View Full Version : Rachel's drawings

04-28-2002, 01:55 PM
Rachel (countrywolf07) wanted me to post some her drawings! So here they are! :)

Lady and the Tramp
Recognize ME??

04-28-2002, 01:58 PM
Know what sitcom this is from?
Spring is here!

04-28-2002, 02:11 PM
Hi :) Let me know what you guys think of my drawings! I'll have Amy add more later! - Rachel

Monica: (sneezes) Gosh Phoebe, I think I caught your cold.. Phoebe: (angrily) You mean you STOLE it!

04-28-2002, 03:13 PM
Rachel those are great!!!:D What sitcom is that drawing from??

04-28-2002, 04:00 PM
Thanks! The drawing is from "FRIENDS", my favorite tv show :) - Rachel

04-28-2002, 04:53 PM
Awesome drawings!

04-28-2002, 07:18 PM
Great drawings! i love the one from Lady and The Tramp...one of my all time fav movies!

The Friends drawing...that is when they were scaring joey by putting a turkey on their head? I have watched Friends pretty faithfully since the series started when I was in High school. (I can't belive it was that long ago!!!)

04-28-2002, 07:27 PM
Yeah.. that's the thanksgiving episode! I'm a loyal fan of the show, Friends.. hehe.. I love that show. I love to quote things off to my friends. Who's your favorite character? Mine's Chandler. I'm a lot like him, personally. Oh! Season 1 FRIENDS comes out on Tuesday! :) - Rachel

04-28-2002, 07:36 PM
I don't know that I have a favorite character. They all are great for different reasons. I think Monica may be my least favorite...it seems like they make her bossier and more obsessive complusive every season. Sometimes almost too full of herself. She is still good character though.

In college we used to have a whole Thurday night ritual watching Friends, Seinfeld, Frasier, (or whatever other sitcoms have come and gone from Thursday) and ER and eating a pan of Brownies! Hasn't changed too much since I got married, the people I'm with have (with the exception of my husband)...but we still watch Friends and ER, only CSI is in the middle and now we eat pizza and drink beer!

04-28-2002, 07:45 PM
Friends and ER are good shows. The Simpsons is my absolute fave. I love CSI too! That show rocks!

04-28-2002, 07:58 PM
The Simpsons are good.. my brother's a fan of it :) I think he likes Bart or Homer, I don't know really. LOL.. you know what's weird? On "Just Shoot Me".. FRIENDS has been *mentioned* in it like 4 times.. like for example - " Yeah, a rerun of Friends is on next! And the new FRIENDS after.. " :) Oh yeah.. I own a FRIENDS site, but I haven't * exactly * updated it for a while.. here's the addy if you want to check it out or anything! - http://www.geocities.com/friendsfan2003/

- Rachel

* Few favorite FRIENDS quote to share.. *

Monica: Hey Phoebe, what does your favorite animal say about you?
Phoebe: What? You mean, behind my back?

Joey: Hi, here's the deal. We lost a car seat on the bus today. It's white, plastic, has a handle, and fits onto a stroller. Oh, and there was a baby in it.

Chandler: Ok! I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore. So, you win, okay? Here! Pheebs? Flying a jet? Better make it it a spaceship, so that you can get back to your home planet! And Ross? Phone call for you today: Tom Jones. He wants his pants back! And Hornswoggle? What, are you dating a character from Fraggle Rock?

04-28-2002, 08:09 PM
Homer Simpson: "What are you gonna do? Release the dogs?! Or the bees?! Or dogs with bees in their mouth so that when they bark
they shoot bees at you?"

04-28-2002, 08:54 PM
LOL!!! Great quotes!

One of our favorites:
Grandpa Simpson: "So I had an oinion on my belt, which was the style at the time..."

( My husband can go on much longer with it. I am not very good at remembering quotes word for word!)

Amy-if you like to read, Jeffery Deaver is a great author...does a lot of the foresnic science stuff like in CSI. (he wrote the book that the movie The Bone Collector was based on.) Some of his best are The Bone Collector, The Coffin Dancer, Blue Nowehere, The Empty Chair and Stone Monkey.

04-28-2002, 08:58 PM
Oo yeah I love to read. I read books of all different sorts. I'll have to check out that author. There's another author that writes books like that, I've read a few of hers. Her name is Patricia Cornwell I think.

04-28-2002, 09:04 PM
I have never read any of hers, but I am running out of authors, so I may have to try one.

Another good one is James Patterson. He wrote the books Kiss the Girls and Along Came A Spider (both Morgan Freeman movies). There is a whole series with Morgan Freeman's character (Alex Cross) and then a lot of other ones too.

04-28-2002, 09:24 PM
I'll have to check it out, I love both of those movies!

04-29-2002, 06:49 AM
Rachel, those are great drawings! You are very talented!