View Full Version : Frustration Overload!!!!!

04-24-2006, 07:14 PM
Hi again, PT friends! I really love seeing all your pictures of your wonderful kitty companions. But over the past several weeks my frustration has been increasing by leaps and bounds. I got a nice digital camera with the intention of sharing more pictures of Groucho with all of you. Figured out how to use the camera and started flashy boxing him. Then with the users guide and disc that came with the camera tried to get the pictures on our computer. A message came up saying my high speed camera couldn't load the pics from my low speed computer and recommended an adapter cardbus thing that would solve the problem. Soncat wrote down the recommendation word for word and I took it to Circuit City where I got the camera. Gave the computer tech the recommendation Soncat copied, he asked some questions about our computer then gave me a USB 2.0 2 port cardbus compatable with our Windows XP. Got home, followed the directions step by step to remove the old cardbus and put the new one in, put the disc in when the add hardware wizard said to, hit all the prompts as directed. A message pops up saying the add hardware wizard can't connect to our internet provider. Soncat made sure the internet cable is plugged in properly. The same message keeps coming up even after numerous attempts to get the new cardbus installed. I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, George Carlin's 7 words you can't say on tv have been muttered and thought so many times over this I've lost count and the frustration level is off the chart. I love my Groucho so much and want to share him with all of you but this is proving to be impossible. If there is anyone who knows computers well and might be willing to help fix this discouraging and disheartening problem, your help will mean so much and compensation will be worked out by pm. Thanks for your help!

04-24-2006, 07:44 PM
Momcat, I dont have any real advice but I also was EXTREMELY frustrated when I got my new kodak easy-share P850 digital camera this Christmas. Absolutly nothing about this camera has been easy from the start. My husband spoke to kodaks customer service reps for two days (literally a few hours total time) in order to total re-configure many ,many different computer settings in order to get this thing to work correctly. So I guess what I am trying to say is you may have to call your customer service rep and have them guide you like they did for us. Best wishes :)

04-24-2006, 08:03 PM
I am so sorry that you are having problems Momcat. Since I am computer illiterate myself, I have no advice for you. I had my son work on mine.

I hope the customer service rep will be able to help you out as I am really looking forward to seeing pictures of Groucho.

04-25-2006, 07:38 AM
There is a driver disk (CD-ROM )provided in the box that the USB card came in, correct? If so then there should be a setup program that is activated when you put the CD-ROM disk in. Just follow the prompts. However, if the "Add New Hardware Wizard" comes up, then press cancel. You might have to do this several times as Windows XP detects your new USB card, just keep pressing cancel. You want to use the setup program provided on the CD-ROM disk to install the driver and not the "Add New Hardware" wizard. If you still have problems, let me know what brand and model number of USB card you have and I'll look at the manufacturers' website for further help.



04-25-2006, 04:50 PM
I wish I could help,but I am not a Computer Guru.
You might need a Newer Tower with a built in USB Port.
Or I could be wrong.
Good Luck with Your Groucho Pictures.

04-25-2006, 06:19 PM
As already mentioned, get rid of the add new hardware wizard first then use the disk that came with the USB card. :)

Laura's Babies
04-27-2006, 08:48 AM
Hay! By pass all of that and just get a card reader. I bought one about 3 months ago and I love it! It saves the batteries in the camera, is easy to use and I got mine at Wal Mart for around $50 so I don't even need my camera program on my computer anymore. It is small and light, connect via a USB cord and soooooo easy to use.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-27-2006, 10:19 AM
I wish I could help you..... :(
Inka sends lots of hugs to her loverboy!!