View Full Version : This owner does NOT deserve Molly! UPDATE

04-13-2006, 11:13 PM
LOTS of PT prayers please for little Molly!
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Trapped NYC Cat Enters Day 13 of Captivity

By RICHARD PYLE, Associated Press Writer Thu Apr 13, 6:36 PM ET

NEW YORK - With Molly the fugitive feline sending out distress calls from a few feet — or maybe just inches — away, animal rescue and city experts tried anew on Thursday to lure the 11-month-old black cat from the innards of a 19th century building where she has been trapped for nearly two weeks.

The low-key drama, with no end in sight, was playing out in the basement wall and ceiling of a Greenwich Village delicatessen, where Molly had been official house mouser until wandering into a narrow space between walls and becoming lost in what rescue supervisor Mike Pastore described as "a maze of beams and pipes, going every which way."

With city building officials on hand to supervise, more bricks were hammered out in the cellar of the 157-year-old, four-story building on Hudson Street. The edifice is part of a landmarked historic district where alterations are prohibited without official permission.

Pastore said he hoped Molly's situation would be seen as enough of an emergency "so that we can knock out a few more bricks."

In another move, two kittens were brought to the scene in a carryon cage, in hopes that their mewing might trigger Molly's maternal instincts enough to draw her out.

Pastore, field director for Animal Care & Control, a private organization with a city contract to handle lost, injured and unwanted animals, said the rescue was the most difficult in his experience. "I've done this dozens of times — even in zero neighborhoods where you're lucky to get out alive," he said.

Molly's meowing could be heard so clearly on the sidewalk outside the building that it seemed she might be a foot or less inside the wall, though blocked from view by vertical studs and other obstructions.

"She's right there," said Pastore. "I'd like to be able to reach in and grab a piece of fur. That's what's so frustrating."

On Wednesday, bricks had been carefully removed at various spots to give Molly an escape route. Molly stayed put. Pastore's team later got a fleeting look at Molly through a tiny video camera snaked into the crawl space, but could not reach her. A cage, baited with food, was left overnight. Molly didn't bite. Even catnip, the feline aphrodisiac, had no effect on the timorous tabby.

Television reporters solicited the views of dog walkers and other passersby who paused to watch the activity that was making headlines across the United States and abroad.

"I think she's really scared, but I think she will come out," offered Katherine Mehta, 10, who was walking her small dog, Pepito, with baby sitter Philomena Brady.

On Thursday, a self-described "cat therapist," Carole Wilbourne, knelt on the sidewalk next to the building's outer wall and tried to coax Molly out with what she hoped were soothing words.

"I hear you, sweetheart," she cooed. "Come on, Molly, you can do it...everybody wants you to come out... nobody's going to hurt you."

After a few minutes, one of Pastore's aides, wearing a surgical mask, emerged from the dusty cellar and asked Wilbourne to stop. "I think you're stressing her out," she said.

Wilbourne complied, saying that she had been trying to "give inspiration" to the wayward cat. "I care," she told reporters. "I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't."

Amid the activity, business went on inside Myers of Keswick, a delicatessen that specializes in meat pies, clotted cream and other British food specialties. "I'm very busy," said proprietor Peter Myers, who opened the store 20 years ago and kept Molly to catch mice.

Pastore said the search for Molly was only one of the current concerns at Animal Care & Control, coinciding with the recovery of a male sheep in Queens and a wild turkey, named Hetta Gobbler, that was roaming the grounds of a Manhattan apartment complex, and was to be released into a park on Friday.

04-14-2006, 09:30 AM
This is where the old building nuts make me mad a life is more important than a pile o bricks. Its just a building the cat must be trapped somehow. Get out the sludge hammer and go to town.

04-14-2006, 09:34 AM
I don't understand. Why is the owner undeserving of Molly? He's doing everything he can legally to get her out.

04-14-2006, 10:07 AM
It is so easy for something like this to happen. My cat Sadie, whom I adored, went missing one day. It was several hours before we realized that we hadn't seen her in what was too long a time. After a while, we heard her crying, coming from behind my very large dresser. But it was muffled - and we couldn't understand why. We moved the dresser, and found the large patch in the drywall where the plumber had been earlier in the day to fix some pipes. Sadie had apparently wandered into the hole - it had never occurred to us that she might wander in, or that no one would notice her going in - and the plumber had walled her in. Thank goodness, she was able to find her way exactly to where she entered, and make herself heard, so that we could free her. She went through so many of her lives - more than nine, I think - she was such an overly-adventurous cat. Some of her adventures could have been prevented if she had been an indoor cat, as all of mine since have been. But that one - that was a fluke. Of course, I would know now to closet my cats away if a plumber was going to open a wall - but I didn't even know he was going to do that. I can't remember - it might even have been that he was doing the work while we were not at home, because I lived in a rented apartment at the time.

04-14-2006, 10:11 AM
What would happen if this were a CHILD???? :eek: Would the historic society still say that the building should be left intact?

I am sending many prayers that little Molly is rescued and that she finds a new forever home!

04-14-2006, 03:15 PM
"I'm very busy," said proprietor Peter Myers, who opened the store 20 years ago and kept Molly to catch mice.

That's what the owner said. Doesn't sound like he is worried or cares.

JMO Maybe quoted out of context.


04-14-2006, 05:15 PM
Probably quoted completely out of context. Someone who didn't care wouldn't have even called for help. And he's said in another story that he keeps her there as a mousecatcher even though he has to pay a fine every few month for having a cat in the store.

04-14-2006, 05:15 PM
Is there any news on the trapped kitty? Are there news links on the net? I keep thinking and praying for this dear trapped fur child.

04-14-2006, 05:20 PM
Excerpt from an article dated Friday the 14th
Demolition for trapped cat
Sun Online

RESCUERS today received the go-ahead to break through part of a wall in a historic building to rescue a cat stuck that has been stuck there for nearly two weeks.

Molly the moggie became trapped in the basement wall of a delicatessen in New York.

04-14-2006, 05:50 PM
The Pet Angel Search and Rescue Squad will be there soon to help rescue Molly.
And soon we Pray shes with her Guardians again.

04-14-2006, 11:29 PM
This was all I could copy and paste since I don't have a subscription to this paper(NYT) Looks hopeful though!

The Fraidy-Cat of Hudson Street Is Yanked to Safety
Published: April 15, 2006
The epic search for Molly, the black, 11-month old fraidy-cat stuck in the wall of a Greenwhich village food store for two weeks, has ended.