View Full Version : Worst day ever :'(

Suki Wingy
04-21-2006, 02:49 PM
Can someone just post some extra cute pictures or something to ammuse me, please? I am having the WORST day. I woke up really tired, even though I had a good night's sleep and a really good riding lesson last night. Math was miserable, photography was alright because we were critiquine, but the teacher said if we were missing a picture from our folder it's because he kook it to put up. It wasn't displayed plus I think it's boring. Spanish droned on, but when lunch came I had to run around to help my friend with something and then run to the blood donation place. I've been looking forward to donating blood all week. When I got there because I don't have a driver's license I had to run all around the school untill I found someone who had acess to the file to give me my Social Security number. The bell rung and I thought, oh great, I put all this effort out and stress on myself and now I'm going to get a cut class for being a good person and donating! I waited there and then they called me and pricked my finger to take a sample to test my iron level, then they took my temp and told me that 99.6 is too high to give blood and they would send me something about their next drive. Luckily since our passing periods are 10 minutes I got to my class in time but then realised I didn't have my binder so I went to my locker and it wasn't there!! I left it at home!! I am almost failing drivers ed becuase of homework and the one day I do it all thoroughly I forget it. I guess I have a cold and it's not just awsful allergies, becuse I ran out of my medication and haven't taken it for a few days. I'm allergic to Oslo, Niņo, dust, mold, and pollen. I went to the barn last night too, and that sertainly didn't help. To make matters worse, some people came to clean and mow our lawn (It was like a free trial thing) and they LEFT THE GATE OPEN! Of course Niņo got because I let him out and then went back in to get a drink and everything and 30 minutes later some guy from the construction next door rings the bell and I answer it with a mad Oslo in my hands with his harness 1/2 on and the guy goes, "Could you please come get your dog because he's running around in our way and on the sidewalk." EVERY TIME someone comes to check the meter or do a repair, they leave the gate open, I'm not even kidding. EVERY TIME. My parents said if I buy a
sign I can put it on the gate, the only problem is that I don't have that much money because I'm saving every cent for my calf and the only sign I could find under $10 says GUARD DOG and has a snarling dobe on it. #1, I don't want to portray dobes like that and #2, Niņo has a really deep bark and sometimes he decides to start barking like mad at someone and we have to bring him inside. When it is warm out he spends a lot of time out in the back yard because that's where he wants to be. Not that I think it will happen around here but I'm always scared someone will get mad and try to hurt him.
If I made my own sign that said something like, "Please close gate, dog inside" it would get destroyed so easily by the elements. Does anyone know of any place I might be able to buy a sign like that for cheap?

1/2 my drivers ed class is in sim and 1/2 is free (me) today and I'm at school in the library. I just want to go home now but I have to be at Walgreens by 4:00 for computer training. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you guys, I got hired there so I can afford a calf this summer. My parents refuse to pay for it.

04-21-2006, 03:18 PM
You can make your own sign and then either buy "cold laminate" stuff at a craft store, or get it laminated at a copy shop pretty cheaply!

"Close gate behind you! Snarling owner may otherwise attack, don't blame the animals!"

04-21-2006, 03:28 PM
I'm sorry you're having such a bad day, I hope it gets better for you! We had the same problem with our gate but luckily my dogs never got a chance to leave because I can see our gate through our lingroom window, I made my own sign though because I don't like the snarling Dobe ones either and thought it might work to keep the gate closed and so far it has.

04-21-2006, 04:21 PM
Sorry your having a bad day!! (((((Hugs))))) It will get better!

04-21-2006, 04:26 PM
I'm really sorry you had a bad day... I know how you feel. Having allergies make it all the worse. I'm also allergis to my dogs, pollen, grass, dust, and most animals. You sure have had a hard day.. (((HUGS)))

Suki Wingy
04-21-2006, 08:03 PM
Thanks guys, I'm feeling a bit better thanks to some daschunds, myspace, and thai food.

04-21-2006, 08:14 PM
I would post pictures to cheer you up.. but since this thing about not posting without permissin thing has came up....

heres the link to a really adorable page that always brings a smile to my face

and *huggies*
im not in the best of mood either...

04-21-2006, 08:15 PM
I'm sorry your day has been bad.:(((HUGS))

04-21-2006, 11:26 PM
Sorry you are having a horrid day:( Things will get better for you.

Suki Wingy
04-22-2006, 02:28 PM
omg thanks Vette, that was adorable! I love the Basset with a blue eye.

04-23-2006, 02:34 AM
:D Youre welcome.