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View Full Version : Hate my job!! (a little rant)

04-13-2006, 01:17 PM
I found out yesterday that a co worker of mine, (that does less work than I do) makes $1.80 more an hour!!!! :mad: :mad:
And I've been here 6 months longer that she has.
There is an opening for a position but of course they looked right over my head because I don't have a college degree. :mad: :rolleyes:
The girls in the back office do accounting, A/R, A/P, HR... etc, and the girl that's been here the longest has only been here for a year! I've been with the company for 4 years!! Whatever, I'm so sick of all the BS in life!!!

04-13-2006, 01:35 PM
Time to meet with the boss. Let them know of your interest in moving up and ask what you need to work on to be considered for the next position. Ask that your salary be reviewed also. Don't mention that you know others get paid more than you do. That's none of your business and it won't help you get a raise. No need to get upset. You are probably doing such a great job where you are, that you make their lives easier. They either want you to stay where you are because of that -- or they haven't realized that you are interested in other positions. Have you been applying for them?

04-13-2006, 01:37 PM

There are politics all over the workplace, even where I'm temping now. I know it's difficult when you realize that someone who has been there less time than you is making more money. But you've gotta just let it go. If it bothers you that much, find another job that does pay more.

Do you guys have an open door policy at work where you can talk to someone about the issues you have???

Just a suggestion.

Ginger's Mom
04-13-2006, 01:43 PM
Sorry Angie, bosses can be so dense sometimes, they don't realize where the real work is coming from. I am guessing that you are not very good at talking yourself up to the boss. Well, I say do it anyway. The squeakiest wheel gets the most oil, make sure they are aware of everything you do, and what you have to go through to achieve it. My nephew has come up against the no college degree wall, too, but there are other companies out there that don't put as much stock into college degrees. I honestly do feel for you. I took a vacation day today, but there are plenty of times that I want to scream I Hate My Job! Just think, this is a long weekend coming up. Plan something fun for Saturday. At least the creeps can't ruin your weekend.

04-13-2006, 02:02 PM
I just found out that a girl who has been there only two more weeks than I is making $0.25 more an hour than I, and only because she is friends with the manager.

But this is a MAJOR reason why we are not allowed to discuss pay with other employees, for that exact reason. BUT if you feel that you deserve a raise, then by all means, fight it. Sometimes employers LIKE seeing employees be up front with them and standing up for themselves, not a push over, you know?

04-13-2006, 03:02 PM

There are politics all over the workplace, even where I'm temping now. I know it's difficult when you realize that someone who has been there less time than you is making more money. But you've gotta just let it go. If it bothers you that much, find another job that does pay more.

Exactly, life is too short to be miserable!

04-13-2006, 06:08 PM
Finding out that someone else makes more for less work really sours
your attitude on the job doesn't it. :( It is a sad fact of life now, but
most decent paying jobs require a college degree, or at least an associate
degree in business courses or tech courses.Could you possible to take some
classes before or after your regular job? Good luck.

04-13-2006, 06:59 PM
Everything with my company is top secret. No one knows about a position opening untill they've already filled it!! Hell, I just found out yesterday that it's someone's last day on Friday. They gave there two weeks notice 2 weeks ago and I didn't know a thing about it! Everyone keeps to themselves, and is in their own world.
A co-worked of mine was murdered back in Feb, and she was our office mananger and she did EVERYTHING!!!!
It's taken 2 people to take her place and just today learned that they need to hire someone else. (we've found out the hard way that my late co-worker was not doing everything she was supposed to be doing :( so it's going to take a few people for sure to do all the work she was supposed to be doing)
I have ZERO self confidence, I've been batteling depression for months... my marriage is a joke and now this.... I'm just sick of fighting the world!
Thank goD I have Sierra & Buddy to keep me together!
Lizbud-I'll have to look into local night classes and see what kind of classes I could take to better myself.
Moosmom-Find another job.... yeah I guess it's about that time! Ya see... since I got out of High School (1993)I've landed good jobs, stayed with them for 3-4 years, then found another job. And I've been here 4 years this Saturday! :D
Ginger's Mom-Ugh... I wish I could enjoy a long weekend but I have to work this Saturday :( You're right, I need to wake my boss up and make him realize that I do a Hell of a lot more work that I get paid for, people doing less than me are making $13-$16 per hour and I'm only getting $11.90 per hour.

Thank you all for responding! :D

Daisy and Delilah
04-13-2006, 09:15 PM
We have to spend way too much time at work as it is but to be miserable there too is such a slap in the face. It's a shame we have to spend so much time with our co-workers also. Especially when you watch some of them, day after day, do little or nothing to contribute to the team. Finding out that they make more money than you do can really do a number on you. It's awful to have to go through this when you make it to work every day, work yourself to death, rarely complain, do everything you're supposed to, etc. etc. Life is definitely too short to put yourself through such pain and suffering. Start looking right away for something different. No wonder you're depressed and lack self confidence. That job is destroying you. Don't be afraid to change. It will all work out for the better I hope.