Pet Talk household - all are welcome!" posted in the front yard. We look forward to many tales of Maggie Moo - especially the "meet the family members" ones - wonder what she'll think of Piper! And K'cee!

04-25-2006, 03:55 PM
Congratulations, she is absolutely beautiful, and you can just see the love and happiness in those sweet soulful eyes. What a wonderful happy story. :)

04-25-2006, 04:03 PM
What a beautiful dog! Congrats to you! I agree with the others, she has found her perfect family. :D

04-25-2006, 04:23 PM
Gosh Tonya, she's beautiful. :) Love the name too.With love and
regular meals I'll bet she would soon fill out & feel even better.So glad
Maggie Moo found you & your Mom.She's a lucky girl.Best of luck with
all the other introductions. It's funny but Her name is close to my pet
name for my pup Maggie. I call her Maggie Moo-ski. :D

04-25-2006, 05:50 PM
What a beautiful pup! I'm so glad that she found you guys. Sometimes, it seems like pets "find" their families more than the people "finding" the pets... in this case it really seems meant to be. She is really such a beautiful dog, she looks like such a sweetheart.

04-25-2006, 06:03 PM
awwwww! what a sweet face! :D

04-25-2006, 06:28 PM
OMD Zippy.....I had no idea this was going on.....I really don't get to the dog side very often. :o What a sweet facie and yes, I can see that she decided to adopt you guys. Congrats Tonya and welcome to Pet Talk Maggie Moo. :)

04-25-2006, 06:39 PM
What a happy ending! I'm so glad that beautiful baby has a furever home! She's adorable and so is Sara. :) Congrats on the new baby!

04-25-2006, 10:59 PM
a boxer ... with the same coloring.

Want a story? :D Ya got it!

They are indeed very similar in coloring (though Sara is darker and overall just plain bigger -- not to mention MUCH more CALM lol). We are SLOWLY working on introducing Maggie to Sara and cat intros haven't gotten further than meeting thru a glass door. That said, until we are sure of reactions (both canine and feline) Maggie's primarily an outside dog (crated, inside at night tho).

Back to the "look alikes"...
My sis and I decided to put the cats in her room and switch the dogs... Sara outside, Maggie inside... then we booked it (both of us laughing, not wanting to call attention to what just took place). After a few seconds we here, "Settle down, Sa-- HEY! How'd you get in here?!" :D

Lessons learned from that experience:
Wildchild is a counter surfin' couch hurdler. (One leap and she was on the other side of the sofa!) Yeah... gonna hafta seriously work on those house manners. lol

Don't get me wrong, Maggie is PLENTY helpful. Why, she broke the broom in half sweeping the cobwebs out of the garden (now that's a lot of "sweeping" isn't it? lol), "weeded" the flower garden roots and all (opps! who knew the red ones were actually suppose to be there?), re-worked (read: chewed) a solar light, and brought the cat pan back to the porch to dry off (despite the fact it was supposed to be soaking in soapy water). Could any one ask for a better helper?! lol :D

04-25-2006, 11:07 PM
She's beautiful!!!! Congrats!!

04-25-2006, 11:07 PM
WOW, she must think she is in absolute doggie heaven! Congrats, Tonya, and a special hug to Maggie Moo. I **love** boxers.

Your family used to raise them, didn't they Jo? I was thinking you had a "boxer connection" somewhere. :)

Love the name too. ... Her name is close to my pet
name for my pup Maggie. I call her Maggie Moo-ski. :D
Maggie Moo-ski, too cute! :D

Maggie was actually "Gretchen" before she was "Maggie." It was kind of a toss-up but "Maggie" won.

Thanks guys, for your wonderful replies! Thanks for welcoming our new girlie!

04-25-2006, 11:45 PM
Oh Zip - congrats on such a fantastic failure!!!!! :D

She is beautiful!
Just like her rescuer!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
04-26-2006, 12:48 AM
Wildchild is a counter surfin' couch hurdler ...

Maggie is PLENTY helpful ...
she broke the broom in half sweeping the cobwebs out of the garden ...
"weeded" the flower garden roots and all ...
re-worked (read: chewed) a solar light ...
brought the cat pan back to the porch to dry off
(despite the fact it was supposed to be soaking in soapy water) ...


How "handy" she is!

Sounds like Miz Maggie brought a LOT of great "Talents" with her! :p

Have you offered her a TOY instead of the broom?


04-26-2006, 06:49 AM
Yup, Maggie is definitely going to need plenty of playtime. I'd suggest engaging her in an activity that takes advantage of some of that boundless energy. She sounds like the type who may enjoy a game of *catch the ball*. Then too, the more you work with her on learning a few commands, those inside manners should improve. Sara perhaps has you all a little spoiled when it comes to living with a dog, but don't dispair, Maggie just has lots to learn and in the end you'll find it to be a blessing because Maggie has lots to teach too.

The *switching the dogs* story made me smile. My neighbors and our family once became the owners of sibling puppies. One day about 3 months into raising Bailey, the neighbors decided to do a switch on me. It took about 10 minutes for me to figure it out, all the while they were having a good laugh.

04-26-2006, 08:07 AM
Have you offered her a TOY instead of the broom?

Yes sir but guess what she prefers? lol The stuffies are already gutted but the balls, kong, and tennis shoe are in working condition! lol

Yup, Maggie is definitely going to need plenty of playtime. I'd suggest engaging her in an activity that takes advantage of some of that boundless energy.
LASER LIGHT! She loves it as much as K'Cee does! Right now, we're "taking it easy" (as easy as possible) since she has stitches but you can definitely tell there's some pent up energy there! As for commands, she's got sit, stay, and lay down pat .... as long as there's a treat or toy in your hand. lol

Sara perhaps has you all a little spoiled when it comes to living with a dog...
This made me snicker a little bit. :D
When Sara was a pup, she "rewired" a (new) Ranger boat for us, ate the rosebushes down to stubs (she was a frequent gardener), chewed on the HOUSE.... It honestly took her about 4-5 years to settle down. Even now at 7, she's still ready for a romp.

I got my first dog at the age of 3, a cocker named ButterScotch, who was a complete lady thru and thru -- elegant and dainty all of her 15 yrs. These gals we have now... :D "elegant" and "dainty" just don't cover it. lol

I'll try to get pics of the girls for ya this evening. :)

04-26-2006, 08:27 AM
OMG!! She's beautiful!!!

Cinder & Smoke
04-26-2006, 10:01 AM
... but the balls, kong, and tennis shoe are in working condition! lol


I read somewhere that "old" (and un-wanted) shoes made for poor dawg toys ...

Reason being the Dawg can't tell the difference between his/her "old & unwanted"
shoe and your newest and most prized pair ...

I remember when we gave Casey (RB http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif First Shepherd) a ratty throw pillow from
the couch to use as "her" toss & tug toy ... ebberbuddy happy for a month or so ...
Came home one day to find EVERY throw pillow destroyed and scattered around
the living room! http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif
To her eyes, they all looked the same! :rolleyes:

04-26-2006, 10:01 AM
Maybe once Mags gets healed up you need to one of those bike things that Amy and Anna have for the huskies. :confused:
Or maybe find a greyhound (dog) and tie her to it! ;)


or how about mushing? :p

04-26-2006, 10:10 AM
Looks like you all are plenty able to deal with the likes of Maggie Moo. Just another confirmation that she came to the right house...previously boxer tested and approved. :p

04-26-2006, 11:11 AM
One look at that face and her condition would make me a foster failure too!

How smart is that - going right up to the correct house - and perfect person - your Mom!

Garden lights? My neighbor's Golden has eaten every single one of them - and she had dozens for her large back yard.

Flowers for the garden? My niece's pitty made the back yard look like a construction site. Not ONE bush, flower, weed left. That girl took her job seriously.

I hope all of the introductions go well. It doesn't sound as though she has been "invited in" too many times - so her house manners may need some work.

She really is a beautiful dog.........and a very lucky one at that. I am flat out jealous.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-26-2006, 03:21 PM
WHAT a sweet and beautiful face!!! No, it didn't even take 1 single minute to fall in love with her!!!

04-26-2006, 10:28 PM
Tonya, congratulations!! Wow, she sure is a gorgeous dog! That's amazing that she looks so much like Sara. Both are stunning dogs, I hope you make yourself a little more at home on the dog side and post lots of pics of them both! :p

04-26-2006, 10:49 PM
Oh my she looks like my Tyson. You will have to add to my boxer shorts stories.

04-26-2006, 11:41 PM
Well, I tried. (And will try again tomorrow-ish.) I was busy until dark and then Maggie was being a wiggle worm (camera flash = new form of laser light, apparently) and wouldn't hold still for nuffin'. Then Sara went spastic and didn't want to do anything but play... LOL

At any rate, this was the best (or at least, most calm) snappie that I got. Be sure to look in the door. ;) (And please ignore our ugly porch! :o We're trying to scrape that old stuff off so we can repaint.)

(Things got a little too rowdy so, as a precaution, I put them in a time out. I'm just not 100% comfortable with them being together, yet.)

I snapped this one the other day. Miss Sara sure is lookin' older. :(

04-27-2006, 07:04 AM
Oh, my. They are just going to be so much fun together. Of course I trust your judgement but it is hard to wait for these two to prove themselves as a dynamic duo. I guess one suggestion I would have would be to take them both on a walk together (each dog with their individual person - leashed of course). They will each be occupied with the activity of walking, under the control of the leash, yet in close association with each other to get used to being together. Plus these two are going to turn some heads (hunk magnets perhaps?)

Great picture of Sara. That's the framing variety.

Dixieland Dancer
04-27-2006, 08:37 AM
I guess one suggestion I would have would be to take them both on a walk together (each dog with their individual person - leashed of course). They will each be occupied with the activity of walking, under the control of the leash, yet in close association with each other to get used to being together.

Tonya, you already know how excited I am by your failed foster! I think Maggie Moo is a beautiful and very lucky girl! About the walking together part... Normally, I would agree but because of the other issues with strangers and different environmental triggers that she has, I would wait for a little while before doing that. It's not just a socialization issue with Sara but a socialization issue of the big bad world outside that apparently caused her much pain and suffering in the past. Walking her alone so you can deal just with these issues (at least until you start seeing some progress) would be the best route for now.

I love seeing her pictures! She is very photogenic!

04-27-2006, 09:18 PM
Progress! :D
Today they shared a toy with absolutely no problems. (Sorry for so many pictures.)

Hey! What is this thing?

Not sure but it's tons of fun!

Catch me if you can!


04-27-2006, 09:18 PM

What happened?

It's ok. I'll take the leg.

Frogs are yummy.

04-27-2006, 09:38 PM
It's ... a socialization issue of the big bad world outside that apparently caused her much pain and suffering in the past.

We walk Sara almost everynight and I'm definitely looking forward to the Magster tagging along. However, she has *severe* fear issues with men and also bicycles. (We live right beside a park - there are TONS of kids on bikes.)

Miss Dixieland has given us some wonderful advice (both on and off the board - thank you again, btw ;) ) on how to help Maggie; erring on the side of caution, it will probably be a couple of weeks before we attempt another walkie.

We did have a walkie in the *house* today, though. (That's where we found Mr. Frog. lol) Methinks, a few of these a day will be good to acquaint her with the kitty-smells and vice versa. I think Sid will be the lucky one to meet Magge first; I'm concerned we're going to have problems with K'Cee as she's VERY territorial. Hopefully, it will be as easy as it was with Sara. :)

04-27-2006, 09:41 PM
Oh Tonya, WHAT JOY in those pictures.

But are you sure that frog legs are good for her diet? :D :D

04-27-2006, 11:31 PM
It's ok. I'll take the leg.

This is the cutest pic!
LOVE THEM ALL - don't you apologize ever for sharing pics with us - b/c it's soooo darned RARE!!! Now if we can just have some kitty pics and bunny pics!
Smooches to both of my favorite boxer girls!

04-28-2006, 12:04 AM
Aww the two of them look so cute playing with each other! It looks like she is doing so well with her new home :D

04-28-2006, 12:41 AM
so sorry to have just seen this..
Tonya, this wonderful thread with lovely pics of Maggie Moo and Sara thrilled me to the core!
Thank you with huge hugs for being such a failure!

04-28-2006, 01:02 AM
Great pictures.:) I love this one. It cracks me up. LOL

Please keep the pictures coming.:)

Lady's Human
04-28-2006, 01:23 AM
This thread is the exact reason LOH will NEVER let me foster dogs.......They'd all be failures! :D

Ginger's Mom
04-28-2006, 05:53 AM
I LOVE the pictures of the girls playing together with the frog. :D Way too cute. I hope she starts to settle in soon.

04-28-2006, 10:48 AM
Oh, I am so thrilled but not surprised that these two appear at ease with one another. That they can even share a toy is really encouraging. I'm thinking they will be just fine, but of course good to have them under your supervision while together until you feel comfortable. You'll know.

And they are just so gorgeous together. I can't stop looking at these pictures. What fun it must be to watch them in real life. My fingers are crossed that all goes well with the rest of the critters.

Thank you, Zippy!

04-29-2006, 07:18 PM
They look so happy together! I really love the photo that Staci re-posted, TOO CUTE!

04-29-2006, 09:30 PM
Oh my... both girls are just beautiful! I'm so glad that your mom found her! I bet she's sooo happy with your family! Bless you for taking her in! She's just the cutest little girl... and so is miss Sara! Great pictures, Tonya! :) :)

04-30-2006, 11:59 AM
I came back here just to have another look. They sure are cute!

Ah, isn't failure grand???

Cinder & Smoke
07-09-2006, 03:35 PM
Hey Zippy-Kat ~

Aren't we overdue for a Maggie Tail or two or three???

She and Sara seem to get along great - how are the
REST of the Furry Kids adjusting?

And are you doing Walkies in the Great Scary World, yet?

And fresh photos would be nice, too!!


07-09-2006, 03:42 PM
Whoa! How did I miss this thread?? Thank you Phred for bumping it up! Maggie is adorable, and those froggie pictures are priceless. I agree, we defiitely need some more "tails" and more pictures! Definitely!!!! :D

Cinder & Smoke
07-13-2006, 10:17 PM
< koffs >

Oh Zippy-Kat ...

Where DOES that girl get to ????


Hope NewPup is starting to Learn the House Rules.

07-15-2006, 12:46 AM
Oh wow! :o Sorry, I didn't see this; I haven't been on much lately. I had a lovely chemical burn in my throat (I swallowed an antibiotic but it didn't go down, got stuck in my throat) and just didn't feel "gud" for a couple of weeks, then work schtuff and other stress.... but here I is! lol

Uppiedate on Maggie Moo... Hmm, let's see...

She finally got in to see Doc N (our regular vet) for her wellness exam. (Doc N's helper-vet quit and he's been booked like crazy... and MM's original appointment kept getting pushed back b/c we had to take Sara in her place a few times - but that's another story.) While in the waiting room, Maggie wouldn't sit anywhere except Mom's lap. :D She passed the wellness check with flying colors (although I don't think Doc N believed Mom "just found" her lol).

Men, bicycles, and skateboards are still very scary to her. We've resumed walkies but haven't gone the last couple of weeks due to evening thunderstorms.

We have to watch her like a hawk if she's outside; she'll jump the fence in a heartbeat. Not sure how to break her of that. Anyone have any ideas?

Mags and Sara were getting along great but lately Sara's become more aggressive. I think this is because Sara hasn't been feeling too well; she hurt her eye awhile back when they were playing. (It either got scratched by the toy or by Maggie's foot - not sure which.) At any rate, we took Sara to the vet and the prescribed medicine cleared up one spot but made the other one worse. Soooo... we're trying a different medicine and have a follow up this coming week.

The only drawback to Miss Maggie Moo is that she is NOT kitty-friendly. We're working with her and while she is better, it's still far from ideal. It's not that she's aggressive, she just thinks they're squeaky toys on legs... fun to chase and all that... I don't know what she'd do if she cornered one and I'm NOT willing to take that chance. And for that reason, she spends most of her "inside time" in a crate or hitched to a human. :(

My cam batteries are DEAD; I will charge them up right now and hopefully get some new pics posted soon! Thanks for askin' about us! :)

07-15-2006, 01:27 AM
special hugs to my bestest boxer duo - and the entire KLAN from New Mexico! :)
See you in a week!

Ginger's Mom
07-15-2006, 05:34 AM
Good to hear from you Tanya. Glad to hear that Maggie did well on her wellness check, and that she and Sara are getting along. It sure can be hard teaching a new dog how to live in an established fur family. Hugs to you and your family (both skin and fur) for your patience. Can't wait for pictures.

Cinder & Smoke
07-15-2006, 08:55 AM
She passed the wellness check with flying colors
(although I don't think Doc N believed Mom "just found" her lol).

We have to watch her like a hawk if she's outside;
she'll jump the fence in a heartbeat.
Not sure how to break her of that. Anyone have any ideas?

Consider rigging a Dog Trolley across the back yard ...

Here's a link >>>

You can Google "Dog Trolley" and get a lot of hits.
And visit Home Depot or Lowe's - they both have several "Trolley Kits" or
you can buy the individual pieces & parts.
Some tips:

* Install it HIGH enough that Dad can walk under it!
* Put "Stoppers" near the ends - so Maggie can't jump over the fences / walls.
* Use a Heavy Duty SPRING on the trolley wire to absorb shocks.
* Some folks put a SPRING on the dog's tie-down lead, too.