View Full Version : Surgery Date

Queen of Poop
04-13-2006, 02:23 PM
Saw the surgeon, my surgery date to have the breast "mass" removed is April 26th. 13 days away.

04-13-2006, 02:47 PM
:( Oh I am so sorry Gayle you will be having surgery.. I would be getting so scared.. I will mark my calendar.. I sure hope all goes very well & all to be good.. Me & the girls send whisker Hugggggssss & Prayersssss..... Keep us posted when you can..

04-13-2006, 03:21 PM
Hey, I didn't get the story of all this but I am sending my best thoughts! I would be scared and I keep all my fingers crossed and tell the boys to cross their paws as well :)

04-13-2006, 03:29 PM
Saw the surgeon, my surgery date to have the breast "mass" removed is April 26th. 13 days away.

Try not to be too scared. My dad had a mass in each of its man titties when I was very young. He said it didn't hurt much, they were tender as any bit of cut skin would be, but nothing too bad. He said the drugs they used to put him under made him sick for the day, but it wasn't anything too bad & NOT everyone gets sick.

Try to relax. If you have a fav stuffy, ask a nurse to make sure you wake up with it in your arms, as it'll comfort you as you wake up.

I was my sisters stuffy when she had her ear operated on (FAR FAR FAR more painful then having a mass removed from flesh). We NEVER got along, but I was the only one she cried for as she was waking (the Dr.'s didn't know my name as all she cried for was her sister, it was too early for me to go in, but she was over stressing so they thought it was best to bring me in). I went in & held her hand, she stopped crying out loud & only wimpered. The meds wern't working for her, so she got a shot in the butt & all was well.

If a motherly friend can go with you, bring them. It'll be well worth it for you & your friend (or hubby or boyfriend, sorry I don't know too much about you).

& with PT prayers, you know it'll go just fine :)

04-13-2006, 03:30 PM
Oh Gayle I'm so glad you getting this taken care of. I am sorry you have to experience such a thing though. My heart goes out to you. You'll be in my thoughts & prayers. {{hugs}}

04-13-2006, 03:47 PM
I know this is a scary time, but know that you have the support of all on PT! Every paw, whisker, and anything else that can be crossed will be in honor of you! And so many prayers! I have total faith in the power of prayer, and the ones from the PT family are awesome!

Please keep in mind that while this is a scary time for you, that the end effect will give you more peace of mind. The pain will be worth it to know that the "mass" is gone and can cause no more problems.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!

Daisy and Delilah
04-13-2006, 06:30 PM
My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I wish you the best and hope you recover quickly. My Mom is a survivor of the same surgery and she's doing fantastic every day. :)

04-13-2006, 06:49 PM
It's a simple surgery and you'll be in and out in no time. Of course any surgery is scary, but you'll do fine. Just remember those frozen peas! :)