View Full Version : Sold my prize airline ticket.....

04-18-2006, 04:18 PM
Some of you might remember i won a return airfare to the Queensland Australia on the internet last year around july, i had decided we would save up and all go in the end, but i changed my mind as the cost was just too much and we had already other plans to visit the South Island of NZ instead, so i have been trying to sell it for some months now with no luck, well i reduced the price by fifty dollars and WOW, I was un-indated with calls, i had like 6 buyers, well i sold it yesterday and got $200 cash, which is a nice cheap airfare for someone and money for nothing for me.

But the best thing is I know exactly what I am going to do with it,and it makes me happy and relieved to say I now can book my Old fella Ash in for his blood tests and teeth clean,I had to put it off due to not having the money, now at least i have most of it,this is the best prize i could ever win, being able to see my kitty happy and healthy again. :)

04-18-2006, 05:25 PM
Some of you might remember i won a return airfare to the Queensland Australia on the internet last year around july, i had decided we would save up and all go in the end, but i changed my mind as the cost was just too much and we had already other plans to visit the South Island of NZ instead, so i have been trying to sell it for some months now with no luck, well i reduced the price by fifty dollars and WOW, I was un-indated with calls, i had like 6 buyers, well i sold it yesterday and got $200 cash, which is a nice cheap airfare for someone and money for nothing for me.

But the best thing is I know exactly what I am going to do with it,and it makes me happy and relieved to say I now can book my Old fella Ash in for his blood tests and teeth clean,I had to put it off due to not having the money, now at least i have most of it,this is the best prize i could ever win, being able to see my kitty happy and healthy again. :)
Sis, to use the money for Ash's welfare is much better than having it tied up in an airline ticket. I'm so glad you decided to put it to good use (and I'm sure Ash will be better off for it, too!)

04-18-2006, 06:57 PM
You know David i do feel much better knowing i now have the means to go ahead and get this done, it is overdue, and he needs it more than i need a plane trip, besides it was going to cost us too much for all of us to go, as we all have to re-new passports and get new ones etc, and i will still have my other trip to look forward to,that is if we decide to take it, so hard to know what to do, need so many things doing around the place, seems selfish to take a holiday, but still we have not had one in three and half years so maybe it is time, leaving my kitties behind will be the hardest though, especially Lexie as she has never been in a cattery, but yes David i feel much happier using it this way for sure. :)

04-18-2006, 10:59 PM
wow, if I knew you were selling it, I would have given you much more than 200 bucks

04-18-2006, 11:12 PM
Beeniesmom, the flight is only available from my country NZ to Australia, sorry about that, 200 is a reasonable price, as taxes are on top of it and it had some restrictions, probably saved the buyer a couple of hundred i think. CHEERS. :)

04-18-2006, 11:56 PM
Beeniesmom, the flight is only available from my country NZ to Australia, sorry about that, 200 is a reasonable price, as taxes are on top of it and it had some restrictions, probably saved the buyer a couple of hundred i think. CHEERS. :)

OOOHHH! :o Sorry. I don't know why I understood it was from here (US). My goof.

04-19-2006, 02:39 PM
Hey it would have been a steal at 200 if it was eh lol. :)