View Full Version : My Insane Life *NOW WITH PICTURES*

04-24-2006, 08:53 PM
ARGHH!!!!!! If they aren't in roof tops, they're underground! Several of us have been working on removing cats from a site in Boston that is undergoing major development. Many of the cats have been TNR, but now are finding their feeding areas etc. being torn down for people....and to be blunt I would never have put any cat back in some of these horrid areas to begin with! They are being rehomed into a sanctuary, but sadly some were not even feral to begin with I suspect. But to make a veeeery long story a bit shorter, a friend and I were out there Sat. night, and noticed an obviously lactating tiny white cat at one of the feeding areas. We watched as she left and headed away a short distance away, and slipped under the chainlink fencing surrounding the area. I jumped out of the car and lo-and-behold, saw her babies greeting her as she vanished under huge slabs of iron partly buried under the ground! The only way into this area, which has high chain link fencing all around it, is a very long walk across fields, and (falling into the ocean) piers, not to mention all in a NO TRESPASSING area! Armed with traps, and nets, and trusty laundry bags, we walked through and set traps under the iron sheets, which in itself was not easy! One sheet of iron was on top of another, and they had been there for so many years trees were growing thru them and roots over, but there was a very big area under one where mom had apparently had her kittens. No other possible place anyway poor girl :-( I saw 4 tiny babies about 5-6 weeks old. :eek: Saturday night after many hours in the pouring rain, two finally went into the kitten trap and triggered it. I knew then that one alone was not heavy enough to trigger the trap. At 11:something that night, we threw in the towel (soaking wet ones....I sat in pouring rain for 4+ hours that night :rolleyes: ) and left 2 kitten traps, and a larger one stuffed under the iron boards. I got all of 3-4 hours of 'sleep' on the couch as the 2 babies cried allllll night, but was up again and back there at 7 AM to find momcat trapped, but not the 2 kittens. Five plus hours later Sunday, and after placing the one mouthy baby in a carrier behind the trap, being paranoid about the police pulling up just as I had left the "NO TRESPASSING" area.(I was by myself on Sunday for the most part)...FINALLY the other 2 went into the same trap and had enough weight to trigger the danged thing! And then to top it off, I find out there were 6 kittens to begin with, and lowlife, deadbeats grabbed up 2 a few weeks ago!! GRR!! But there's persons hopefully finding out who got them, and assuring they get fixed even if someone else pays! So needless to say..it's been an exhausting weekend....and cold and drizzly to top it off. Three pure white with grey toupees, and one brown tabby baby hissy faced boy :-) Two boys, and two girls, and all beyond cute!! Are all your heads reeling yet??? Mine hasn't stopped! Back to bed for the next week... I wish...till the next adventure calls...are there kittens on Mars? :-0
Without further ado, and yes mom & babies are showing URI symptoms and are filthy dirty, but are so wiped out too... :(
Notice brown tabby brother never came up for air once lol?! Nursing happily away, only without dirt in his mouth.
Tired dirty little mama girl
The boy of the triplets has dots of grey on his head (he's on the right)...otherwise I don't think I could tell any of them apart!
Still nursing....
First the roof top, and now underground..what's the next adventure?

04-24-2006, 09:23 PM
Jan, I am truly at a loss for words in regards to the lengths that you will go through to rescue these precious cats and kittens. I pray that you do not come down sick from sitting so long out in the rain. Words cannot express how proud I am to know you. :)

How adorable those sweet widdle babies are. I had a cat that looked exactly like mama, all white, but with two separate stripes on the top of her head.
It's so uncanny how three of them look exactly like mama and just one brown tabby.

I pray that they have a full and speedy recovery from their URI.

You are an Angel Jan. A BLESSED ANGEL.


04-24-2006, 11:05 PM
Wow! I just read your story and I am speechless. WOW!

THANK YOU for helping these wonderful furbies.

04-25-2006, 02:24 AM
I dream one day of becoming a rescuer of dogs like you do cats. I'll never be able to live up to it but I can always try. those kitties are just too cute! And I can't believe that one dark one with all the white ones. Maybe that was what the dad was? Loved the pics.

04-25-2006, 04:36 AM
I just saw these and the other family you got in my email.Gosh I would love to have BOTH families. :rolleyes:
Or maybe the boy white kitten.Or all of them.I better go lie down.LOL :rolleyes: :D

04-25-2006, 04:43 AM
Hero is not good enough a word for you. Angel, rescuer, savior, well, there just aren't that many words to describe what you have accomplished.

Looking at those sweet little faces and the tired mamma face just did me in.

That is one happy and safe family, thanks to you.

04-25-2006, 04:53 AM
Jan goes to great lengths to get these precious furry friends.She won't give up till she gets ALL of them too."Families" :) An Angel from Heaven :)

Killearn Kitties
04-25-2006, 05:08 AM
I'm speechless. I'm amazed you got them all. I hope you are none the worse for your weekend spent in the rain! And I'm glad you weren't arrested!

Those are lovely and very lucky little kitties.

04-25-2006, 05:39 AM
All those lovely white kitties!!!!!! I am so glad they are safe now.

04-25-2006, 07:16 AM
Yes definately an angel from Heaven. Jan, the lengths that you go to just amaze me. Momma and her babies are just adorable. Great job.

04-25-2006, 07:27 AM

Maybe a little deep sea rescuing perhaps??? You NEVER cease to amaze me!! I want to come out with you sometime and watch and chronicle what you do. I MAY be able to scrounge a story out of it with pictures to send to Cat Fancy Magazine. How about it???

Glad to see Mama and babies are okay. You rock, girl!!

04-25-2006, 09:36 AM
Your dedication and knowledge is amazing. We are going to be faced with a litter of kittens soon, from a stray, and we need to trap them and trap the mother so that we don't have any more kittens. I didn't know that there were special kitten traps. The only one we have is a larger trap that was supposed to trap the mother, but when she went in to eat the food, she didn't trigger the trap - maybe it needs to be oiled, or maybe it just isn't sensitive enough. Anyway, the baby kittens are just beautiful - I am especially taken by the little white ones. They are so sweet. I am so sorry that you went through all of this and maybe wouldn't have had to if someone hadn't left them there to make it on their own. My brow is furrowed with empathy over your efforts.

04-25-2006, 04:05 PM
Oh my! :eek: I just read the story of you and your rescue, and I am amazed! That was quite the adventure! You go to such lengths to be certain everyone is together!

The pictures are so sweet... and I want them all! ;)

I just love to read of the wonderful stories on PT... there is so much BAD news out there these days that it is refreshing to see something wonderful that has happened!

Great work!

04-25-2006, 04:12 PM
This Truly Is A Wonderful Story And A Reason That I Am Proud To Be A Pet Talker.
There Are 4 More Gold Stars Beside Your Name Jan For These Little Ones That You Have Rescued.
God Bless You,and Help You In Your Good Works.

Laura's Babies
04-27-2006, 08:51 AM
Jan, these kittens are adoreable! Absolutely adoreable! They look like their Mom and are just little carbon copies of her.

I just can not believe what you got though to catch these little babies and don't even dare ask "WHAT NEXT?"!!! :eek:

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-27-2006, 10:15 AM
OMG, you are a real treasure, Jan!! That cat-family is sooo lucky there is someone like you around! Thank you so much for doing this !!!!!!!!!

They all are so adorable!! How cute that there is one brown boy.... the tomcat must have been brown too then, right?