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View Full Version : Fritz had a walk

04-18-2006, 11:26 AM
I just come back from taking Fritz for a walk and he really enjoyed it.As soon as dad said walk he perked up.Fritz just tugs and tugs on the leash,next time i will use a longer one.He sniffed every garbage can and went to nearly all the fence posts on the way around.A German Shepherd barked at him, Fritz stopped and listened and went on his way.We were just about home and Fritz saw a lady walking a Chihuahua and Fritz layed down in the middle of the road for the dog to come over.The dog did,they sniffed each other and then Fritz wanted to play and the Chihuahua didn't.Fritz is snoozing at the back door and he was panting lot and is cooling off.i really enjoyed doing it and will have to do it more often.I think I went a little too far with him today and go a shorter route next time :cool:

04-18-2006, 11:42 AM
It's nice that King Fritz was able to walk around his kingdom. Sounds like he enjoyed it.
:D :)

04-18-2006, 01:17 PM
I'm glad you and Fritz enjoyed the walk! My dogs live for their daily walk. It's good for all of us to get out and walk. :D

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2006, 02:52 PM
YAY!! Now you won't have to wait for the Aunties to take a good walk in the neighborhood! Sounds like you guys had alot of fun Barry. There's two Chihuahuas here that would love to play ;) That's so cute that he saw a small doggie and waited for the doggie to come over. You're so adorable Fritzie!! :)