View Full Version : The Spirit of Easter saved this little dog!

04-17-2006, 01:52 PM
Something amazing happened to me this easter holiday: my family and I went to our farm/country house for some relaxation and we came back earlier, saturday night, to celebrate my sister-in-law birthday in São Paulo. Well...before leaving, the dogs were sniffing Marc's car engine and we thought it was some mouse. In the way back (150 km), he felt some difficulty in changing gears and he was worried that one had indeed gotten into the engine...when we arrived at my mom's home and the car was stopped, we heard some terrifying cries, cat or dog, from under the frontal part. Marc took a look under it and nothing...he then released the hood and I was too afraid to lift it...but it was not necessary, because suddenly a dog came out from under the car!!!
It was our farm care-taker's dog, a pinscher, who travelled 93 miles inside the hood! We still haven't discovered exactly where he took his place for the journey...
The poor thing was too frightened, very hot and one of his eyes had an injury which I thought to have let him blind, but we took him to the vet and he said it was hurt, needed care, but he wouldn't lose the eye.
Isn't it amazing??? He could have been severly hurt or dead if he came too near the engine, he could've been burned, simply fallen out of the car and ran over, or he could have escaped without none of us noticing when we stopped for filling the tank...
I think this little guy is blessed
PS: Sunday morning Marc and I drove back to the farm to deliver him to his owner: this dog is like a son to our employee, he was already missing the owner...

I cross posted this from the turtle site I belong too.

Lucky pup!

04-17-2006, 03:03 PM
That's one lucky dog!!

04-17-2006, 03:06 PM
Hopefully he will never, ever climb into the engine of a car again!