View Full Version : One Smart Fritz

04-10-2006, 06:19 PM
Fritz is one smart Bichon.I gave him a plastic water bottle yesterday and he had a little play with it and then took it out to the living room and Fritz then came back to me without it.I then asked him where did the bottle go and he took off to the living room where he sat up and begged at dad to give it to him and he brought it back to me.Later on,mom asked him where his Monkey squeaky was,he looked around for it.This proves that Bichons are one of the smartest dogs around and listen to what you say and understand you,I am sure other breeds do it too.He had a play with the squeaky today on my bed after supper and he would get me to play by pushing the toy into my face so i can throw it to him.He was trying to hide previous to this and ,started whining and gave up and started panting.He got warm later on today and snoozed in the middle of the kitchen floor.I was in another room and I heard growling and there is laying there in the kitchen wanting water in his dish Fritz has just been doing his Bichon wave to wrangle some raisin bun from dad.We took our White Birch out on the weekend as it was getting to big and messy to maintain ,so today we went to a nursery and bought a Norway Maple and got it planted and it will eventually reach about about 30 feet,but dad will prune it so he will not have to go so high to prune it.he wants to go out,so I have to go now. :D

04-10-2006, 07:46 PM
Wow, Fritz is a very smart dog! What a good boy. :)

04-10-2006, 07:51 PM
Smart boy! :D

Daisy and Delilah
04-10-2006, 08:27 PM
Awwwww!! Fritzie, you're as smart as a whip buddy! Of course, we always knew you were that smart ;) We woud love to see that Bichon wave in person cutie pie. That tree business sounds like hard work Barry ;) Take it easy and don't get hurt :) Kisses to Fritz for us!

04-11-2006, 07:39 AM
Oh boy Fritz, you are very intellegent!