View Full Version : dog yarn

04-29-2002, 04:38 PM
Not to be an advertisement'but remember as the shedding season is here I am still spinning dog and pet shed for yarn. Just got a bunch form a groomer who's clients have been having her save it. Just e-mail me about it. Thanks ,Please no one get upset ok?

Dixieland Dancer
04-30-2002, 08:16 AM
I put the dog's fur in the front yard for the birds to gather up and use for building nests. In the fall I find it in almost all of our bird houses when they get cleaned out in the fall.

04-30-2002, 09:49 AM
I have never heard of using pet fur to be useful. I think the ideas are wonderful. As long as no precious animal is harmed, I say go for it.

Very clever idea about the bird houses, I would have never thought of it. I bet they would have a field day with my maltese's hair when he gets cut for the summer weather. Ha!:D

04-30-2002, 06:55 PM
I do the same thing with Anna's fur.. I just put the stuff in the yard for the birds to take them.. it's interesting to watch the birds fly in and pick a little bit of it up and go to its nest.. it's cute :) - Rachel

05-01-2002, 03:27 PM
I've heard about making yarn out of dogs shedding fur, I bet it would be very soft! But my 2 dogs (schnauzer and poodle) really don't shed, so I don't think it would work for them! lol. Of course maybe when Smokey gets his fur trimmed....you can make another dog and a half out of that....I swear poodle's fur grows so fast!

05-01-2002, 09:09 PM
I never thought about trying to put the fur in the yard for the birds, I thought about the yarn thing but their fur isn't long enough. And now that I think about it would be pointless for me to put the fur in the yard because the only birds we get in our yard for some strange reason (namely Smudge and Winter) are robins...which I have a feeling won't be here for very much longer, not when the falcon that lives next door most of the time decides to come back to the neighbour hood then they get chased away. But before she showed up the robins used to nest in the trees outside our house.

05-01-2002, 09:55 PM
Do you know that the hair will also keep the slugs and snails away???? Thank you, Mother, Master Gardener, for telling me that little secret. When we brush, the hair goes in the flower bed, to keep the slugs away from my precious Hosta!! :D

05-02-2002, 10:07 AM
I only mentioned it for yarn as memory pieces to have after you can no longer hold your pet. It is warmer than a photo. I do lots of it for people who have had pets go to the rainbow bridge.