View Full Version : Trust in your dog?

04-30-2002, 04:50 PM
Do you 100% trust your dog? If you had to reach in his mouth for getting something out, or just for the hell of it, could you do it no problem? If your house caught on fire during the night do you think your dog would wake you up? Basically, would you trust your dog with pretty much anything??

As for me..I think I could trust Jo for the most part. She is totally comfortable with my hands near her mouth, for getting something out, or just playing. as for the house buring..I don't know, I think It would have to happen for me to believe it, although my mom says she would as an instinct...And for everything..I don't think everything. I wouldn't trust her running around outside unleashed or unfenced..theres always a possibility of stuff...
What about you? How much do you trust your dog?

04-30-2002, 05:36 PM
I trust Sadie, totally and completely. I can do anything to her and be sure she will not growl, bite or snap. She has woken me up when Cincy is getting into things she shouldn't be, when Cincy has been sick, or if she think there is something outside. When Cincy ran from me at my in-laws, Sadie ran her down and chased her home. I have compete confidence she would do whatever she needed to to protect us, but would never do anything to anyone who is not a threat. I still always keep her on a leash when we are walking, and that, cause I know that one sqyirrel or cat running across the road and it could change our lives forever, but I trust her enough to carry the leash loosely :)

Cincy, I am getting there with. She is only 7 months, and I do not have the same trust in her yet. I trust her to let us take things from her mouth, touch her feet, and all those other things dogs hate, but I know she is has not been trained enough to trust in other situations...esp. with the come command!

Last night I was walking the girls and a small child, maybe 4 years old wanted to pet them. I said it was okay and soon their were about 7 kids around. The girls were wonderful! Complete stangers hugging and tugging on them and they sat patiently and accepted the pettings! we don't have kids ourselves, but I do have four young nephews and they are wonderful with them too!

04-30-2002, 06:06 PM
With their mouths?? Yes I trust them!! Otherwise...like not running away when off leash, etc?? NO!!!! They have reminded me tonight that I am NOT in control!!! LOL!!! :o

04-30-2002, 06:24 PM
I trust Simba with everything. I can get things out of his mouth, put my face as close to his mouth as i want and i also can leavfe him out front for a whilem without me looking or watchiung over him. Hes the best dog i love him with all my heart and trust him with my life.

04-30-2002, 06:41 PM
I trust both of my dogs 100%. I don't think I could even try to make them bite me. They are both so gentle. I know I could walk anyplace in the world and they'd follow me the whole way. I do use leashes though because I know accidents happen and I don't want to take that chance. They're both little angels. I always tell the people I work with that I need a little devil dog in my life too. I actually found one but I'll save that for another thread :)

04-30-2002, 06:41 PM
I don't completely trust my dogs.. Anna, who's a husky, WHO was born and bred to run, of course, ALL Siberian Huskies love to do that for a living. Beagles? Hmm.. Rosie.. I can't trust that little girl, she made her little escape last week.. BUT I trust Anna indoors, Rosie, a little, she's barely a year old yet. - Rach

04-30-2002, 07:51 PM
Dogs are so amazing :D You ppl have amazing little doogs :) I would definitly say I trust Jo 100% 'except' letting her off lead with other dogs/ppl. I was told shes most likely very protective of me (do they do that?) So that when I walk near a person she doesn't know, or they come to me, she usually barks and growls. I had her at the beach at my cottage last year off lead like always unless theres ppl down at the beach (don't want her walking on them when shes wet :x) and we were playing in the water when a man walked in the feild by the beach, at this time she was on shore and pretty close to him but didn't bother with him till I started to walk out there, then she started to growl at the poor man. Last time she was out there she went up to a man (not too close) and bark 2 times, then came when I called her (for once..aww my baby is starting to listen..or did I speak to soon??) later my dad told me the man (friends with my dad) said Jo snaped and growled and made very intimitating movements, which I GARENTEE she did not. Jo lets me do anything to her with trust, weather toughing her feet, her mouth anything.

Rufus when he was younger, I didn't trust to much..He was never castrated so he always found ways to run away. He doesn't like ppl touching his mouth and when I tried to get a bone from his mouth last year I cut m finger on his tooth. His mouth is probably sore if that did anything.....Hes sweet though :D

04-30-2002, 08:29 PM
We have actually worked with our dogs to the point where if you put your hand in Sadie's mouth and try to trick her in to biting, she will take her paw and push it out! (If you are looking at something, then she leaves it) Cincy will pull her head back. They are both excellent are getting their ears cleaned, having drops put in their eyes....just great tempered dogs!

05-01-2002, 03:10 AM
I trust my Sadie almost completely - just not with my life. I mean, I wouldn't rely on her to dial 911 or to attack a burglar. I do trust that I know exactly where she would be if a burglar entered our house - right behind me!

Who knows though, animals supposedly can sense danger and since nothing bad has ever happened (thankfully) I can't say Sadie wouldn't be there to save me.

05-01-2002, 05:58 AM
I trust my dogs completely! Like everyone else here, not to run off leash though(too many distractions!). I've always been able to stick my hands in their mouths and do mainly whatever I want. I honestly don't think I would want to have a dog that I couldn't. To me, the bond wouldn't be there then. Talking about a robber, mine would probably both sleep thru it!!!!!

05-01-2002, 08:59 AM
This was kind of hard to answer because it would all depend on the situation.

As people know, Kia did save my life by sniffing out that mass on my apendix. However, if a stranger was to come to the house with the intent to do me harm, Kia would probably let him in. Only her size and eyes might scare the intruder off.... but she'd be more than willing to let them in. Especially if they had a treat. :rolleyes:

Some days I can get things from Kia's mouth... other days if she's in a bad mood, she'll nip.

Like any animal, she is unpredictable, but I love her and I feel she would never intentionally harm anyone.

Kia ran off AGAIN yesterday. She came back safe after getting all wet and muddy. :rolleyes:

But I trust her for the most part. :)

05-01-2002, 10:55 AM
I trust Duncan literally with my life!! He woud never let anyone hurt me or for that matter, even come near me!! He's VERY VERY over protective!! Which is why I DON'T trust him with other people. I really dont' think he can be trusted 100% with anyone but me which makes me sad. He is very good with my nieces and all children actually. But he dislikes random people and has snarled and growled at a few of them. He won't even let my mom or dad hug me without getting upset and either jumping or barking. And if I'm sleeping....BOY, you better not even think about coming in the room or within 10 feet of me. he keeps "guard" and puts himself between me and the door or the person and will bite anyone who comes near. I worry about him. And I worry that if there was a fire or something, he would be hard to save. Silly to worry about but I do. We're in training so that he is not quite so protective and aggressive with others. I dont' want him hurt someone and have to go to "jail" :(

05-01-2002, 03:14 PM
Well this depends on which dog and who they are with. As far as running off, I trust Reggie a lot more then Smokey. I won't let Smokey even go in the front yard off leash for the most part, he has a habit of taking a dash down the street. Yes he is 16 years old, but that dog can RUN! He's also dug under the fence a few times (luckily he's digging into another fenced yard). With Reggie, I often let him come in the front yard with out a leash, to get the mail, etc. He has a tendency to wander, but he's never gone farther then down the street. In fact, one time my brother and dad left at about 5:30 a.m. and accidentally didn't shut the door all the way. By the time the rest of us got up, the dogs had got out and had been gone for several hours. We found Reggie wandering our street, but no Smokey. We searched and called for him all day, and he shows up late that night walking down the street wet and covered in mud.

Now as far as trusting them with other dogs/people... Reggie has never even bared his teeth, and he is wonderful with any people he knows. Sometimes he's a little wary of new people, but he warms up very fast. But with dogs, he's developed an aggression problem. Especially males. Last time I took him to the park it was horrible because everybody had their dogs off leash. They kept running up to him and I had to pick him up. Even if the other dog wasn't aggressive, if they could tell Reggie was, it would make them be...and well...Reggie is not exactly a big dog. Reggie is good with dogs he knows though. Smokey is friendly towards any person, and friendly with dogs. But I don't trust Smokey to be alone with other people, especially kids. He's an old grumpy dog, and he has snapped at people.

Reggie will normally let you look in his mouth, etc. but Smokey usually runs away or growls. He (Smokey) hates being groomed or anything that requires him to hold still. As far as saving my life or something...Reggie might could scare off a burgler, he's got quite the bark, but Smokey probably wouldn't even hear them. Reggie is very protective of me. Of course you never know how things would play out unless they happened.