View Full Version : Need PT dog photos for my site - Still accepting photos!!

04-15-2006, 09:00 PM
I'm making a very special thing for my site, The Dog Dish (http://thedogdish.iahu.ca).

Heres the hardest part, I need at leat 1 of the photos to be a full body shot of the dog eatting out of a dog bowl or dog water dish . The rest (6-10) need to be full body shots of them just being cute, playing, running, etc. The quality needs to be quite decent. I cannot use fuzzy or blury ones as they do not shrink in size well.

Here is a list of breeds I need so far.
AST (staffy)
border collie
great dane
jack russel
lab (all 3 colours would be awesome)
& Mutts (only mutts that don't look pure)

If you have a pure dog & its breed isn't on the list, post anyways & I'll add that breed.

PLEASE post what breed you are posting, as I'm not perfect in telling 1 breed from another (sometimes).

Here is a sample of what the dog + dish should look like (I need to be picky sorry). & don't worry I do ALL the editing & croping of the photos :)
Yes thats Bon, Anna has given me full access to her galleries (Thank you so much Anna!)

Thank you for all your wonderful help guys!!

& feel free to check out my site. There isn't much going on right now, as there are only 3 active members & 2 of us don't own dogs. The site is FAR from being finished, but its stable (so far anyways hehe).

04-15-2006, 09:03 PM
Here is a couple of Molli... (shes 3/4 poodle)

Here's a couple of Sam (pure cocker spaniel)

More pics are in their dogsters.

04-15-2006, 09:10 PM
You can use Sassy. I have pictures of Sassy eating but it's not full body.

04-15-2006, 09:36 PM
Toby- Border Collie
Lady- Mutt

04-15-2006, 09:45 PM
You can use Sassy. I have pictures of Sassy eating but it's not full body.

Sassy is a cute little bugger :) Do you have any full body shots of her? Her poor head is cutt in the photos hehe

& don't worry if you only have pics of her in clothing, those are fine aswell :)

is it safe to assum the sassy is a pure maltese? (going by your name)

04-15-2006, 09:54 PM
Border collies




04-15-2006, 09:58 PM
Blair-pure bred Berger Des Pyrenees




04-15-2006, 10:01 PM
Yes, she is registered with the AKC and has papers.

04-15-2006, 10:02 PM
Thanks everyone!

Never heard of a Berger Des Pyrenees before. Interesting, Thanks :)

04-15-2006, 10:11 PM
I can help you out with Lab photos. I'll probably post them tomorrow though, is that okay? Is a puppy okay, or does it need to be full grown? If not then I can take care of two colors for ya :D

04-15-2006, 10:16 PM
I can help you out with Lab photos. I'll probably post them tomorrow though, is that okay? Is a puppy okay, or does it need to be full grown? If not then I can take care of two colors for ya :D

A puppy will be just fine :) & tomorrow is fine aswell. Its gonna take me FOREVER to work on all the images & do my special thing for the site (its a BIG supprise for the 2 members I already)..

& thank you for the help :)

Maltese_Love: the skate board one is TOO darn cute! Its also more then perfect for this 1 image I need.. that 1 is in for sure!

04-15-2006, 10:25 PM
Zoey-flat-coated retriever

T.j- English Setter

04-15-2006, 10:43 PM
Thank you! By the way, I just joined the forum. :D

04-15-2006, 10:49 PM
Thank you! By the way, I just joined the forum. :D

The forum is kinda slow, not everyone can post daily. I can check it pretty much everynight or aslong as I'm at home. When more people start to join & become active it'll be much better :)

04-15-2006, 10:57 PM
:) I'm sure it'll be more active soon. I'll try and recruit some new members.

04-16-2006, 12:17 AM
Here is a pic of Jemi' (she is a purebred mutt - we know she has rat terrier and bichon frise in her, and I am guessing that she has chihuahua in her too)

...and here is a couple of Jesse (an English Springer Spaniel)

Umm, I joined the Dog Dish, but I lost the website address:o Could you please pm me, or just post it on here pawlease?

EDIT: Nevermind! You have it posted already!
Steph, Jes, and Jemi'

04-16-2006, 12:26 AM
Thanks for the lovely photos :)

04-16-2006, 01:25 AM
Australian Shepherds:


04-16-2006, 01:30 AM
What a pretty dog TJ is!!!

04-16-2006, 08:41 AM
Never heard of a Berger Des Pyrenees before. Interesting, Thanks

for some info:
they are a herding breed, bred alongside the great pyr. they are in th etop 20 most popular breeds in france, and otherwise very common in europe, but virtually unknown elswhere. they are recignized but almost every kennel club in the world exept AKC, who has them in their misilanious class as a pyrenean shepherd. they come to 2 varietys, smooth face, which are taller, leaner, and have short hair on their face, the hair on the body can be any length, even corded. the rough faced are smaller, not as narrow, they have a full beard on their face and the hair o the head should fall over the eyes, then push backwards on its own, causing the hair to fall to the side, the body hair can be any lenghth including corded. (Blair is a corded rough face)

04-16-2006, 08:48 AM
Roxy is a Boxer x Pitbull ^^
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/9a9822514cab4a0781028d90186f5bd2-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.279.9a9822514cab4a0781028d90186f5bd2-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/270-30)
http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/img/24/65dde06118202f747d404b99ed50be43-.jpg (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com/user/image_detail/IMG.262.65dde06118202f747d404b99ed50be43-_CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/240-30)
If you need more I have a million :p

04-16-2006, 08:57 AM
I also joined. :)

04-16-2006, 09:07 PM
I can take care of the Greyhound.

Drinking out of a water bowl:








Oops, I so misread your post LOL. Are those good enough body shots or should I post different ones?

04-16-2006, 09:14 PM
Jenny is the first one she is a rottie/yellow lab mix..
Rocky is the second one and he is a black lab mix..not sure if he is pure lab or not? but I could care less..:D
Buster is the third one and a treeing walker coonhound mix. and last but not least Ginger is a rat terrier/chihuahua mix.

04-16-2006, 10:08 PM
Oops, I so misread your post LOL. Are those good enough body shots or should I post different ones?

a couple more would be awesome :)

04-16-2006, 10:12 PM
What a pretty dog TJ is!!!
aww thanks!!!

04-16-2006, 10:17 PM

Cute!! Sam always does that... :)

04-17-2006, 09:36 AM
Jenny is the first one she is a rottie/yellow lab mix..
Rocky is the second one and he is a black lab mix..not sure if he is pure lab or not? but I could care less..:D
Buster is the third one and a treeing walker coonhound mix. and last but not least Ginger is a rat terrier/chihuahua mix.

If you could get full body shots, that would be awesome!

04-17-2006, 10:54 AM
Did you find any use for/out of any of my pics?

04-17-2006, 11:01 AM
Did you find any use for/out of any of my pics?

Sure did :) Thank you for the photos :)

04-17-2006, 11:08 AM

04-17-2006, 11:10 AM
Sure did :) Thank you for the photos :)
Awesome glad I could help out :)

04-17-2006, 11:12 AM
If you need Boxer pictures...

04-17-2006, 11:28 AM
Sorry- but what does the 'PT' mean? Can you explain what the pictures will be used for?

04-17-2006, 11:28 AM
If you need Boxer pictures...

Yes I would love Boxer pictures. Do you have any of the whole body? or of them drinking/eatting out of a dish?

04-17-2006, 11:47 AM
Sorry- but what does the 'PT' mean? Can you explain what the pictures will be used for?

PT means Pet Talk. :)

04-17-2006, 11:57 AM
Sorry- but what does the 'PT' mean? Can you explain what the pictures will be used for?

dab_20 is correct on what PT means.

No I cannot completely explain what they will be used for. Its a huge supprise for the members on my site (as stated in my first post). As few PT members belong to my site & I wouldn't want to spoil everything. I'm hopping to get a fair chunk of it done next weekend (if my ex gives me access to write to my site I can show people here samples of what I did).

04-17-2006, 12:02 PM
You can use Zeke if you still need photos...

04-17-2006, 01:36 PM
You can use Zeke if you still need photos...

Of course, there is alwasy room for Zeke, & I can even use Josie!

Is Josie pure or a mix? Just so I know what section to put her in :)

04-17-2006, 02:51 PM
Do the ones of Roxy work..? Because if they dont you can find any off of my Zoto, and if you need a Pom hehe. I have lots of pics of her.
Zoto (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com)

04-17-2006, 03:00 PM
Do the ones of Roxy work..? Because if they dont you can find any off of my Zoto, and if you need a Pom hehe. I have lots of pics of her.
Zoto (http://roxyluvsme13.zoto.com)

Thanks those are great! I love the ones where Roxy is dressed up hahaha!!

04-17-2006, 03:03 PM
Feel free to use any pictures of my three. :)

04-17-2006, 03:05 PM
Thanks those are great! I love the ones where Roxy is dressed up hahaha!!
xP It's in my shirt...:D

04-17-2006, 03:08 PM
Feel free to use any pictures of my three. :)

Can I get a url so I can dig through some?

04-17-2006, 03:11 PM
Hopefully this works...

If not, just search PT for Muttlies. :)

04-17-2006, 03:12 PM
Hopefully this works...

If not, just search PT for Muttlies. :)

Thanks, it works great!

04-17-2006, 03:27 PM
Just curious, do the ones of my two work?

04-17-2006, 03:32 PM
Just curious, do the ones of my two work?

Yep, I have some of the photos on my comp at home ready to be cropped & what not :) I saw the.. oh god forget the breed (I'm sooo bad) its not the poodle its the other fella you have (springer/cocker? I know u posted it & I have it under the proper section on my comp, its just I cannot see back that far while typing right now hehe) But on another post I saw one of him dressed up & it looked really GOOD, can I use that one too??

04-17-2006, 03:35 PM
Yep, I have some of the photos on my comp at home ready to be cropped & what not :) I saw the.. oh god forget the breed (I'm sooo bad) its not the poodle its the other fella you have (springer/cocker? I know u posted it & I have it under the proper section on my comp, its just I cannot see back that far while typing right now hehe) But on another post I saw one of him dressed up & it looked really GOOD, can I use that one too??

Sure! He's a cocker. :)

04-17-2006, 03:36 PM
Sure! He's a cocker. :)

YAY, thanks :)

04-17-2006, 03:51 PM
Just popping in to see all the cute pics! Everyone, I love the pics!

Also, just because I am curious, did either of my two get in? (I won't be offended if they didn't!)

Steph, Jes, and Jemi'

Suki Wingy
04-17-2006, 04:17 PM
& Mutts (only mutts that don't look pure)

Finally, I can help! Feel free to take any from

04-17-2006, 06:46 PM
Finally, I can help! Feel free to take any from

I took a few photos :)

04-17-2006, 07:00 PM
Just curious, are you putting Molli as a toy poodle or mutt? I always wonder if she looks purebred or not. lol

04-17-2006, 07:02 PM
Just curious, are you putting Molli as a toy poodle or mutt? I always wonder if she looks purebred or not. lol

you said she was a mutt, so she listed as a mutt :)

04-17-2006, 07:45 PM
ok. :)

04-18-2006, 08:24 AM
bump :)

04-19-2006, 12:51 AM

I wont be able to start working on the project until the weekend & I wont be able to show anyone until an unknown date. The faster I can find a Web Host & get my site setup & working, the faster I can show people the project :) There is NO way I can finish the project in a weekend, but I can get aleast 2 or 3 done so you can see what the project is (each breed is a project on its own & the mutts will have MANY different projects as there are so many of them).

I'm guessing I'll finish the whole project in 2-3 months, as I will only work on it during weekends as my weekends are 100% free & I need to relax during the week, as I work 11.5 hrs every tue & thur (the company was so sweet in letting me work in my old department as Overtime so I could get more money & so I could finish my old job, as I do feel guilty for not finishing it.. I LOVE working for Samsung, greatest company on earth in my books!).

I'm so excited about this project, as it'll improve the site SOOO much. I have no idea if its even been done before, but if it has, I'm sure its not to this scale! As I'm hoping to have nearly 300 projects in the end!

04-19-2006, 01:38 AM
If you're looking for a host, might I recommend Surpass? That's who I have hosting with. Their plans are VERY reasonable and their support and service so far has been SUPERB! I have been with them for a month shy of a year and I have nothing but good things to say about them!


04-19-2006, 06:19 AM
If you're looking for a host, might I recommend Surpass? That's who I have hosting with. Their plans are VERY reasonable and their support and service so far has been SUPERB! I have been with them for a month shy of a year and I have nothing but good things to say about them!


Thats not a good deal for me hehehe The one Rob has now (TRYING to get the name, but he's ignoring me) gives us a stupid amount of space & free bandwidth for 10.00/month

04-19-2006, 12:50 PM
you can check my pics at my zoto : huskymom

if any help go for it, if not dont worry

husky 1
04-19-2006, 12:59 PM
are these pics any good , they are of my siberian husky mishka




baby mishka & ice (border collie)

baby mishka

04-19-2006, 01:02 PM
I can use all except the ones you cannot see the paws :)

04-19-2006, 01:26 PM
Thats not a good deal for me hehehe The one Rob has now (TRYING to get the name, but he's ignoring me) gives us a stupid amount of space & free bandwidth for 10.00/month
Well be careful, because you definitely get what you pay for. Cheaper is most assuredly NOT always better. I've been with my fair share of hosting companies. I get a reseller through Surpass and when you buy a reseller you can get the... 7GB one. Well that is JUST the reseller.. for your main account the double the space and bandwidth - for FREE. So in essence you're getting double for the same price ;) That's just the reseller, though, not shared hosting.

04-19-2006, 01:52 PM
I'm trying yahoo. I get 20G space & 400G bandwidth for 20.00.. I need a min of 20G as I have 3 large sites.. Max's has about 1000 photos on it (1G), Jess' has about 3000+ photos on it & vodeos & saved programs(3G) & TDD is still very small, but in the end it will be HUGE over 10G I'm sure.

When the game on my site gets going, I'll start accepting donations to go towards a Web Server.

1 dual core AMD64 CPU (500.00)
1 decent motherboard with onboard sound (100.00-200)
Tom's fav choice for the case (100.00)
1 Gforce graphics card (200.00)
2 80G raid hard drives for the OS (60.00 each + a 20% discount since I work a Samsung)
4 80G raid hard drives for the site (same as above)
1 100bit rate Ethernet card (200.00 <- I'm sure its cheaper)
OS will be Linux so thats free
=1560.00, so I'll save up for 2000.00 + tax

I can't see it happening anytime soon hehe.. I'll prob just build a reg PC in the special case & then when I get enough $ build the sweet one... MUAHAHAHA so much power!!!

04-19-2006, 02:08 PM
Surpass is $15/month less for the same space (but less bandwidth). Yahoo also limits the number of POP email addresses you can have (kind of lame). I've had trouble with Yahoo!'s cusomer service before.. they kept repeating the same thing over and over and telling me it was something *I* did, when it wasn't (and I only bought a domain through them!). They were trying to tell me I hadn't changed my domain's nameservers to point to the new hosting, when I did, and it was working, then randomly switched back to their default page for a few days but all the settings were still the same LOL how was that my fault? But anyway whatever works out the best for you is what matters! I would love to get a server but have absolutely NO reason for one right now so why waste the money and resources?

04-19-2006, 02:12 PM
I use to do so much when I had access to a sweet server.. then it was retired & Rob got the super slow web server & my personal site was a drag to get into... Thats why I want my own.. I like the speed & I know i can maintain the server.

04-19-2006, 02:24 PM
Two more...
(Aghhh, I miss the beach!!)


04-19-2006, 02:24 PM
I use to do so much when I had access to a sweet server.. then it was retired & Rob got the super slow web server & my personal site was a drag to get into... Thats why I want my own.. I like the speed & I know i can maintain the server.
Well that's good. I'm used to dealing with "kids" (as in, younger than even I) who want the best for nothing. "ohmygawwzz I have a personal site with 'photography' (pictures of like black and white trees they called photography) and pictures of myself I need to get a reseller and buy the biggest package possible but I don't have any money so I want to go with a cheap host".

These same "kids" a month or so later down the road are upset because the "company" they chose to go with mysteriously disappears with their money and/or their site goes down for months at a time and emails go unanswered. :rolleyes:

OR said "kids" will want to buy a SERVER for a small site. A bit overkill you know? lol

04-19-2006, 02:38 PM
Well that's good. I'm used to dealing with "kids" (as in, younger than even I) who want the best for nothing. "ohmygawwzz I have a personal site with 'photography' (pictures of like black and white trees they called photography) and pictures of myself I need to get a reseller and buy the biggest package possible but I don't have any money so I want to go with a cheap host".

These same "kids" a month or so later down the road are upset because the "company" they chose to go with mysteriously disappears with their money and/or their site goes down for months at a time and emails go unanswered. :rolleyes:

OR said "kids" will want to buy a SERVER for a small site. A bit overkill you know? lol

Thats why I went with Yahoo, they wont go down tomorrow hehe (I wanted google but couldn't find theirs).

I have so many other uses for the server, as Linux is a powerful OS :) but when my game site if finished, it'll need the power. I'll prob have to buy a cable modem just for it!
But thats not any time soon, as there are no funds, very few members & the site is not even close to being complete

04-19-2006, 02:48 PM
:( none of my puppers qualify. Thunder doesnt look like mutt(he looks more like a pure King Sheperd)And Rockee a Black lab. None look overly obvious mixed. And none of them are purebred

04-19-2006, 02:52 PM
:( none of my puppers qualify. Thunder doesnt look like mutt(he looks more like a pure King Sheperd)And Rockee a Black lab. None look overly obvious mixed. And none of them are purebred

Post them anyways :)

04-19-2006, 02:58 PM
Gracie(siberian husky)-

Jake(great dane) i don't have him any longer(his breeder sold him for $5000 and he's now a kennel dog in CA :( ), but it's one of the breeds you needed-

04-19-2006, 03:10 PM
Sorry for taking so long. Here are some ...

The first three are Mandy (mix) and Nova (yellow Lab) playing. The fourth is Nova laying around (not sure if you can use something like this :confused: ). The fifth is Luka (yellow Lab) running.

04-19-2006, 03:31 PM
1. Mandy
2. Luka
3. Luka

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-19-2006, 03:43 PM
I don't know if you need more pics? My sister had 2 dogs. You may use the pics if you like! Both dogs are pure breed!

Tina; she is sick here, and died 2 months later...

Puppy Bo

04-19-2006, 03:50 PM
I don't know if you need more pics? My sister had 2 dogs. You may use the pics if you like! Both dogs are pure breed!

Tina; she is sick here, and died 2 months later...

I can use LOTS more photos :) do you have anymore photos?

04-19-2006, 04:04 PM
You can use some from my Zoto. Just click Here (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/lightbox/CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-60) and Here (http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a185/Monica_Valdez/) (their pics are under their names)

04-19-2006, 06:25 PM
You can use some from my Zoto. Just click Here (http://monicavaldez.zoto.com/user/lightbox/CAT.0/date_uploaded-desc/0-60) and Here (http://s11.photobucket.com/albums/a185/Monica_Valdez/) (their pics are under their names)

What breeds are they?

04-19-2006, 08:09 PM
Molly- Golden Retriever :D
Astra- Siberian Husky :D
Prince- Chihuahua :D

04-19-2006, 08:52 PM
If you need anymore you can use any pictures you'd like of my 2. Both are purebred border collies. Riley is the female black tri color and Rebel is the red merle male. :) Oh, and you may also use some of my mom's rough collie on there. He is a sable, and his name is Lex. I'm not sure if there are many pictures of him on there though...

You can browse pictures on my photobucket account, just please don't take/use any of the pictures that aren't of my 2. Thanks! :)


04-19-2006, 10:42 PM
dab_20 is correct on what PT means.

No I cannot completely explain what they will be used for. Its a huge supprise for the members on my site (as stated in my first post). As few PT members belong to my site & I wouldn't want to spoil everything. I'm hopping to get a fair chunk of it done next weekend (if my ex gives me access to write to my site I can show people here samples of what I did).

Thanks for explaining- I had a look at your site and wasn't sure where the pictures would fit in. Sounds like you have something fun planned.

These are my rat terriers- I will include both since they are different colours and types. Hogan is a black tri rat terrier and Pagan is a chocolate tri calico toy rat terrier. Hogan in 19inches and Pagan is 12.



04-19-2006, 11:41 PM
Don't know if you can use these but:





Savannah & Nikka

Savannah:unknown (mutt)
Bear: pyraneese/aussie