View Full Version : How do you get a cat to stop Charging?

04-28-2002, 04:26 PM
This is unbelievable that someone could be so stupid!!


How do you keep a cat from charging? Take away her
credit card!

Sorry, that is an old joke, but it brings me to the
story about a woman in Florida whose cat received a
credit card! First of all, how could this happen?
Well, it gets worse.

Since poor ol' Fluffy was in dire need of a new collar
and other "must have" kitty accessories, the woman went
out shopping with the card. And boy, did she shop! It
seems that she, or rather Fluffy, ran up an $80,000 credit
card bill! Again, how could this happen?

Although the cat's credit record may be ruined, (Ha!)
the authorities are pursuing the owner to collect the
debt. Well, good luck! Do they allow kitties to visit
their owners in jail? But it's mind-boggling to me that
the cat would get the card in the first place. Shame on
the credit card company, shame on the woman. I know
Fluffy must be terribly embarrassed!

04-28-2002, 04:32 PM
Too bad the card didn't have photo ID on it. It would be interesting to hear the lady's excuse for not looking like the cat on the card! Wouldn't you think the card company would question issuing a card to someone named Fluffy?;)

04-28-2002, 04:45 PM


04-28-2002, 04:51 PM
The AARP used to send membership mail to our Great Dane, Gracie! Some one of us, somewhere, put her name down as Grace Peterson, and that list got sold to several companies, credit card people included. Grace I can see, but Fluffy?

04-28-2002, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by Karen
The AARP used to send membership mail to our Great Dane, Gracie! Some one of us, somewhere, put her name down as Grace Peterson, and that list got sold to several companies, credit card people included. Grace I can see, but Fluffy?
That reminded my, our vet uses my last name as the animals last names too. If I start getting mail for Chester, Luke, Leonardo, or Leroy with my last name, I'll know where they got the info. I'm not really worried. She's real good and wouldn't do that, it just struck me as funny.