View Full Version : Who Inspired You..

04-16-2006, 06:51 PM
To get the pets you've gotten since you've joined PT? (for those of you it applies to)

Mackenzie, Muffin, Zeus, Merlin, & Freckles: Had them all before I joined.

Baybi: Pops. ;) I fell in love with her birds right away and knew I'd own a cockatiel sometime in the near future. xD

The Bettas: I think the three main people that have given my betta hobby a kick start are Kara, Erica & Ashley. Before I started to get to know them, I only had Harold. Now I have four, with two more coming on Teusday. >.< heh. However, I'm glad they got me hooked! ^_____^

Buddy Blaze Lover
04-16-2006, 06:57 PM
I had Blaze and Domino before I joined, and then all the wonderful betta owners convinced me to get my butterfly betta, Fizz! :D

04-16-2006, 07:03 PM
I always knew I wanted more dogs but PT made me aware of the number of homeless dogs in shelters.. so we ended up adopting rather than getting another pup from a breeder.

I fell in love with PCB's birdies. I more I saw her birdies, the more I wanted a birdy of my own. Wanting one bird, turned into getting five LOL.

04-16-2006, 07:15 PM
I had Frisk, Melani, Ethan, and Khaith before I joined.

Marley: No one inspired me, no one really talks about hamsters on PT if they own them.

Norri: I always enjoyed seeing Star (Maltese_Love's Budgie), but she's not the complete reason why I got Norri.

Otto & Ventriloquist: No one in particular, though Miss Z's Tia has always sounded like such a loving little girl and had made me want some rats even more. :)

The Bettas: Every betta owner that talked about their bettas. Some inparticular, but I won't point any fingers. :D Eventhough it is all you guys' fault that I have four bettas now. ;)

Basically the only people that fully inspired me were the betta owners. After my first three fish died, I had told myself that I wasn't getting any more fish. And look at me now! Four bettas and plans to get an Angelfish in a few months! :D

04-16-2006, 09:04 PM
Hmm lol I was going to make a thread like this :p

But umm hmm lets see
I had Roxy,Thunder,and Rockee when I joined
noone inspired me but I then got Ted and my sister got Baby but he has like nothing rreally to do with PT lol and umm I'm same as Chilli just the betta people curse you evil betta owners look what youve done to us were begging and pleading to our parents to let us have more and more bettas!!!LOL

04-16-2006, 09:12 PM
I don't think anyone's every inspired me to get an animal. Adopting my three dogs were a decision myself and my family made.

04-16-2006, 09:21 PM
I don't think anyone's every inspired me to get an animal. Adopting my three dogs were a decision myself and my family made.
I kind of have to agree. Nobody convinced me more than Giselle herself to make me adopt her. Of course, I adopted her a few weeks before joining PT so I guess she doesn't count. I did purchase another budgie, but I've been owned by budgies long before joining any forum :p

Orangutango's Winston reawakened my deep hunger for a Dobe, I do have to admit.

04-16-2006, 09:49 PM
I didn't get Star or Sassy while on PT. Already had them. No one inspired me to get the fish though. I got them because my dad felt bad that Petco was abusing them. :D

04-16-2006, 09:51 PM
My cousin (her hamster is a darling!) My best friend (Her goldie is the sweetest ever!) My other cousin (her bunny is just adorbil!)

04-16-2006, 10:02 PM
I had Reggie and Smokey when I joined PT

I've been crazy about siberian huskies waaaaaaaaay before PT, I think I was born with a wolf/husky obsession. ;) But the gorgeous huskies on PT made me want one even more of course. It was a decision made on my own, I don't think PT "inspired" me to get him. Best decision I ever made of course. ;)

Sydney coming to live here had nothing to do with PT, no inspiration there. I only fully blame PT for the betta, Atticus. I had fish years ago and vowed to never get one again. I'm glad I have him now though and I'll probably continue to have bettas (though the thought of getting another right now is tempting, I don't have room for another tank.)

04-16-2006, 10:15 PM
I got my RB hedgie boy, Spike, because of Steph. (jesse_3) She gave me lots of info and help when I first got him.

04-17-2006, 10:09 AM
I hope you have a big tank for an angelfish Chilli.
I got a betta to jump in the bandwagon with PT. Then I discovered the joys of female bettas and probably won't have another male until I've got time and space for breeding, which will be done to produce bigger quantities of females. I've always had comets and always will. I have platies because I wanted to dabble in the arts of tropicals after joining an aquarium society. I was inspired to look at giant millipedes because of this board.

04-17-2006, 03:11 PM
i don't think anyone inspired me to get any of my animals. although because of PT i never would have started Pike County Pets(rescue). Mugsy helped me realize that i CAN help with rescue dogs even though i'm only 17.

04-17-2006, 03:22 PM
Hmm...I had all of the dogs already...and the guinea pigs...and the gecko...and my RB cat :( ...

I think the only animals that I have gotten after joining PT are the cats. And I really wasn't inspiried :o

04-17-2006, 04:13 PM
Haha..Rox, Skye, Rufus before PT, then..there was Tink. Nobody really inspired me for her, or Lily either..
The bettas-All the pretty bettas! Especially Ashley's Opaques, and Kale and Akela..I blame it on you all!!! :D

Suki Wingy
04-17-2006, 04:29 PM
No one! The only pet I got since joining PT was Oslo and it was set up before. I WANT a betta or 2 or 6 but my parents say otherwise. I also want a skunk but they're illegal in Illinois (but not the surrounding states!) but no one on PT has a skunk.

04-17-2006, 06:14 PM
I hope you have a big tank for an angelfish Chilli.
Don't worry. :D We don't have the tank yet, but we will get one and set it up completely before we get the angelfish. I've been doing research on Angelfish for a few months now! :)

04-17-2006, 07:23 PM
I had Snowy and RB Taffy before joining PT.

Buttons - I had always loved birds, especially cockatiels. I'd see PCB's tiels and Logan's and just think "I want one of my own!" After a lot of PT help and information, I finally got Buttons! I'm not sure if I was really inspired, but more of 'pushed' in the direction of being a bird owner.

04-17-2006, 07:28 PM
karen has really helped me out but sincei have joined someone was talkin about snakes and i got a ball python and his name is wizard

04-17-2006, 09:48 PM
Nobody really inspired me to get any of my pets. I'd already had dogs and one betta (I now have 3, but that has nothing to do with PT) before I joined.

I do have to admit though, Labs were never really a breed I'd ever consider having and thanks to .Sarah's three, Riley, Malone, Emerson etc. I actually love the breed and hope to have one someday.

04-17-2006, 09:56 PM
There was a thread about hamsters that *sort of* inspired me to get Hazel....well, more like it opened my mind to the possibility of hammies making great pets and then I fell in love with her...

04-18-2006, 12:36 AM
Maltese_Love and Sassy have made me view Maltese (haven't had one in a long while, too long to remember) in a way that makes me ITCH for one.

04-18-2006, 04:31 PM
but no one on PT has a skunk.

hey i want a skunk too!!! so cute, i almost got one from a vet friend but i cant remember for what reason i couldnt at that time......... :(

adn as for the question no one inspired me to get my dogs i´ve always loved Huskies and just as Amy said i´m also a Wolf/Husky all time lover, but...........when after joining PT i started looking at bettas in a direffent way, i´d seen them before but didnt paid attention and after seeing Ashley´s, Devon´s, Erika´s bettas something happened.......and suddenly i saw Ashley´s Opaque Angel and that was it!! i went for one.......needless to say i ended with a bunch of them :p

so that is my pet adquisition inspired by other PTers ;)

i must say i´love all animals and have had most of them at one place in time, but i´m making my mind on a bunny (i´ve had way before PT, but there are such cuties around)

04-18-2006, 04:41 PM
I had just lost my beautiful boy Sooti when i first joined PT but i had my old guy Ash, since then I adopted Lexie.

However i think being here made me take the stand i did with my neighbours kitties and get them spayed and now i have got them in my care for now at least, so i really do put a lot of that down to being here on PT, seeing the wonderful rescues that go on,and the care and devotion and how giving people are of themselves, so i did not just bury my head in the sand and was pro-active if that is the right word to use, and did something to help Duchess and Vicky and Zara and their babies, I have not regretted my decision once, all ten kittens have now been adopted, their life would have been as ferals, and we all know how awful that can be.

I guess the inspiration came from all of the great people here , especially the rescuers who I greatly admire, far too many to list but you all know who you are, and of course never forgetting Lisa Kuhio who made it all possible for me.

04-19-2006, 12:49 PM
PT hasn't inspired me to get any of my pets. However I've fallen in love with Kimmy's crested geckos, I wouldn't mind having one someday.