View Full Version : Can anybody guess what this guy is?

04-17-2006, 07:29 PM
This is one of the rescue's I was given from the school, I got three fish from them and I know the other two are goldfish. But I can't figure out what this guy is. He eats goldfish flakes but he doesn't look like a goldfish to me. These pics arn't the best but maybe you can help still??

04-17-2006, 07:34 PM
looks like a Jewl or a Jack Dempsey.

I have a Jack Dempsey & they get to a foot long.. I know little about Jewls, but give me a few & I'll try to find him

04-17-2006, 07:41 PM
Your images are a bit blurry so here are some good one you can compare him too

Jewel Cichlid

Hemichromis bimaculatus Other names:...........none
Max size:..................6"
Temperature:...........70-75 F.
Min tank size:..........30 gallons
Food:.........................live foods, beef heart, worms, flakes, pellets
Jewel cichlids are colorful fish that are pugnacious and scrappy in the typical cichlid fasion. Also typical of cichlids however, they make good parents. The body ranges from orange to pink, with several shiny yellow spots. These fish dig in the gravel and stir up a mess, so a good mechanical filtration system is recommended. Jewels can be aggressive, especially during spawning, so keep them only with other medium sized fishes that can take care of themselves.

Water composition is not critical, but its temperature should be about 74 degrees F. They will eat meaty foods as well as vegetable type foods, and especially enjoy live foods. Plants are appreciated, and large rocks should be provided for the fish to take cover.

It is difficult to distinguish sexes except by their genital papillae. The spot near the dorsal and anal fins is less noticable on females. When breeding, the fish will dig spawning areas near the back of the aquarium. The female lays several hundred eggs on carefully cleaned rocks, and then the eggs are moved to the gravel pits. They are difficult to pair though, and incompatibility can lead to death.

04-17-2006, 07:44 PM
Jewel Cichlid
omg that does look like him!!!! The guy you posted has a little more color, mine is darker but yeah this looks a lot like him!! Thanks so much!!!

04-17-2006, 07:45 PM
Not a problem!

There are many different kinds of Jewels, also if its mixed with a Jack Dempsey, it could loose some of its colour & get larger.

DO you know how old it is?

04-17-2006, 07:51 PM
well he's been their for atleast the beginning of 9th grade, but probally longer. Now I am in 10th grade. He is so tiny because he was in a very small tank, he is afraid to death of me and I am very proud he came that close to me for pics, high school students would try to grap him with their bare hands. When he was in the smaller tank he was very agressive to the other fish, now that I have a huge tank he is as happy as could be. Is it ok to still feed him goldfish flakes or should I change to a differnt type?

04-17-2006, 08:13 PM
well he's been their for atleast the beginning of 9th grade, but probally longer. Now I am in 10th grade. He is so tiny because he was in a very small tank, he is afraid to death of me and I am very proud he came that close to me for pics, high school students would try to grap him with their bare hands. When he was in the smaller tank he was very agressive to the other fish, now that I have a huge tank he is as happy as could be. Is it ok to still feed him goldfish flakes or should I change to a differnt type?

Dear god!! That poor fish is gonna have health issues!! IF its a year old it should be about 6 inches long. Goldfish food is a horrid diet for the poor guy :(

If you give me a bit I'll go onto Big Al's fish store (usa) online & give u all the links to the foods he'll need.. It'll be costly at first but if you feed him every 3 days the food could last a year.

04-17-2006, 08:16 PM
Dear god!! That poor fish is gonna have health issues!! IF its a year old it should be about 6 inches long. Goldfish food is a horrid diet for the poor guy :(

If you give me a bit I'll go onto Big Al's fish store (usa) online & give u all the links to the foods he'll need.. It'll be costly at first but if you feed him every 3 days the food could last a year.
can you understand why I rescued him and the 3 others?

04-17-2006, 08:24 PM
this (http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=32676&category_id=1809&pcid1=2911)

this (http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=35103;category_id=1809;pcid 1=2911;pcid2=)

this one you'll have to break it up for him if hes too small to eat it (http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=23007&category_id=1807&pcid1=2911)

just a couple a week (http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=22905&category_id=1799&pcid1=2911)

and (http://www.bigalsonline.com/catalog/product.xml?product_id=22649&category_id=1799&pcid1=2911)

The reason you use several different kinds of food, as that not all foods have what the fish needs.

Here is Big Al's site (http://www.bigalsonline.com/?splash_done=1)

I'm lucky, I have one of the stores near by, but they are not a huge chain store so they are hard to find..

04-17-2006, 08:25 PM
can you understand why I rescued him and the 3 others?

ya! I'm not sure if he'll live a long life (about 10yrs is normal), as his growth is horribly stunted & the stress he went under was quite bad.. How did you get ownership over them? DO you know what the others are?

04-17-2006, 08:38 PM
I know the other two are goldfish for sure.But one of those goldfish died all ready. Well what happened was the teacher was looking for homes for them and I didn't want them going to bad homes, some high school student you never know. He got guppies instead which is still not a good thing. Is it ok for him to be with the goldfish, is it ok if the goldfish might eat his food?

04-17-2006, 08:45 PM
I know the other two are goldfish for sure.But one of those goldfish died all ready. Well what happened was the teacher was looking for homes for them and I didn't want them going to bad homes, some high school student you never know. He got guppies instead which is still not a good thing. Is it ok for him to be with the goldfish, is it ok if the goldfish might eat his food?

the goldfish will be just fine eatting his food. The only thing with Goldfish is that they are very dirty & can make tank mates ill... But the biggest worry is, is that when the Jewel matures & becomes healthy & happy, he will more then likely start to kill the goldfish.

It might be best to find someone with an outdoor pond & donate them to them. Its not right to keep goldfish in a tank as they do get VERY large. OR you can buy a nice pond & put them in your backyard. If the pond is more then 5 feet deep, the fish can live in there all winter long.. Just add a heater to keep the ice thin, so when u need to feed them, you can break the ice & pour in some sinking food,

04-17-2006, 11:23 PM
I want to find a home for this little guy anyway, but I don't know where to start looking. I don't know anyone with a pond, except for my great aunt that like about 2 hrs away(but she has lots of goldfish.) Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.

04-17-2006, 11:50 PM
go to www.turtletimes.com/forums

Scroll down to the other pets section & put an ad in there. There are many people in the usa & I'm sure several of them are in you state & near by & will take him.

04-18-2006, 12:28 AM
This is one of the rescue's I was given from the school, I got three fish from them and I know the other two are goldfish. But I can't figure out what this guy is. He eats goldfish flakes but he doesn't look like a goldfish to me. These pics arn't the best but maybe you can help still??

He almost looks like the Texas Cichlid I had once!

04-18-2006, 11:38 AM
A cichlid needs a species only tank, 35 gallon at least, and no goldfish flakes. The goldfish should have 15-20 gallons and get pellets, flakes tend to build air up in their stomachs. What kind of goldfish is it?

04-18-2006, 02:58 PM
I have two fantail and one feeder goldfish with him. They are in a 55 gallon tank

04-18-2006, 03:01 PM
Oh thats good then for the goldies. I don't know how the cichlid and goldies lived together if they did. As the commons get older you might notice that they outcompete the fancy goldfish.