View Full Version : Soul got hurt again...

04-10-2006, 04:09 PM
My brother's boxer has not had good experiences with dog parks so far.. and yet she loves them. Yesterday they went to a new one and a rottweiler ripped up her face. :( :( Poor girl.

04-10-2006, 04:21 PM
why would someone bring a dog aggressive dog to the dog park? :confused: I hope she'll be okay..

04-10-2006, 04:27 PM
why would someone bring a dog aggressive dog to the dog park? :confused: I hope she'll be okay..

I don't know... that's what I asked my mom. Thanks.

04-10-2006, 04:34 PM
did anyone report this person's dog to the person who runs the dog park?

04-10-2006, 05:27 PM
I told my mom he should've. I'm not sure if he did or not... I didn't talk to him, my mom did. I will have to ask him later.

04-10-2006, 07:14 PM
Honestly, STOP! One reason for the repeated attacks could very well be that even though she seems "friendly" to you, she might have bad dog manners and easily provoke dominant/high strung dogs. Boxers do tend to be kind of bouncy and annoying to some dogs... even though, bad manners DEFINITELY doesn't excuse another dog from ripping up her face. Those dogs obviously aren't well socialized at all, and don't belong at the dog park. :(

*sigh* The thing I dislike about public dog parks is that any idiot can bring his aggressive dog in there, and rarely do they get caught. I can totally feel for your brother... Gonzo also got his face punctured and the roof of his mouth torn up by an aggressive Rottie at the dog park. My best advice to your brother is to find friends with well-socialized, friendly dogs to play with his pup! I never go to dog parks anymore, unless it's only to meet people that I know with dogs that I can trust.

04-10-2006, 07:16 PM
Poor baby! I can't imagine that happening to my dogs... what an idiot, bringing an aggresive dog to a dog park :mad: :rolleyes: I hope she is okay. How bad is the rip?

04-10-2006, 07:29 PM
Poor Soul! I hope she is alright. Dog parks can be scary- Marta got attacked once because she was unknowingly standing next to something some unsocialized dog was guarding. I only go to the dog park when there are no other dogs or dogs I know around. I hope the poor girl feels better soon!

04-11-2006, 07:52 AM
Thanks. I will have to tell my brother that it's likely it will happen again. I am not sure how bad it is, I didn't talk to him yet.

04-11-2006, 08:12 AM
poor pup :(

04-11-2006, 08:31 AM
Poor Soul! I hope he feels better soon. :( Sassy was attacked by a shit-zu once on a nieghborhood walk. The dog was NEVER freindly to people and yet alone dog. The idiot dad let a 6 year old walk it and the child let go of the leash. :eek: :rolleyes:

04-11-2006, 09:47 AM
Poor Soul! I hope he feels better soon. :( Sassy was attacked by a shit-zu once on a nieghborhood walk. The dog was NEVER freindly to people and yet alone dog. The idiot dad let a 6 year old walk it and the child let go of the leash. :eek: :rolleyes:

Those dogs become footballs (as you can't grab it cause its trying to bite you) or road kill, depends if it comes back after the first couple of kicks. Yes I will harm an attacking dog or kill it. No offence but an attacking dog is a dead dog & its lucky if I even think to kick it first (I'd atleast try to give it a chance).. & by attack I mean it HAS to be charging, snarling, snapping &/or bitting at me or my dog or a dog I'm walking. My safety & the dog I'm walking's safety comes first... Then I'd sue/charge the owner for releasing a known agressive dog on me.

ooooo I JUST HATE those kinds of dog owners!! :mad: :mad:

04-11-2006, 10:23 AM
Oh, no.. poor Soul!! :( Poor girl.. please keep us updated on how she is! Sending lots of sloppy kisses your way, Soul!

why would someone bring a dog aggressive dog to the dog park?

Idiots would. People who know nothing about their dog and it's behaviours, or ignore it and say "it's just being a dog, this is OK!". The least they could do is keep it on a lead so the owner is able to remove it easily out of a bad situation.

I've never heard of a dog park that never has had a problem. There is no such thing! lol

At the DP I take my two to, I've never personally had problems, but have heard of many, MANY owners taking their aggressive dogs there and causing troubles.

04-11-2006, 10:39 AM
My heart goes out to Soul! Boody Rotts, and Pits too, ought to band from the dog parks! I know that it's right to blame the owner not the breed but how many dogs/kids/cats have to be attacked before things change?!?!
I hope Soul is not too badly hurt and whoever is responsible for the dog that hurt her owns up for the vet bills.

04-11-2006, 10:57 AM
Rotts, and Pits too, ought to band from the dog parks!

I have to strongly agree here. ANY dog can be aggressive and it's the OWNERS' fault, not the dogs!!! I have met MANY sweet rotties and pit bulls and NO they shouldn't be banned from the dog park, the owners that are idiots should!!! I own a rottie mix and she is the sweetest dog you'll ever meet. Pit bulls and rotties are well loved around here...
I am guessing you think they are 'bad' because of what you hear on the media?

04-11-2006, 10:58 AM
My heart goes out to Soul! Boody Rotts, and Pits too, ought to band from the dog parks! I know that it's right to blame the owner not the breed but how many dogs/kids/cats have to be attacked before things change?!?!
I hope Soul is not too badly hurt and whoever is responsible for the dog that hurt her owns up for the vet bills.

ooo not a smart thing to say!!!!!!

04-11-2006, 11:29 AM
I'm sorry this happened. But Drniblik you need to educate yourself about which breeds make up the most ercentage of bite cases in the U.S. each year. Pitts and rotts aren't at the top. That space belongs to shepherds and labradors and several other breeds. At my dog park the attackers are usually greyhounds, huskies, labradors, and boxers. I think people who have a pack of huskies should be banned from bringing them to the park together. Lets not get into blaming any breeds though, its owners who get a dog for a trophy and don't train them right that is the problem. I hope this doesn't make Soul's owner afraid to continue socializing their dog. They'll ruin the dog themselves if they don't get over this.

04-11-2006, 11:52 AM
I'm sorry this happened. But Drniblik you need to educate yourself about which breeds make up the most ercentage of bite cases in the U.S. each year. Pitts and rotts aren't at the top. That space belongs to shepherds and labradors and several other breeds. At my dog park the attackers are usually greyhounds, huskies, labradors, and boxers. I think people who have a pack of huskies should be banned from bringing them to the park together. Lets not get into blaming any breeds though, its owners who get a dog for a trophy and don't train them right that is the problem. I hope this doesn't make Soul's owner afraid to continue socializing their dog. They'll ruin the dog themselves if they don't get over this.

I think people should have to get a special permit to be able to bring their dog(s) to a dog park. Each dog will be tested for dog/people agression & obidence (recall is the improtant one). If a dog fails due to nipping (not attacking, you know those painful love bites) then it shoud be required to wear a cage muzzle & allowed in the park... I think the above would solve so many issues & will be fun & safe for all dogs.

04-11-2006, 12:03 PM
i hope the poor little girl is ok :(

04-11-2006, 07:49 PM
Thanks so much everyone. Soul is feeling much better, my brother took her to the vet where they flushed out the wounds and he puts ointment on it every day. He says she's healing well, and she's being an angel about it.

04-15-2006, 02:20 PM
No... I say that because my niece was attacked my a rott when she was sitting in her own backyard palting with her dolls (the rott jumped the fence to get at her) and one of my mom's cats was attacked by a pitt while she was sitting on the porch. If I hadn't been sitting near by my mom's cat would have been killed. As I said though, blame the owners who like the idea of a "tough" dog. Surely the media doesn't help the reputation though. I am glad that your rottie is a sweet dog, but there are a helluva a lot of them that aren't and you can thank their owners for that.

04-15-2006, 03:14 PM
There are FAR more bitting/attacking goldens, labs, cockers, border collies & other so called Family dogs. I watch those breeds the most when on a walk, but I don't judge a dog until I meet him/her.

I've been bitten by a Border Collie (caused 7 stitches), brought down by 2 not so friendly goldens (each grabbed a leg & pulled.. nearly forgot about these to dogs), bitten in the face by some sort of water dog, a smooth collie (a lassie type of dog) did its darnest to tear me from limb to limb while I was in my yard pulling trees from inbetween the garage & our fence (it nearly attacked a baby!! Luckly we saw the dog trying to get to the baby & snatched the baby up, once again we were in our fenced in yard). A Newfy chewed my hand (he was being abused & the owhers didn't know it so when I went to pet him like I did evey week he bit me several times). Lots of other dogs.

I was even pitten by a pit bull by accident, if a dog could cry he would have. Sure I had 2 quarter sized bruses, but an accidental bite is different then an angrer bite. I had my Ribs cage broken (my chest looks odd now) by a 200p Rottie. Once again it was an accident & he became protective of me while I was squirming on the ground (that sucked as I would have liked to have had help), he even told his owner to back off (he was a trained guard dog & was my buddy so he knew something was wrong with me & didn't want anyone to hurt me so he stood near me (he was a good boy).

I Still love dogs, I get a little scared when a charging, barking or snarling dogs does that to me, as well duh, anyone would be, but I don't disslike any of them.

04-15-2006, 03:28 PM
that's terrible! poor Soul. :(

i can't believe someone would bring a dangerous dog like that to the park.

04-15-2006, 09:00 PM
There are FAR more bitting/attacking goldens, labs, cockers, border collies & other so called Family dogs.

I know... it's sad because surprising some people will judge Sam if they've been been biten by a Cocker. :( Too bad... most are just the sweetest. I wish everyone knew the reality that its the owners fault and not the dog's.

04-15-2006, 11:47 PM
Well, DrNiblik, I understand kind of why you don't like those particular breeds, but it was not the dogs fault, it was the owners...I am not going to say anymore though, it would not be nice.

I am so glad that Soul is doing better! Poor baby, I don't understand why someone would possibly think that they could bring in a dog agressive dog like that.
I will be keeping Soul in my thoughts for a quick recovery, and better luck with dogs (although I would not recommend bringing her to the park unless knowing who is there, and that Soul will be safe!)

Steph, Jes, and Jemi'

04-16-2006, 12:19 AM
Well, DrNiblik, I understand kind of why you don't like those particular breeds, but it was not the dogs fault, it was the owners...I am not going to say anymore though, it would not be nice.

ditto..I am glad Soul is doing better, too. :)