View Full Version : What do you think of these pictures?*Advice appreciated*

04-24-2006, 07:30 PM
I took some pictures of the nature we have in New Jersey in my area about an hour and thirty minutes ago. What do you think of them? I would also like some advice on how to improve my skills and pictures. Thanks! Pics:
Polly noses, helicopter leaves, ect. They have a million names.
More polly noses.
New Jersey sunset from my backyard. I like this one alot!
Last but not least, the maltie. Sorry, I couldn't resist. :o

04-24-2006, 07:49 PM
When doing close up shots, use the macro mode in your camera (if you have it) otherwise don't take shots so close because its focusing on the background and just throws the whole perspective off.

Also when photographing outdoors its important to try to remove as much background clutter as possible. The fence kind of bothers me, but if you would have switched the camera to view the leaves from underneath aimed towards the sky, I think that would have been a muuuch nicer photo!

Also work on lighting just a tad, it just seems off. Does your camera have an outdoor setting (more popular, sunlight or cloudy)

04-24-2006, 07:55 PM
Thank you! No my camera has no macro setting. Its probably one of the first digi cams out there. But it does have an outdoor setting.

04-24-2006, 08:13 PM
I forgot to add this! I DO like the photo of the grass you took; I like the lighting. Seems a tad high in contrast, but I actually like that. Others may not but ah well ;)