View Full Version : Grrrr...

Miss Z
04-23-2006, 04:09 PM
I don't post to often here in dog general, but I just had to vent about this. I went to a car boot sale today with my dad, to get rid of loads of our old stuff profitably instead of just chucking it away. It's quite a big area, so many people walk their dogs whilst they're browsing the stalls, and I quite enjoyed it, not just the selling but seeing all the doggies go by, including an adorable little chihuahua who came up to the stall and who I got to stroke:) . Well, after about two hours, I saw a guy with a black lab, a fairly young one, probably about a year old (the dog, not the guy:p ) I was thinking what a sweet dog it was, when the man started walking with the dog. Then, to my horror, the man suddenly yanked the lead back, for no reason! The dog wasn't even straining at the leash or anything. He kept on doing this, every stride or so, just yanking the dog back to behind heel. As he got a little closer, I saw that the dog had a huge metal collar and leash. My blood was boiling, but I thought maybe the dog has training issues or something and needed to be disciplined. But when he got even closer, I saw that everytime the man yanked the lead, the dog's tail went between it's legs and he let out a quiet strangled whimper, and it also looked to me like the collar was too tight as flaps of skin bulged out from either side of it, and I also noticed he was on the thin side. I was practically livid.

I told my dad not to sell to him if he came to the stall, there was NO WAY I would co-operate with that guy. Furthermore, I told dad that if he did dare to walk up to the stall, I would be giving him a long lecture on animal rights and what an idiot he is. He didn't come to the stall though, but I watched him go all the way up the field until I couldn't see him anymore, he was still yanking away at the lead and was also swearing at the dog. I had a good mind to follow him and publically humiliate him. I wish that there had been a way to identify him so I could have done something, but there was nothing. I felt a bit useless at that point and I'm still thinking about that lab and what it's having to endure now:(

There are so many idiots in the world!:mad: :mad:

04-23-2006, 04:50 PM
Just which one should be called the "animal" in this scenario? :mad: Poor baby :(

04-23-2006, 04:54 PM
I probably would have gone to talk to the guy, but that's just me. Certain individuals think I have no sense of danger, but again, that's just how I am. I would have asked if he was just training him, why he was yanking like that, etc.

04-23-2006, 04:56 PM
Aww, poor dog! :(

04-23-2006, 05:07 PM
It sounds like he was using a prong collar by the way you say his sking was bulgging out the sides. Wich should NOT be used on a small puppy. And a chain leash on a small puppy is too heavy. GRR I would of said something. Poor puppy

04-23-2006, 05:26 PM
poor dog :( :mad: It sounds like he was using a prong collar,and that is definently not how to use it. I would have said something to the owner!

04-23-2006, 05:46 PM
Miss Z is a young girl, after all. It perhaps would have been unwise for her to confront a grown man at any given situation, even in a public place... unfortunately :(

04-23-2006, 06:19 PM
Just which one should be called the "animal" in this scenario? :mad: Poor baby :(

I completely agree. :)

Miss Z
04-24-2006, 04:33 AM
Miss Z is a young girl, after all. It perhaps would have been unwise for her to confront a grown man at any given situation, even in a public place... unfortunately :(

Yes, that is what did cross my mind. I would have loved to have gone up to him and given him a lecture, but it would be unlikely that he would listen to anything I, a mere teenager, had to say say. He sounded pretty violent too from the way he was swearing at the poor dog:(

A prong collar...that does not sound nice at all:(

04-24-2006, 05:49 AM
Miss Z is a young girl, after all. It perhaps would have been unwise for her to confront a grown man at any given situation, even in a public place... unfortunately :(

I agree completely. Although I can REALLY understand why you would want to, it's not wise as a young girl to confront a grown man, it's just not safe. I sure do understand why you would be angry, I would have been too. As an adult I probably would have said something, but I wouldn't recommend a younger person confront an adult in a situation like that.