View Full Version : Questions regarding Felidae kitty food...

04-18-2006, 04:12 PM
Ok well i know some of you feed your kitties this product and it is now available in NZ by mail order, i sent away for a free sample, and both my kitties gave it the seal of approval.

I am seriously considering putting my older cat on this, as he has a vomiting problem and although the vets don't seem overly concerned because he has not lost weight,(infact he could do with loosing a bit) it is not pleasant for him or us, and i am wondering if he is allergic to the products he is been given, although he has days he vomits no matter what he gets given, red meat whatever,he is going in for check up soon and blood and teeth clean so hopefully we can get to the root of the problem.

I have a detailed brochure and booklet all about it, it sounds really great, but i am concerned about the herbs in the product, yes all natural sounds all good and well, but it is like with humans, some people are taking vitamins and herbs and becoming ill, just would love some input from others who know about this product or have their cats on it and what you think, my other concern was the biscuits are very small, which means Ash will tend to scoff them down rather than bite them,(but hopefully when his teeth are all good that might change)so I am wondering just how good they are for their teeth in general.

I can have the food delivered to my door and get a 2.27(5 pound bag) for $27.95 i would spend a little less than that a month, hoping they will last a month ,but then i would rather spend a bit more and have a healthier happy cat,it could be wheat ,and grain that Ash is allergic to and is often in other foods. I also get every 11th bag free so that makes up for the extra cost.

All feedback much appreciated. thanks. :)

04-18-2006, 08:46 PM
I'm not familiar with Felidae, but I am familiar with the constant vomiting problem. Some of the cats that have gone through the shelter have had this problem and the vets put them on sensitive stomach formula. Either Science Diet, Purina, or Eukanuba. I'm not sure why it works, but it did for several kitties.

When you take Ash in for his check up, you might ask about it unless the vet thinks its allergies.

Hope he gets an A-OK! :)

04-18-2006, 09:00 PM
Well Seine does not have any sensitive stomach issues (she is not a picky cat!) but she is on Felidae and she loves it! She has the softest fur, too, I think it is because the food is high quality and it shows. I guess I don't know a whole lot about it except my kitty does well on it. She is about 8 months old. Hope you find something that works! :)

04-18-2006, 10:29 PM
Well it sounds marvellous, it is all made from human grade food, in other words the chicken or meat we would buy from the supermarket for ourselves, it also has a few herbs in it, sage, cranberrry, rosemary,just to mention a few and eggs, and much more, too much to write on here, lots of vitamins etc, no preservatives etc or colouring, i am a little concerned about the herbs, i mean could some cats not be sensitive to those, just as humans, not everyone can take herbal treatments, and they can be dangerous, oh well have emailed them with my concerns, also the biscuits are very small, ok for my lexie as she crunches them up, but Ash tends to just gobble them down, which would not benefit ongoing dental health, however maybe that is because he needs his teeth seeing to, thanks for the input, would love to hear more.

04-19-2006, 10:39 AM

I fed my cats Felidae to see if they liked it. Unfortunately, my cats are VERY fussy and will only eat IAMS or Science Diet. Felidae is great because it's all natural and cheaper than some of the name brands on the market.

04-19-2006, 10:46 AM
I feed Felidae to my cats sometimes and always use it in my mix for the ferrets food as well. All do wonderfully on it. It's a great food. Sorry I don't have much experience with the vomiting issue.

04-19-2006, 02:45 PM
Yes well it is Ash who i want to put on this, Lexie food is fine, and she is thriving on it, however he is off colour at the moment and not very interested in food, so it is not a good test to see if he likes them or not, first lot he woofed down, but next time he was not interested, he will be off to the white coats to get his check up soon to see what is going on with him, they are very small biscuits in comparison to others i have purchased, and he tends to gobble them up not crunch them, but again that could be a teeth matter, so i would wait until that is over before buying them i think.

Donna they are roughly the same price as all the dearer better brands here, although the ones i get lexie are a lot cheaper but also very good for her,but as they give you your 11th bag free that really is a good incentive to buy the product especially if it does what they say, read testimonials from US about cats with similar vomiting issues and they all got better so it remains to be seen i guess, still toying with the idea and might put it past the vet, mind you they probably want to put him on science diet from them.

04-19-2006, 03:43 PM
I tried Felidae too for Mitzi and at first she loved it - oh joy, something new - but within a day she was ignoring it and begging for her old food. She seems to be thriving on the Science Diet Light Hairball formula - her fur looks better and she's actually getting to be a little lighter hairball :D She's still my roly-poly girly girl, though, and probably always will be a bit on the "fluffy" side.

P.S. You'll probably get more response in the Cat section.

04-19-2006, 05:10 PM
One thing I forgot to mention is that my dogs all eat Canidae (the canine equivalent of Felidae) and Marta has a sensitive stomach. She throws up on the wrong kind of food, but she has been doing really well on Canidae, which I've been feeding them for about 3.5 months now. Just thought I'd mention that, I really do think it's a good brand of food. :)

04-19-2006, 10:40 PM
I am impressed with what i read about it, but i am not sure i will buy it, both cats turned their noses up at it today, Ash i expected as he is off colour and off his food, but Lexie is fine, so maybe i will get what the vet suggest,there are many other good brands around.

04-20-2006, 09:22 AM
My cats turned their noses up at it. Since I've had them on IAMS dry, they don't vomit at all, except for a loose hairball here and there.

04-20-2006, 05:11 PM
Thanks everyone, i think i have decided to give it a miss, plenty other good brands on the market.