View Full Version : Betta babies -- Update w/pictures!

04-18-2006, 09:41 PM
All the babies are doing great! They're starting to look like mini bettas now and I even found one of the reds starting to get its color in.

So just to recap, the Opaques will be 7 weeks old this Thursday. The Reds are one week older. At about 2 weeks, I moved the reds into the same tank as the Opaques. I needed to do a 100% water change cause I overfed WAY too many microworms.. and figured since doing a 100% water change at that age would be risky, I might as well move them all into the same tank to make things easier on me. Luckily I don't think I lost a single baby due to the move.

Anyways, here are their pictures!

Here they are a month ago (3-4 weeks):

One of the opaque babies now:

The one on the top is one of the red babies

Red baby (you can see a bit of red on his fins too!)




04-18-2006, 09:42 PM
One of the white babies





04-18-2006, 10:22 PM
They're so cuuute! :D I love watching baby bettas grow up. I soo wish I could take a pair. x_____x

04-19-2006, 11:36 AM
i second that!!! iŽd love to get some of those babies

My Peanuts
04-19-2006, 01:21 PM
Very cute!

I have a question. When do they need to be separated? If they were raised together would they eventually try to fight even though they been together the whole time? Just curious.

04-19-2006, 03:03 PM
I (LOVE) Opaques<3. They're all adorable! :)

04-19-2006, 06:32 PM
Very cute!

I have a question. When do they need to be separated? If they were raised together would they eventually try to fight even though they been together the whole time? Just curious.

I guess within the next month I'll start to see some aggression.. but I've never had a spawn before so I'm not too sure. :p

As far as I know, boys will eventually act like all males do regardless of whether it's related to the other male or not. A friend of mine put two of her juvies together to try to figure out if she had a male or not (couldn't tell by the oviposter or fins). Both were flaring like crazy and trying to attack (would have if she hadn't removed them) even though they were related.

Females though, I've heard generally get along with their siblings if raised and kept together. Of all my females I've ever had, 3 refused to accept other girls.. so it'd be nice if female siblings really do get along.. cause that'll mean less cleaning for me. :p

04-19-2006, 07:20 PM
Your babies are beautiful! Never saw baby bettas before. :o

04-20-2006, 11:12 AM
They are so cute and soooo tiny! Thanks for sharing!