View Full Version : Your pet peeves

04-23-2006, 10:28 PM
- The term oriental : Nothing cracks me up more than when people refer to a person of unidentifiable Asian descent as "Oriental" :D Of course, it's not proper or polite or politically correct to waltz up to somebody and ask what their race is, but...people, I'm not "oriental", LOL. I'm Asian, yes. Not "oriental". I'm not a rug LMAO!

Okay, now you go! Post *one* pet peeve, please. Otherwise, we'd clog up this whole thread with petty, little annoyances, hehe.

04-23-2006, 10:33 PM
Check this out.....
It will give you everyone's Pet Peeves.

04-23-2006, 10:45 PM
people who add to the pet overpopulation and don't give a crap that there are millions of animals needing homes in shelters. :mad: usually back yard breeders.. :mad:

04-23-2006, 10:51 PM
Whoops, haha, I never do searches. Thanks slick!

Lady's Human
04-23-2006, 11:36 PM
Actually, oriental is a term for the east, which includes Asia, therefor it would be grammatically correct.

Miss Z
04-24-2006, 04:45 AM
One of my pet peeves is when people can't pronounce my name right!!! It is a simple four lettered name, and yet people still call me Sara or Sarah. It really gets on my nerves (no offence to people called Sara or Sarah of course, but I just wanted to be called by my name)! Last year a German lady came to help out in my German lesson and couldn't stop calling me 'tsahaira', even though I told her multiple times how to say Zara. Ggggrrrrrr!!!:p :p :rolleyes: What makes it worse is that I have a very unusual surname, so if I ever tell someone my name, I have to tell them about 10 times, because they think they must have heard it wrong and that no-one could possibly have that surname!:rolleyes: They usually think I've said Sarah Evans, to give you a clue of my last name, as I don't feel that comfortable posting my real surname publically;)

04-24-2006, 07:04 AM
One of my pet peeves is when people can't pronounce my name right!!! It is a simple four lettered name, and yet people still call me Sara or Sarah. It really gets on my nerves (no offence to people called Sara or Sarah of course, but I just wanted to be called by my name)!

I am right next to you, sister! :p :p My name is Zana - it rhymes with Dana. I've been called all sorts of things: Dana, Lana, Zona, even Zora.

I lived in the same small town my entire life until I went to college. All my teachers knew me and knew to pronounce my name "Zana." Then, one of my cousins married a girl named "Jana" (rhymes with Anna) from a different part of the state. Eeep! The name confusion! People wanted to rhyme our names and ended up not getting either one of them right! :rolleyes: :p

04-24-2006, 07:10 AM
Actually, oriental is a term for the east, which includes Asia, therefor it would be grammatically correct.

But I don't suppose it would be politically correct. It's hard to know exactly what the "correct" term is for any race today - so many people want to be called something different. But I think "Asian" is the most common, most correct term to use today.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-24-2006, 07:25 AM
- The term oriental : Nothing cracks me up more than when people refer to a person of unidentifiable Asian descent as "Oriental" :D Of course, it's not proper or polite or politically correct to waltz up to somebody and ask what their race is, but...people, I'm not "oriental", LOL. I'm Asian, yes. Not "oriental". I'm not a rug LMAO!

Okay, now you go! Post *one* pet peeve, please. Otherwise, we'd clog up this whole thread with petty, little annoyances, hehe.

Ha ha, you make me think what my son is complaining about :) . He is a Korean, but lots of people call him "that Chinese"... :eek: Makes him furious!!

04-24-2006, 07:53 AM
Ha ha, you make me think what my son is complaining about :) . He is a Korean, but lots of people call him "that Chinese"... :eek: Makes him furious!!

Since I work in Samsung its sooo easy to get the race right, as they are ALL Korean, White, African or Indian.

My pet peeve is when people call me a Newfie or Korean, I'm neither!! People have to be retarded to think that I'm Korean!! (no offence, its just I look NOTHING like a Korean!). I'm Irish & Matee (sp? its when a Frenchman & native american indian have a baby, that baby is Matee). I've been told I have the Indian cheaks :confused: & my skin is very Irish (VERY pail skin, dad is a red head & has pail skin like me).

Some people need their heads checked!

Suki Wingy
04-24-2006, 11:04 AM
No one can seem to pronounce my name either, it is Eva, Like the name Eve-ah. I get called eva, ava, and sometimes even eve, evie, ev-ie, lots of strange things. It's not even that uncommon!
My real pet peave though is when people stick extra apostraphies in places they DON'T belong, like, "In the 1970's..." or, "My sister knows her ABC's..." :mad:

04-24-2006, 11:14 AM
No one can seem to pronounce my name either, it is Eva, Like the name Eve-ah. I get called eva, ava, and sometimes even eve, evie, ev-ie, lots of strange things. It's not even that uncommon!
My real pet peave though is when people stick extra apostraphies in places they DON'T belong, like, "In the 1970's..." or, "My sister knows her ABC's..." :mad:

BOP! BOP! This is me, bopping myself on the head for being dumb. :p I was about to agree with you when scrolling down, I noticed I placed an apostraphie in the wrong spot in my previous post! I put "cousin's" rather than "cousins" like I should have. I went back and corrected it now. BOP! BOP!

I do agree with you though. I really hate it out in public like on signs and other things. I just wonder why people don't spell check before posting signs and ads where people can see them.

04-24-2006, 12:02 PM
(sp? its when a Frenchman & native american indian have a baby, that baby is Matee
King2005 it's spelled Meti ;)

04-24-2006, 12:27 PM
My biggest pet peeve is when people mix up your, you're and there, their and they're.

04-24-2006, 12:52 PM
When people say my name wrong/spell it wrong. It's Bri-Anna just spelled Briana. I get called Brieyonna, and grr I hate it. I can understand the spelling, but if its right in front of people and they STILL spell it wrong...:rolleyes:

04-24-2006, 01:00 PM
My biggest pet peeve is when people mix up your, you're and there, their and they're.
I was justttt going to post about that

I would say its and it's too but even I get those mixed up (besides, aren't they backwards from "proper" grammar? Like, "It's a nice day out" and "look at its tail!")

finn's mom
04-24-2006, 01:04 PM
I was justttt going to post about that

I would say its and it's too but even I get those mixed up (besides, aren't they backwards from "proper" grammar? Like, "It's a nice day out" and "look at its tail!")

Aren't you supposed to put an apostrophe there, too? "look at it's tail!" hahahaha, now i'm confused. I thought if it was possessive, you put an apostrophe...like Jason's hat or it's tail or the car's engine...or maybe the its/it's thing is the one that that rule doesn't apply to. I think my niece (she is a language arts teacher) told me about that once...I'll have to ask her again. ;)

04-24-2006, 01:15 PM
Nope, "its" doesn't use an apostrophe because then it would be the same word as the contraction. Also it's a pronoun when used that way and you don't say "her's" you say hers. Hard to explain :D. But all those little grammatical things bother me, mainly when I see them in web pages, newspapers, published things, etc. I mess up too sometimes if I'm out of it and type something hastily.

04-24-2006, 01:18 PM
Aren't you supposed to put an apostrophe there, too? "look at it's tail!" hahahaha, now i'm confused. I thought if it was possessive, you put an apostrophe...like Jason's hat or it's tail or the car's engine...or maybe the its/it's thing is the one that that rule doesn't apply to. I think my niece (she is a language arts teacher) told me about that once...I'll have to ask her again. ;)
See, that's what I'm talking about. It's backwards lol

But yeah k9soul explained it, it's just hard to remember which way it goes sometimes!

I probably made a mistake even using it in this post LOL

finn's mom
04-24-2006, 03:39 PM
Nope, "its" doesn't use an apostrophe because then it would be the same word as the contraction. Also it's a pronoun when used that way and you don't say "her's" you say hers. Hard to explain :D. But all those little grammatical things bother me, mainly when I see them in web pages, newspapers, published things, etc. I mess up too sometimes if I'm out of it and type something hastily.

Ok, that's what I was thinking...but, it gets weird. ;) I remember that exception to the rule now, as far as possessive words using the apostrophe. I'll have to try to remember that it doesn't apply to pronouns. Thanks, man, I knew someone would be able to explain it, I shoulda know it would be you! ;)

Suki Wingy
04-24-2006, 03:50 PM
But all those little grammatical things bother me, mainly when I see them in web pages, newspapers, published things, etc. I mess up too sometimes if I'm out of it and type something hastily.
Exactly. I saw a sign at Dairy Queen the other day that said, "Cake's to make your day special!" or something like that but it was written on the professional poster "cake's"

04-24-2006, 04:07 PM
Nope, "its" doesn't use an apostrophe because then it would be the same word as the contraction.

Because no other word in the English language has two meanings. ;)

04-24-2006, 04:20 PM
Because no other word in the English language has two meanings. ;)

I didn't mean it that way. It's not the same word with two different meanings, it's two completely different words. An apostrophe denotes either possessive or contraction but never both. It's a symbol that means that it is a combined word with syllables missing or even when denoting slang "I'm drivin' down the road." (apostrophe to denote the missing g). Not the same "There is a bear over there." and "I guess I can bear the weight."

Maybe if my brain wasn't in such a fog I could explain it better but it has to do with a symbol and not the actual word meaning two different things.

It's like if you are saying "A's, B's and C's" you have to use an apostrophe, otherwise the word will be As. But if you say ABCs there will be no apostrophe there. It's not a different meaning, it makes it a completely different word.

04-24-2006, 05:46 PM
Well most of my pet peeves are not about grammar, but I find some of those things annoying too.

I REALLY hate it when people throw cigarettes onto the ground. Like, out of their car window (usually still lit) or when they are done they simply put them out and leave them on the ground. I see this A LOT living in a college town. Why don't they understand a cigarette butt is still litter?? :mad:

04-24-2006, 06:59 PM
I REALLY hate it when people throw cigarettes onto the ground. Like, out of their car window (usually still lit) or when they are done they simply put them out and leave them on the ground. I see this A LOT living in a college town. Why don't they understand a cigarette butt is still litter?? :mad:

Oh, that is my pet peeve too. :mad: Those dastardly cigarette butts are everywhere. I think that stores that sell cigarettes should pay an extra tax which could be used to employ people to go around and pick up those butts.

Another thing I hate to see is a parent out and about with their children but instead of engaging their children in conversation, the parent is yakking away on a cell phone.

04-24-2006, 07:53 PM
I REALLY hate it when people throw cigarettes onto the ground. Like, out of their car window (usually still lit) or when they are done they simply put them out and leave them on the ground. I see this A LOT living in a college town. Why don't they understand a cigarette butt is still litter?? :mad:
me too!

One of mine is when people dont put their carts away at the grocery store. We have a dent in our car now because a lazy person could'nt take 10 seconds to put their cart away. :mad: Some lady left a cart behind our car too and we honked the horn at her.
and when people cant seem to say or spell my last name right. :o

04-24-2006, 08:46 PM
Mine currently is people who seem to see through motorcycles on the road. We almost got merged into on a very large and busy street recently because someone looked to change lanes and somehow didn't see us?!?? :confused:

04-24-2006, 09:00 PM
I always remember
It's chasing its tail. ----> It is chasing its tail not ---- It's chasing it is tail

04-25-2006, 11:39 AM
I've been bugged for years about 'waiting on'.

I am not waiting on John. I am waiting for him. It would be very uncomfortable for both of us if I was waiting ON him!

04-25-2006, 11:58 AM
Two words- BARKING DOGS! Yes, I know dogs bark. And, it is usually not thier problem (or, there problem?LOL). But, egads, for 1.5 hours?

Suki Wingy
04-25-2006, 08:29 PM
uh... Sorry in advance if you ever stay in my area of Chicagoland. We're trying to fix that. Also the busting through the gate and running like a maniac through the streets no matter what we do to keep in closed. :mad: :rolleyes:

04-25-2006, 08:34 PM
Run-on sentences. Very annoying and confusing to someone who reads your post. I know nobody's perfect but at least put a comma.

04-25-2006, 08:43 PM
When people talk really loudly on their cell phones in small, public places.

04-26-2006, 06:23 AM
One of my pet peeves is people who are rude to everyone else and expect people to apologize to them for rudeness yet never make any kind of apologies of their own.

Sorry have to add another,
People who are so into their own little world and worried about themselves they will stop in the middle of the aisle of a store and not even move when people nicely say "excuse me" to try to get by or who wait for 5 minutes to try to buy something they are standing in front of. RUDE!!

Miss Z
04-26-2006, 10:00 AM
Sorry have to add another,
People who are so into their own little world and worried about themselves they will stop in the middle of the aisle of a store and not even move when people nicely say "excuse me" to try to get by or who wait for 5 minutes to try to buy something they are standing in front of. RUDE!!

Yup, that really annoys me too. :rolleyes:

Another one of my pet peeves is when people act disgusted at the idea of pet rats, or any other pet with a bad rep. It annoys me too when they won't take in anything I tell them about how rats make brilliant pets and how they do not deserve their reputation. When Foxy was still alive, it used to get on my nerves when people would coo over Foxy and then recoil at Tia:mad: :rolleyes: Foxy was a very cute ball of fluff, but so is Tia! People need to see past the stereotype and see the intelligent little critter they really are. OK, vent over;)

04-26-2006, 01:57 PM
People that don't clean up after their dogs! :mad:

finn's mom
05-03-2006, 01:48 PM
When people say "shi*-zoo" (I put the asterisk there because I didn't want to cuss in Pet Talk, but, to avoid any possible confusion, the asterisk is a "t")instead of "sheed-zoo" when talking about the breed, the shih tzu. Ugh. ;) They're called pet peeves for a reason, because they're usually petty. But, hey, this one just makes me cringe.

05-03-2006, 03:04 PM
When people say "shi*-zoo" (I put the asterisk there because I didn't want to cuss in Pet Talk, but, to avoid any possible confusion, the asterisk is a "t")instead of "sheed-zoo" when talking about the breed, the shih tzu. Ugh. ;) They're called pet peeves for a reason, because they're usually petty. But, hey, this one just makes me cringe.

WELL, your pet peeve is a called a pet peeve for TWO reasons- it is PETty (as in pet related) and it **could** be considered petty(but, not by me, of course :D ).

finn's mom
05-03-2006, 03:56 PM
WELL, your pet peeve is a called a pet peeve for TWO reasons- it is PETty (as in pet related) and it **could** be considered petty(but, not by me, of course :D ).

hahaha, that's a good one. thanks for the giggle. it is petty, though, and, i know it. ;) but, it still bugs me. ;)

10-12-2006, 12:26 PM
Had to share this one! The gym we go to has a parking garage for members, and the first level is only handicapped and COMPACT car parking. When I went today, there were only a few legitamately compact cars, and the rest were HUGE SUVs. They take up the whole spot, from line to line and go beyond it on the ends.

Not only does it make parking for other cars difficult, but they are people who are there presumably to get exercise and they are too lazy to walk an extra 100 yards!!!!!!!!!!! Sheesh.

10-12-2006, 12:29 PM
People that don't clean up after their dogs! :mad:

Same here I mean honestly dont those people know what pick up that dogs poop means. :rolleyes:

I hate it when people chew with there mouth open HATE IT!!

10-12-2006, 02:22 PM
~people don't pick up there dog poop(already said put can't be said to much)
~when people say cats aren't that loving
~when people call me a boy i don't know why maybe because i have really short hair but it has happened a few to many times

10-12-2006, 05:20 PM
~People who put themselves down or think negatively towards themselves. (I have had to resort to hitting my friend any time she says something bad about her image or anything!)

~People who keep reminding you of a tragic event that happened in their life. (Like my one friend, her house burned down two year ago. I'm not saying that that's incredibly tragic or anything, it's just that she got mad at me and my other friend who started laughing at a comment my teacher made about burning. We were talking about chemical changes or something like that, and he mentioned burning a piece of paper.)

~When somebody spends like 8 hours fixing their hair and/or whine when it gets messed up in the slightest way. It bugs the crap out of me! You don't have to look perfect while you are at school you know! Same thing with make-up. It just irks me a lot.