View Full Version : Aidan update

Samantha Puppy
04-19-2006, 08:52 AM
In two days, my little boy will be FOUR MONTHS old! I'm having a hard time believing it but it becomes a little more apparent each day, the more he grows and changes.

Aidan has taught himself how to squeal (in delight) and scream (in anger). The squealing is the cutest thing you'll ever see. He buries his face in your shoulder and just lets loose this sound of pure happiness. It's quite the opposite when he's unhappy though. He doesn't always scream - he mostly just cries - but when he's super-p!ssed, he'll throw his head back and let it go. It honestly sounds like we're killing him, which, with the windows now open majority of the time, I'm expecting neighbors to call the police.

Aidan also likes to reach for things, which to me is very promising given his sight issues. He loves sitting in his bouncy seats that have objects hanging in front of him and reaching for them. On his carseat carrier, we have a blue octopus hanging on it that has a crab hanging off of it and when you pull hard enough on the crab, it plays music. He did that 4-5 times yesterday and another couple times today. He's beginning to understand "rewards", in that manner.

He has also moved past just making vowel sounds (like 'ahhh' and 'uhhh') to beginning to incorporate consonants. He now loves to look at me and say "ahh goo" and he loves to tell Daddy "bobobobobobobo".

His next well-baby visit is the 25th of April. Once I am able to speak with his doctor concerning solids, we will be starting him in on them! SOLIDS!! He'll also be weighed and measured again, which I am very anxious to see. At 2 months, he had gained 4 lbs. and grew 4". I'd be shocked if he isn't upwards of 12-13 lbs. Not sure on the height.

And our last big news - my big boy gets baptized on April 30th!

Here are some pictures of him I took yesterday. Sorry they're so big.




Isn't he cuuuuuuuuuute?

critter crazy
04-19-2006, 08:54 AM
Awwww....he is so cute!!! I miss having a baby around!!! well maybe not that much.....he he he he (no diapers!) :D

04-19-2006, 08:55 AM
He is an absolutely gorgeous little boy. I can't help but admire his hair every time I see him.

You should be so proud of his accomplishments. Isn't wonderful to see them learning new things everyday?

Pawsitive Thinking
04-19-2006, 08:56 AM
4 months already???!!!!!!!!! Sounds like he is doing really well, bless him. Thanks for sharing him with us :D

04-19-2006, 09:08 AM
He is VERY cute!!!

04-19-2006, 09:19 AM
Great news! I am so happy that he's seeing things and reaching for them. Yay Aidan!

Hwe's looking ever more handsome every time you post photos of him :)

04-19-2006, 09:37 AM
Oh he is just so cute, I never get tired of looking at pictures of him :D And I am soo glad to hear that he's reaching for things! That's great news! And his baptism, so soon, he's growing up so fast!

04-19-2006, 09:40 AM
He's so big now! And what personality, too. I LOVE that, even though it is longer now, his hair still does the spiky thing! Tee hee!

04-19-2006, 10:13 AM
He's so precious! I love his smile. I can't believe he's 4 months old already.

04-19-2006, 10:30 AM
YES...Aidan is cuuuuuute!! :)

Amazing that he is already 4 months and doing so many new things. This is the age when they learns new things every week and such fun to watch the person emerge from the baby yanow?? :) :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-19-2006, 12:46 PM
Awwww, what a cutie-pie!!!

04-19-2006, 12:53 PM
Aidan is adorable. I'm glad to hear that he is doing so well. It is hard to believe it has been 4 months already.

04-19-2006, 12:56 PM
*cheek pinch* he´s so cute!!! i love his hair too Karen!! hugsies to the hunkie

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-20-2006, 06:39 AM
Aidan is sooo cute!! He is just adorable! I love his little hair so much.. i want to kiss him right on the top of the head.

What a cuddley baby!! And something about those toothless baby smiles.. makes me just crazy!! I bet you kiss him all the time!! :D

Samantha Puppy
04-20-2006, 07:53 AM
I bet you kiss him all the time!! :DI do! I can't stop myself. And it doesn't help that he looooooves long, exaggerated kiss sounds either. I'm surprised his poor little cheeks aren't chapped from all the kisses he gets.

Thanks for the kind words, everyone. :)