View Full Version : Lion cub

04-20-2006, 10:07 AM
This isn't about a domestic cat, but I thought it might mean something to some people here. I have mixed feelings about zoos - for many years I avoided them entirely, with the thought that I would rather not see animals caged. However, for the past several months, I have been watching the development of the pandas in D.C. and San Diego. The SDZ site is especially rich, with lots of internal links, videos, information, web logs, and so forth. So I learned there five months ago that a little lion was born C-section, almost died from meconium aspiration, and was hand-reared and paired with a canine friend for purposes of socialization. He was soon to be introduced to members of his own species - but, obviously, with very careful protocols. Yesterday, I logged on to find, to my horror, that Koza, the lion cub, had been killed by an attack by a female lion - presumably the first of his own kind the cub had ever seen. A mesh barrier between the two had been accidentally removed (I don't know how that happened), and the female, who had been picked because she was especially playful and easy-going, unexpectedly attacked. Koza survived in the short term, but his injuries were too severe for the vets to be able to heal him. It seemed so extremely sad to me, and I just needed to share my sadness with someone. I hope it's okay to post it here.

04-20-2006, 12:22 PM

That is awful! But female cats can be territorial. If it didn't happen in the zoo, you can be sure that it happens all the time out in the wild. That's just the way nature is. Nature can be cruel. Shame on the zoo for not keeping the barrier up.

04-20-2006, 01:31 PM
Thats very sad but you never can predict what Wild Animals will do.
I hear that the Pet Angels have adopted Koza who will be An Eternal Cub,and travel with The Pet Angel Army everywhere.
They will love to have a Little Lion as a Friend.

04-21-2006, 09:40 AM
Thank you for the responses to my post. I am getting over my initial shock over the loss. And I do understand that nature can sometimes seem very cruel - after all, look at the predator-prey relationship on which so many animals depend. Of course, in this case, the cub was not in a natural setting and was dependent upon the judgement of humans for his safety. But an accident could as easily have happened in the wild - and in the wild, much human cruelty takes wild animals, as humans poach and so forth. It's okay. I am feeling better today. It was just such a terrible and unexpected shock. I am glad to hear that the fur angels have adopted a lion for their friend. I hope he understands that he will have to curb his rambunctiousness just a bit in order to fit in with his new friends.

04-21-2006, 04:19 PM
This isn't about a domestic cat, but I thought it might mean something to some people here. I have mixed feelings about zoos - for many years I avoided them entirely, with the thought that I would rather not see animals caged. However, for the past several months, I have been watching the development of the pandas in D.C. and San Diego. The SDZ site is especially rich, with lots of internal links, videos, information, web logs, and so forth. So I learned there five months ago that a little lion was born C-section, almost died from meconium aspiration, and was hand-reared and paired with a canine friend for purposes of socialization. He was soon to be introduced to members of his own species - but, obviously, with very careful protocols. Yesterday, I logged on to find, to my horror, that Koza, the lion cub, had been killed by an attack by a female lion - presumably the first of his own kind the cub had ever seen. A mesh barrier between the two had been accidentally removed (I don't know how that happened), and the female, who had been picked because she was especially playful and easy-going, unexpectedly attacked. Koza survived in the short term, but his injuries were too severe for the vets to be able to heal him. It seemed so extremely sad to me, and I just needed to share my sadness with someone. I hope it's okay to post it here.

That is so very sad! :(

I, too, have mixed feelings about zoos (mostly against). I love to see animals but not like that. They just don't seem very well or happy. When a petting zoo came here in the fall, for the state fair, I went. They had elephants in a roped off area (One piece of rope, which they could have easily stepped over) not any bigger than they could turn around in. I felt so bad for all of the animals. I was the most upset when I saw the camel and the giraffe. Man, I have never felt amazed, in that way, when the giraffe bent down and sniffed me, let me pet it, and looked me in the eyes. AMAZING. I love giraffes.

04-21-2006, 06:24 PM
The Little Lion Simba is fitting in beautifully with the Pet Angel Army.
Simbas really enjoyed when Nugget, Spunky, Y.Lee and Mr Fluffy showed him around The Mandarin Buffet,and showed him where the Meat was.
And they had a nice time at Mexicali Rosa too.
Simbas great at lifting and carrying the Kittens and Puppies on his back.
Hes a Good Lion Angel Cub.

05-01-2006, 10:43 AM
The new little angel lion cub is Koza, which means "shining" in Swahili. He also had a stillborn twin, and I don't think that twin had a name - so if you want to name the twin Simba, I'm sure it's okay. (I don't know what sex the twin was.) Koza had already proven his ability to get along with other species while on earth, so I am sure that his gentle ways have accompanied him to the next realm. Thanks for the update. I think I have just about recovered from the shock. It helped to be able to share it here.

05-01-2006, 01:26 PM
Yes, I read about this also and I thought, "Poor little lion cub, almost died at birth, they cure him back to good health and then is attacked because some fool forgot to put the barrier back up. What boogles my mind, is how they did not notice this right away.

I have mixed emotions in regards to zoos. I hate to see wild animals out of their natural habitats and yet, the zoos are trying to protect the endangered species also.

Like others have said, nature can be so cruel. But I think that humans can be worse. :( To kill off these beautiful, majestic animals all for a quick buck.

05-01-2006, 04:39 PM
I misunderstood.
The Pet Angels know Kozas Name,and they are Fast Friends.
Koza will bring the Older Ctas and Kittens to the Serving Sations at the Buffet so all can fill thier Plates.
And Koza is especially good at getting the Food from the Concession stands at Wrigley Field to the Cubby Pet Angels and its still hot and fresh.
Koza is especially fond of the Foot Long Kahns with Cheese.
They all love Koza at The Rainbow Bridge.
They are going to have a Feast Tonight for Katzs 20th Purrthday Bash.
In San Fransico with thier Fantastic Restaurants.

05-02-2006, 04:26 AM
That is VERY sad.Some people think they know ALL about what's best and that's how he got killed.By someone w/too big an ego and thought it would be OK to start meeting his own kind.I hate that more than anything.Know it alls that make too many mistakes because they don't want help from others.They want to do it all themselves.(they think their smarter)That's how deaths and mistakes happen :mad: That hit me hard too.