View Full Version : Please help and try to ban cat and dog fur.

04-20-2006, 05:37 AM
Last night on UK television (I live in Wales), there was a documentary about Heather Mills Mccartney's fight against fur and in particular her fight to get a European ban on Cat and Dog fur. These animals are treated with ultimate depravity, strangled, stabbed and many skinned alive for their fur. On this particular program the video footage was the most disturbing I've seen, seeing cats and dogs sqaushed into tiny crates, unable to move or breath properly, being kicked around, poked and beaten, with footage on one alsation being skinned alive screaming, though this was very short and didn't show everything, but you got the idea.
I am ulimately sickened by this and simply cannot believe this is going on.
Cat and Dog fur is banned by the US, and also banned in France, Italy, Greece, Belgium and Denmark, but now with the EU every growing other countries are still importing this fur and undertaking this sick depravity themselves to sell abroad. The UK has yet to ban it (which I am shocked by) as they say they have not seen evidence of real cat and dog fur in the UK yet.
I am going to try and write to various ministers in the UK and also abroad about this calling for a ban, there are also petitions to sign and lots of other information on Heather's website which I have put a link to below. There is lots of information about how you can write to various embassies etc and try to get the message across.
Although I think the majority of people on here live in the US, I believe you can still write letters and try to get your voice heard in Europe.

Heather's Website:


About the trade in Cat & Dog fur:

04-20-2006, 07:25 AM
Okay, I looked at the second link and am instatly sick to my stomach!! :mad: Is there some kind of petition we can sign???

Years ago they started importing cat and dog figurines with real dog and cat fur. It caused a serious uproar by the animal rights. I wonder if they're still around?

04-20-2006, 07:45 AM
If you click on the dog and cat fur link, there are parts where you can sign a petition and it also tells you about writing to various MPs and embassies etc.
Apparently all kinds of cat and dog fur are banned in the US, which I have to say I am very impressed that the US has done this. However of course there are still ways it can get through as it's dyed and sold as faux fur even though it's real apparently. It can be used on coats as a faux fur trim, toys and other things.
There are printable letters you can print off on your PC and add your address to to send to various people. You can find the addresses of various embassies in Europe and Asai on the net and write to them.
I'm tempted to write to Tony Blair and George Bush and as them to try to do something about it. I believe George Bush is currently entertaining the Chinese prime minister in Washington. So as relations are there it may be worth writing to George Bush or somebody in the Administration and mention this. George Bush is a dog lover isn't he?
I have a lot of printing to do over the next few days ;)

04-20-2006, 07:48 AM
I have signed the petition. I also signed a french petition some months ago. Although cat and dog fur is banned is France it is still imported under fake labels, so it exists! :( Disgusting!

I did not know it was not forbidden in UK...it is very important to have a EU consensus on that, it can only help fighting against this cruelty.

04-20-2006, 09:57 AM
These People Are Truly The Lowest Of The Low And I Will Sign That Petition Asap.

Mad Mags Moo
04-20-2006, 10:12 AM
I watched that program last night (I'm in Gloucestershire) and i was in tears when they stripped the fur of that dog....who was still alive!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :(

04-20-2006, 11:19 AM
That is so sick! It's so unbelievable to me that my only thought was... "hey, I like my animals' fur." I can't believe anyone would do this!

04-20-2006, 05:48 PM
I wear my cat's fur proudly!

On my shirts, pants...Why I even wake up with cat hair in my mouth...

My boy would freeze if cat hair was banned......Ask Moo Shoo! ;)