View Full Version : Betta Question

Aspen and Misty
04-13-2006, 11:41 PM
I just recently adopted a new Betta. My last Betta, Belly died a few months ago. He is a gorgeous Crown tail. His Fins are All red with blue webbing in between and his body is a deep dark mixture of red/green/blue. The colors blend together and are so dark it is hard to tell which color ends where and where the next begins. I have never seen a Betta like him and had to have him. For now I'm pretty sure his name will be Dark Moon, Moon for short. I don't know why but it is the first name I thought of and I love it.

My question is he lives in a 2 gallon tank. Should I use a filter in his tank? It seems to create to much current for him and I see him struggling against it a lot. It is a filter made for a 2 gallon or smaller tank so it's not that it is made for a larger tank. Are filters necessary and if not, is there something I need to do to ensure his tank stays a healthy environment?


04-14-2006, 12:14 AM
Any pics!??! :D

He'll be fine without a filter. A 2 gallon is too small to cycle and keep stable anyways so all you need to do is 100% water changes every week (you could probably get away with 1.5 weeks).

04-14-2006, 08:44 AM
A filter won't do anything for that tank. I'd do 50% at a time for water changes. An easy way to clean the gravel in a tiny tank is using a turkey baster. Don't rinse the gravel ever, you'll lose what little beneficial bacteria you might have.

Aspen and Misty
04-14-2006, 11:22 AM
I know about not rinses the gravel as I have owned fishies before. I will probably do a 50% water change as I was always told to never do a 100% water change.

Moon will be much happier without that annoying filter, thanks guys!

No pictures yet, but hopefully soon.


04-14-2006, 04:55 PM
I've been told 100% WCs for most fishes isn't recommended but bettas are an exception. Every week I empty 12 tanks, fill them with new water at the same temp, add dechlorinator and plop the bettas back in. None have ever looked ill after a 100% WC.. actually, most of the boys blow bubble nests right after a WC. Of course, 50% WCs would be fine.. I just personally find it easier to do 100% changes less frequently.

The gravel thing though.. it really doesn't matter whether there's beneficial bacteria or not. You aren't supposed to wash the gravel if you want to cycle the tank. But again, a 2 gallon just isn't big enough to hold a steady cycle.. so it doesn't really matter.

04-14-2006, 06:04 PM
I do 100% WC with my bettas every week, no problems here. :)

04-14-2006, 10:29 PM
In all honesty I only do 33% once a week. But I test the water occasionally to be sure it is ok. I used a sponge filter in a cycled tank for a while and let it build up good bacteria then I tucked the sponge under the gravel in the girls' tank. Its a nice little trick.

04-15-2006, 02:41 AM
:/ I don't think that will successfully cycle a tank. I'm not a firm believer in cycling, myself, unless it is a huge tank. Even then, frequent WC's need to be done!

I would never go a week without totally cleaning out the gravel in my <10 gallon unfiltered tanks with gravel. Tons of food and waste get trapped down there and, over time, it'll poison the water.

04-15-2006, 09:55 AM
Oh yeah I suck the gravel with a turkey baster. No it doesn't cycle the tank, but it helps keep nitrite levels down. I have two 10 gallons that are fully cycled. Well, they are my moms. She does water changes a few times a year and my AP kit shows all levels at zero when I test it. It took a few periodic test for me to even believe.