View Full Version : Possible New Cat!!!

04-19-2006, 10:58 PM
Well, I'm here to just welcome a possible new cat in our household. He's a black long hair, and he's been a stray for a while. Any name ideas if we keep him? So far we have Paul, Germain, and Thomas. We want to try and keep him, but my dad does not enjoy too many animals, and we already have 2 cats and 1 dog. Should we seperate the animals until the new cat goes to the vet? He looks healthy, and our ballet teacher(who showed us the cat) would have noticed something probably. Thanks for your advice everyone! :) :D

04-20-2006, 12:19 AM
Well, I'm here to just welcome a possible new cat in our household. He's a black long hair, and he's been a stray for a while. Any name ideas if we keep him? So far we have Paul, Germain, and Thomas. We want to try and keep him, but my dad does not enjoy too many animals, and we already have 2 cats and 1 dog. Should we seperate the animals until the new cat goes to the vet? He looks healthy, and our ballet teacher(who showed us the cat) would have noticed something probably. Thanks for your advice everyone! :) :D

I would definitely seperate the new pet from the others until they get acclimated to each other, as well, and not just until he goes to the vet. We wouldn't want him to have to go back to the vet after meeting the other kitties!

04-20-2006, 07:37 AM
Cubby's Mom,

DEFINITELY keep him separated from your other cats till he's checked out by the vet. Also, you need to gradually introduce the new cat to the old residents. If you don't know how, see the link:


Here is some more suggestions on gradually introducing your kitty.

1) keep it separate for a few days..
2) put an item of clothing, bedding or other that has the smell of your other kitties and then place a piece of material that the new kitties has around your regular ones. This give them a preview of who has just joined their home..

3) Feed the new kittie separately for a week or two to prevent aggression from the others.

4) Make sure you give your regular kitties more love and attention than usual and certainly more than the new one..

04-20-2006, 09:59 AM
How About Midnight Louie After The Famous Cat Sleuth Of Los Vegas.
Or Tubby 3?

04-20-2006, 12:37 PM
Thanks everyone! Were going to take him to the vet in a little while. We've kept the cats seperated so far by keeping one cat on either side of the house. I'm gonna use all of these suggestions lol I really want to keep this cat. Yeah, I've been giving Cubby alot of attention, and I slept downstairs with him :o because the new cat was upstairs with my sis. Catmandu those are some nice names I'll tell them to my family! Any more names? Thanks again everyone! :)

04-22-2006, 12:05 AM
Well, I'm not so sure if we'll be able to keep the new cat, who we named Henry by the way. Cubby and him met, and it didn't go so well. Cubby, was fine, just a little shocked at having another cat in the house. Henry on the other hand was freaking out. He was growling and hissing and swiped at Cubby(the cats were being held by my mom and I, so no injuries on the cats' part). After that my mom scolded Henry. Then the cats met on accident again and my mom took him to the sink and put water on his neck. We have no spray bottle yet, so that will have to do. We all really want to keep Henry, but if he acts this way toward Cubby, we will be forced to give him back. Any suggestions on what to do now?

04-22-2006, 01:34 AM
I think you introduced them too soon.

When I brought Cole home, he had his own box and everything in the bathroom, and I kept the door closed. You can use a cut-down cardboard box as a temporary litter box. Use the bathroom, or a separate room.

Let the kitties get used to sniffing each other under the door, and maybe playing "pawsies".

Remember, this is new for both kitties.

Just a thought...instead of putting water on the cat's neck, how about just putting water in your hand and flicking it at the cat? I think by the time you get the cat to the sink, they've lost the connection as to why they are there.

Keep them separate for several days yet, and bar all 'accidental' meetings. And when they do meet in person, let them loose but supervise them. When they were held, they probably felt trapped as if they couldn't get away from the other cat. They have to sniff and swat things out on their own.

Sorry to be so long about this...


04-22-2006, 01:39 AM
You need to introduce them slowly. Some cats take more time to accept other cats. I would also only let them briefly meet while they're being supervised and when no one is home they should be kept apart. I've also heard that you can dab the same scent on them like vanilla so that they'll smell the same and this may also help them accept each other more easily. Good luck.:)

04-22-2006, 03:03 PM
Cubby's Mom,

You need to do a little homework on reintroducing cats, or you need to read the posts in this thread.

You went about introducing Henry and Cubby all wrong. If you want them to get along, listen to the advice you're given. I'd hate to see another cat wind up at a kill shelter simply because their owners didn't do their research. I'm sorry I'm being a little harsh, but I get SO tired of people not listening.

Put Henry in a room by himself with his food and water and litterbox. Take a towel and rub Henry down. Take another towl and rub Cubby down. Allow the cats to smell each other's towels. After a COUPLE OF WEEKS (not hours), stack baby gates in the doorway of the room where Henry is. This will give them a chance to get acquainted and be protected at the same time. After ANOTHER COUPLE OF WEEKS, allow Henry out of the room to explore, standing by with a squirt bottle filled with water.

Hissing and growling is normal behavior. Unless there is SERIOUS fur flying or bloodshed, let them be, just supervising them. Do not allow Henry to roam free unless you are home. (at least for a while). You'll also need to add a litterbox (one per cat, that's the rule). This way there won't be any potty issues.

Please follow these instructions. Remember, introductions don't happen overnight. It takes alot of patience and love.

04-22-2006, 07:21 PM
Cubby's Mom,

You need to do a little homework on reintroducing cats, or you need to read the posts in this thread.

You went about introducing Henry and Cubby all wrong. If you want them to get along, listen to the advice you're given. I'd hate to see another cat wind up at a kill shelter simply because their owners didn't do their research. I'm sorry I'm being a little harsh, but I get SO tired of people not listening.

Put Henry in a room by himself with his food and water and litterbox. Take a towel and rub Henry down. Take another towl and rub Cubby down. Allow the cats to smell each other's towels. After a COUPLE OF WEEKS (not hours), stack baby gates in the doorway of the room where Henry is. This will give them a chance to get acquainted and be protected at the same time. After ANOTHER COUPLE OF WEEKS, allow Henry out of the room to explore, standing by with a squirt bottle filled with water.

Hissing and growling is normal behavior. Unless there is SERIOUS fur flying or bloodshed, let them be, just supervising them. Do not allow Henry to roam free unless you are home. (at least for a while). You'll also need to add a litterbox (one per cat, that's the rule). This way there won't be any potty issues.

Please follow these instructions. Remember, introductions don't happen overnight. It takes alot of patience and love.

Thank you for your advice I DO appreciate it...my family and I made the mistake of introducing them too soon, and we feel bad about that. We have NEVER sent an animal to a kill shelter and we NEVER will. I feel hurt and surprised that you would assume that, any member of Pet of the Day who supports kill shelters does not belong here. I am very grateul for the information you have given me and I will definetly use it, and I have already used some, but please don't assume that I am one of those careless animal ownes who do not take an the lives of animals seriously and sends them to kill shelters, and that I don't listen because I DO listen. I simply can't get on here very often for I have more important priorities than computer.

04-22-2006, 07:58 PM
Introductions take a lot of time. Spook and Remus have been together for almost two years now and they still hiss and spit at each other from time to time. Cats are just that way. Be patient, as cats develop a very protective attitude about themselves especially when they've been forced outside.

Things will get better, and Cubbys willingness to be tolerant even while being held is a good sign. Introductions go easier when at least one party is mellow!

04-22-2006, 09:28 PM
Introductions take a lot of time. Spook and Remus have been together for almost two years now and they still hiss and spit at each other from time to time. Cats are just that way. Be patient, as cats develop a very protective attitude about themselves especially when they've been forced outside.

Things will get better, and Cubbys willingness to be tolerant even while being held is a good sign. Introductions go easier when at least one party is mellow!

Thank you, DJFyrewolf36 :) Thank you everyone for your advice. Yeah, Henry has been a stray for while, so he's used to having his own territory. So far we've kept them seperate again and they're both happy, and Henry has shown more interest in walking around the house instead of just staying in one spot forever lol. Cubby is fine and is loving the usual attention he gets lol. Henry is an attention lover as well, even more so than Cubby, and boy did I never think the day would come when Cubby could be beat in his love for attention :p :rolleyes:

04-22-2006, 11:19 PM
Cubby's Mom,

I apologize for making you feel that way. What I meant was, I see SO many cats dumped off at shelters because people don't understand that introductions needs to be done gradually. I didn't mean to insinuate that you'd do that. I never thought for a minute you would. There are some cats who won't tolerate being in a room by themselves. They want to be out where the action is. Sounds like Henry is one of those. Just have a squirt bottle handy just in case.

Good luck! Please keep us posted.

04-23-2006, 01:15 AM
Cubby's Mom,

I apologize for making you feel that way. What I meant was, I see SO many cats dumped off at shelters because people don't understand that introductions needs to be done gradually. I didn't mean to insinuate that you'd do that. I never thought for a minute you would. There are some cats who won't tolerate being in a room by themselves. They want to be out where the action is. Sounds like Henry is one of those. Just have a squirt bottle handy just in case.

Good luck! Please keep us posted.

Thanks for clearing up what you meant to say :) I apologize as well, I tend to be sensitive with these matters, something I am working on :o It is also hard to say what you mean to say online.Yes, that does sound like Henry, but he's improving. Yes, one of our now RB cats Coco was dumped in a dumpster with her brothers and sisters, which disgusted me, it's even worse than a shelter, a dumpster! I'll keep everyone posted ;)

Just wondering, does anyone know what might be upsetting Henry? He sometimes starts meowing for no apparent reason. He has food, water, a litter box and we love on him. I think it might be his want to go outside. He goes to a window usually and looks out and just meows. He's also not going to the bathroom in the litter box when he should. He waits till the last possible minute it seems. He has a seperate litter box than Cubby as well. He doesn't seem to be scared to go because of us like our other cat(she was kinda crazy lol).

04-23-2006, 10:23 AM
He might not know a litter box, being an outside kitty.

I do with some adult cats what I do with kittens - put them in the box and take his front paws and make them "scratch" the litter a bit, as if they are covering up their stuff. Usually the light goes on.

He may want out - may have to go potty :D - or may just be meowing at something outside. I forgot - is he neutered?


04-23-2006, 11:31 AM
He might not know a litter box, being an outside kitty.

I do with some adult cats what I do with kittens - put them in the box and take his front paws and make them "scratch" the litter a bit, as if they are covering up their stuff. Usually the light goes on.

He may want out - may have to go potty :D - or may just be meowing at something outside. I forgot - is he neutered?


Well, I think he does because at one point in his life he was a pet. We're not sure who's he was though. He uses the litter box sometimes, and a few time he just.... doesn'ted :confused: I'll try the scratching technique, thanks! Yes, he's neutered, I believe our ballet teacher did that, or someone else.

04-23-2006, 09:09 PM
He might not like the litter either...when it is time to change the box, try a small bag of something else. What litter are you using now?


04-25-2006, 06:19 PM
Hmmm, I'm not sure which litter it is, but I'll ask my mom(I don't know where she keeps it, either :p). Well, Henry is doing alright. He's constantly meowing at night and he doesn't seem to tire himself out either. We've put him in a bathroom and he still meows. Unfortunately, the bathroom we put him in is right next to my parents' room, and he wakes them up.

04-25-2006, 09:41 PM
Because Henry is a stray and has been outside for quite some time, he will need time to adjust being inside. His meowing is due to the fact that he wants to go outside. I hope you have purchased some kind of squirt bottle as this is what you will have to use when he starts his meowing to go out.
Like others have said, give it time and be very patient with him as it is a big adjustment for him.

In the summer, I let my cats out on the gallery, supervised, and I have a baby gate, so they can't get downstairs. I live on the second floor. Mooky is the one who mostly loves to be outside. I have let him out a few times, when we had some nice weather. He even meows at the door or at the window because he wants to go outside. All I do is give him a couple of squirts of the bottle and tell him firmly, "NO" and he stops.

I wish you all the best of luck with Henry and I pray that gradually, Cubby and he will become friends and bless you for taking in Henry and caring for him.

04-28-2006, 08:17 PM
Hey everyone I have wonderful news! Henry and Cubby are getting along as well as ever! They can sit in the same room, look at eachother neutrally or with mild interest, and they even touched noses! Henry is also adjusting to life in the house, and he's stopped meowing constantly!

11-06-2006, 01:10 PM
Well, for anyone who still reads this thread, I just wanted to say that Henry is doing great. He's mostly an outdoor cat, but he loves it. He's very sweet and affectionate. Thank you everyone for your help!

11-06-2006, 03:07 PM
Hey that is great news. Now, you KNOW what we want - PICTURES!!!!!

11-10-2006, 03:29 PM
Thanks:) Yeah I should get pictures up... just wish I knew how. I think I do, since I've done it on myspace numerous times. It might take me a while so please be patient;)