View Full Version : Princess Ivy to the vet!

04-24-2006, 04:59 PM
I just had to take Princess Ivy to the vet. I caught her just getting ready to pee on a Paxil's bed. So I scooped her up and dropped her into a litterbox. Four times in the next ten minutes she went back to that box and didn't produce more than a few drops of urine. When I checked Paxil's bed, there was only a tiny bit of urine on it and it was tinged with blood. Of course, the vet had no open appointments, but he told me to bring her in and he'll examine her asap. This way he can see her during regular office hours instead of at 2am when she still can't pee! So she's spending the afternoon in a cage. Stuart will pick her up on his way home tonight. I hope anyway! She's my nighttime snuggle bug. Neither of us will sleep if she's at the clinic!
My poor little Princess!

Queen of Poop
04-24-2006, 05:12 PM
Oh dear, poor Ivy. Please feel better soon sweetie.

04-24-2006, 05:19 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that your Princess Ivy is having problems and isn't feeling too well. Hopefully your vet will find nothing serious going on here and she'll be snuggling in the bed with you in no time. I do understand how you feel about such wonderful company during the night. I miss Groucho when he decides to spend the night with my son instead of sleeping on my knees. Prayers for Ivy's quick and complete recovery! Groucho sends her feel better purrs and headbumpies, he also sends you kitty hugs and kisses to help you through. Please let us know how Ivy's doing?

04-24-2006, 07:43 PM
Sigh, she can't come home tonight. :( She still hasn't peed. The vet says her bladder is empty and he can't get a urine sample. He doesn't think she's blocked, but suspects an infection. There is a tech who stays overnight at the clinic so she'll be supervised in case she blocks. I know it's the best place for her to be right now, but I want her home! :( I can probably pick her up at noon tomorrow.

04-24-2006, 08:14 PM
Oh beautiful Ivy, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems. I know how you and meowmie will miss each other tonight, so please get some pee out so the vet can check it and put you on the proper medication that you will need to get you on the road to recovery. It's so good that they have a tech that stays overnight to watch the more sickly ones. My vets has one also.

Prayers on the way for you sweetie and ((((((HUGS)))))) for a nervous meowmie.