View Full Version : gold color matching

04-21-2006, 06:01 PM
How important do you think it is that the color of the bride's ring matches the color the the grooms?
We just bought hubby the most gorgeous new band

and we're looking to buy me a new set as well. Issue is, I have sort of fallen for a white gold set. What do you think about hubbyy having yellow gold and me having white?

04-21-2006, 06:05 PM
I don't see any problem with that at all. I say get what you love, and hubbys is very nice looking.

04-21-2006, 06:41 PM
same situation here *raises hand* i love white gold adn am thinking myself getting a set in that color, adn perhaps getting hubby one too, although he loves yellow so i think if you like it go for it, i mean i like my yellow set but i love more the white gold..........and besides a women has to match all accesories and clothing huh??.........so get what you like best

04-21-2006, 06:47 PM
As long as you know you're married to each other, I think it's fine. It isn't traditional, but if the styles kinda match, even if the colors don;t, folks oughta "get it."

04-21-2006, 06:49 PM
:D yeah, you guys are right. I'll probably get the white gold set. The set that I looked at was under the counter. They are going to be selling it as a part of a Mother's Day sale at our BX, so I have until the 29th until they can actually sell it to me. I just don't know!!!
I'm probably going to be stopping by the jewelry counter every time I go to the BX this week :D :D

04-21-2006, 06:50 PM
I think it's fine! I really do like white gold. Your hubbys ring is very nice!

04-21-2006, 07:12 PM
I don't think it makes any difference. They don't need to match. Bobcat's and mine don't match. Nobody has ever noticed or mentioned it. We'll be celebrating #17 next month.

04-21-2006, 08:32 PM
Hubby's and mine don't match. I got what I wanted and he got what he wanted. Doesn't matter to me, I know he's MY husband and that's all that matters.

04-21-2006, 08:46 PM
Mine and hubby's don't match -- in fact it wasn't until recently that I ever knew they traditionally match! Nobody I know has matching rings. My brother has white gold, his wife a combo of yellow gold and platinum. I say go with what looks good with your skin coloring and what size works on your hands

04-21-2006, 09:42 PM
Our bands don't match either. We designed our own. Mine has two rows of gemstones and Stuart's has none. Mine is much thicker than his two. The only similarity is that we both have white gold hearts in the middle with our initials intertwined in them.

Course, since Stuart crushed his hand he can't wear his ring at all! His knuckle has changed size and he can't get it on!

04-21-2006, 11:43 PM
Well I'm not a gold person so my ring will definitely be either platinum, white gold or silver lol. HJ would probably get a gold ring though, as gold is more "masculine" or something. I think he looks better in gold, anyway. But I don't think it should matter at all!

04-22-2006, 02:19 AM
We are getting married in June and bought matching wedding bands. They have white gold, gold and little diamonds on them. I will also be wearing a diamond ring (my engagement ring) with the wedding band. We get to pick up my engagement ring on Sunday, I have NEVER wore a diamond ring before! I will have to take pictures of our wedding bands when we get them. :D

04-22-2006, 03:41 AM
Thanks for all of your input :)
After a second trip to the jewelry counter today, I don't know if matching will even be an issue at all. I felt my heart flutter when I put on a set that I had looked at the other day. It's somewhere between 1/3 and 3/8 total carat weight and sparkles like a star in the sky. It looks a lot like this:
It would match hubby's rather well if I do say so myself :D

I borrowed the ring pics from aafes.com. I couldn't find anything telling me not to use them so please don't sue me nice government peoples.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-22-2006, 04:51 AM

Our wedding rings are white and matching. In fact it is tradition here to have same rings! Didn't you get a ring on your finger during the wedding ceremony? Why do u-you buy another one?
Sorry, I don't mean to offence at all, it is just me wondering, because here we never replace the wedding rings, unless they get lost, broken, or to small... :)

04-22-2006, 04:58 AM
Well, my hubby's got too small (or his finger got bigger :p :D ) and we can't get it sized on base here, so we decided to upgrade and get him a newer and nicer one. When we started looking we decided to go ahead and upgrade mine as well. No offense taken here :D :D

by the way... I called hubby to tell him about the ring I found and he said "Why didn't you buy it, silly??" Sooooo I bought it!! I'll try to get pictures of our rings soon :)

04-22-2006, 08:53 AM
They're both beautiful, Missy!

I have NEVER wore a diamond ring before!
I've been married for 5 years (our 6th anniversary is in July). I wore my engagement ring while we were engaged and for maybe the first year or so of our marriage. It always bothered me, it'd get in my way or turn slightly and poke my other fingers. I took it off and now only wear my wedding band. The engagement ring sits locked away in a safe.

04-23-2006, 12:40 PM
Ours don't match either .. I never thought it was supposed to :) Probably a personal preference .. But either way yours looks wonderful ! And the other topic about "replacing" them -- I perfectly understand how your hubby needs to "resize" due to his finger resizing ;) lol .. my hubby has had to do the same :) I have had mine 13 years now and while it still fits I want to upgrade it .. It is 24k gold but I have lost my feeling for the design of the ring and want to change to white gold or platinum, but I'll take all the original diamonds with and put it in the new ring - there's 7 diamonds so it'll be interesting to re-design that :) Congrats on your new ring !!!! :)