View Full Version : Name for my rabbit...

04-16-2006, 11:42 AM
I think I might name my rabbit Hershey Kisses. (Hershey for short) What do you all think? He loves to give those bunny kisses, he's such a sweetie.


btw... He is doing ok with his wry neck disease. It's not getting worse, but it isn't getting much better, either... hopefully he'll get better.

04-16-2006, 11:57 AM
Aww! He is such a cutie! :D
And Hershey is a cute name, my friend has a poodle with the same coloring as on your rabbit's head, and they named their poodle Hershey.
Hope his wry neck gets better soon! :)

04-16-2006, 12:51 PM
Hershey sounds like a great name. I hope he gets better asap!

Hugs to you both!

04-16-2006, 02:38 PM
Thanks! I will give him lots of huggies for you. I have decided to name him that... my dad said it suits him well. I think he is still a baby... he's much smaller then our other netherland dwarf, Daisy.