View Full Version : Amy and Snow cat.

04-28-2002, 08:13 AM
As many of you are aware, that Friday I adopted a tuxedo kitty from the Visalia animal shelter. I took her because she is so affectionate, loyal and loving. When I picked her up from her cage at the shelter, I knew this one was for me.

Amy cat has been with us for 3 days now. This Sunday morning the other cats are running and playing around the house. Amy only gives off this loud screech when she is approached by any of the others as a warning. She was laying on the floor watching the others run by. I think that she wants to play with them, but is afraid to. (But give her time).

Snow cat wanted to play with her also. So, he laid on his side and gradually scooted up toward her, watching her eyes. I had never seen a cat do this before --to attempt to make friends with an new member of the household. Any rate, Amy gave off her usual screech and Snow cat retreated. However, Amy is becoming more tolerant of having the others around. I suppose that it will take about a week or more for her to fully integrate with the others. Has anyone else witnessed Snow Cat's attempt-to-make-friends behavior by any of their furkids?

04-28-2002, 10:04 PM
No I haven't witnessed this exact behavior but Storm would hide behind things to get closer to Sunny before they became friends. It was as if he was stalking him. He was so curious and interested in Sunny but he would hiss and spit at him too. He finally gave in and started to play with him. It only took three days. After that Pepper gave in on day five. All three have been best friends ever since. They fight occassionally like siblings do but their is a very strong bond and love between them.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-29-2002, 04:41 PM
Never a dull moment at your house, Wayne. :D

I've never personally witnessed it, but it sounds to me like Snow Cat was taking a "non-threatening" pose to show Amy Cat that he meant no harm. I don't remember if it's wolves or dogs or both or maybe some other kind of critter, but they will expose their belly when they want to show they are not a threat since the belly is very vulnerable if attacked. Seems kind of like that is the effect Snow Cat wanted. Must have been cute to watch, but I feel bad that Amy Cat still rejected him. Like you say, though, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before she joins in with everybody, and maybe Snow Cat will become one of her favorites since he was the first to try so hard. :D

Please keep us posted on all the wonderful goings on with all your kitties. :)

Edwina's Secretary
04-29-2002, 04:49 PM
My mother had an ancient Skiperke, MissC. One time Edwina laid on her back with her front paws outstretched. She was reaching toward MissC's snout. Sort of rolling closer and closer to the dog.

Unfortunately, MissC was terrified and begged to get on my mother's lap. Edwina has never tried that with any other dog.

04-29-2002, 08:03 PM
T & P M, you have got that right about not having a dull day around this place. I know that others could ignore what a house full of felines would be doing, but to me they are fascinating and watch what they do, especially their responses to me.

With each passing day, Amy allows the other furkids to come closer before she lets out her "scrowel". Who ever had her as a pet before I got her, obviously tried to take good care of her because she did not fight me placing the identification collar on her from the shelter. This more or less tells me that she probably had a flea collar on at one time. Since she was picked up as a stray, according to her shelter records, I feel that she either ran away from home or was abandoned (I'm more inclined to accept the latter). Amy appears to be less than 2 years old. She is such a tiny cat, barley weighs 5 lbs, more at 4 - 3/4 lbs. But the fact that she is not fussing at the others as before tells me that she is gradually accepting integration. In fact, she slept with me on the bed last night and also alowing the others room on the covers, but all keeping about 3 ft. away from her.:)


04-29-2002, 11:31 PM
MY 8 yr. old Kedi, used to flop down and roll around next to Wylie when I brought him home :rolleyes: At first Wylie wanted NOTHING to do with him, and used to hiss & swat. :eek:
Kedi was so upset- he just wanted to a buddy so bad! He has always been really friendly with other cats. He is just a big love ;)
It took about 5 (or so) days for Wylie to come around, but now they are buds- we call them 'our lover-boys' :rolleyes: :D

05-01-2002, 08:22 PM
Well, it seems as though Amy cat is beginning to accept the others without her screech. Today she was playing by herself,(loping around) amidst the others while they were chasing each other and playing around the house this morning. Her white paws are so obvious if she is playing or when she is on a deliberate "journey". I have never seen a cat that so thoroughly loves scritchies and always lays beside me as Amy. She will turn over on her back with all 4 paws up in the air, to allow me to rub her tummy. I don't know if she is attempting to protect me from the others, or whether she is defending herself with her "scrowel". She will attack if one comes too close to her, but otherwise, she is all noise and no bite!. I sincerely hope that after a week or ten days of being here, she will begin to integatrate with the others during their play time, as she has been with me for only 4 days, now.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-02-2002, 10:11 AM
Amy Cat sounds like a real sweetheart, and I would say she will be playing with the others in no time. Give her a few scritchies for me. :)

05-03-2002, 05:09 AM
Still keeping my fingers crossed that Amy will soon will at ease with the other cats as well :)

05-07-2002, 01:29 PM
Just wondered how thngs are going there Wayne? Is there any more news on the Amy front? Is she still 'scroweling' at the others or quietening down a bit?


05-07-2002, 07:20 PM
Lynn, she is more at ease with the others around now, but she still scrowels at any one who comes too close, except Ophelia! Yet, she is allowing the others closer to her without a protest! Ophie cat is about the same size as Amy, and is an unspayed female, but this status will change tomorrow. This afternoon, I built another windowsil-box for which furkid wanted to claim it, and Amy was the first one to lay down in it. So, now I suppose it is her box, since she is so territorial and possessive. Right now, Ophelia is laying down on Amy's pillow next to the keyboard, while Amy is sleeping in her new window-box. Princess is laying down on a mat behind me, which is her 2nd best place. :)


05-08-2002, 04:20 AM
Aw Wayne what a lovely picture I've got in my head:) She really sounds as if she's going to be a permanent resident - yeah!! Do let us know how Ophie goes on today - fingers crossed across the ocean - give her a nose kiss for me pleasexxx


05-08-2002, 08:10 AM
I have Ophie and Blue each in a pet carrier to take to the spay/neuter clinic this morning. They don't cry out from being confined in a box as much as Tiger and Fluffy. However, I do not like to treat my pets in this manner, but on the other hand, I know that it has to be done. Sometimes, they make you feel like you are "killing" them by the way they protest agains being in a box! I will keep you all posted on their spay operation today.


05-08-2002, 08:32 AM
Wayne, you are doing the right thing for sure. Your babies will be much happier after their operations. They are safe in the carriers, right? They just protest out of fear I think. They will be fine and much happier in the long run - and so will you. I think it is called population control! And the side highlight is that it mellows them out a bit too! Its a win win situation. Keep us posted as to how your two babies do today!

05-08-2002, 06:30 PM
I got back from the spay/neuiter clinic about an hour ago. Both of my furkids are OK, aside from being under the anesthesia and a little wobbly, they will make it. Ophie and Blue are not affectionate kitties, neither to they make good lap cats, but they are sociable when they are feeling OK. And for now, Ophie is fighting the effects of the anesthesia, because she won't settle down, not like Blue. In fact, Blue has found her favorite place on my bed and will probably be there most of the night. I'm still trying to get Ophie to calm down, finding that scritchies on her cheeks seem to do the best.:)

(later) Ophelia finally wore herself out. I had to place her back in the pet carrier (the one I made) to attempt to get her to calm down. I think the recent memory of being confined in the box caused her to have a change of heart, because in about 10 minutes she was sound asleep on the bed. This morning she was cold (probably because of little food intake) because she would park under the desk lamps. So, I placed her on the floor and she immediatley went to sleep again next to the red heat lamp (which I use as a foot warmer). Since this same behavior is repetitious with my other recently-spayed females, it is to be expected. :)


05-08-2002, 11:32 PM
I'm so glad to here that Ophie and Blue are doing well. I'm also glad to here that Amy Cat is finally fitting in with the others. It sounds like you will soon have one big happy family. :D

05-09-2002, 09:59 AM
Soooo pleased Wayne.:) :) Hopefully by now the 'girls' will be feeling a little better and planning mischief!!:eek: :eek:


05-10-2002, 07:59 PM
Lynne, speaking of mischief, I'm noticing for the past week now, that Princess does not play with the other cats, even though she is nearly fully recovered from her spay operation, and neither has she attempted to go outside any longer. And, you know, come to think of it, I have never seen Princess play with any of the others. Everything she does is so "serious", even her eyes, are so feline in nature, but they exemplify little expression -that is, the have the same look regardless of what she is doing or feeling. It is difficult to determine her mood or what she wants to do by the look in her eyes, having that wide-eyed stare.

Ophelia is a bit more friendly now, after her operation. In fact, she allowed me to pick her up and cuddle her for a little while this evening, something that she was not known for.

Blue has been sleeping most of the days and nights since her operation. In fact, I thought Blue to have gotten outside because she was not seen at the last evening's feeding. Apparently, all she does is sleep in her hiding place, wherever that may be! Also, to note that Blue has the prettiest green eyes of any cat I can remember. Right now, her and Tiger are sharing a window box.

Tiger has made the greatest change, especially after feeding to her Nutra-cal. Remembering the day I brought her home from the restaurant, she was so tiny. But you should see her now, weighing nearly 8 lbs, and she is still getting bigger. Tiger has the most expressive eyes of any of my cats. In the mornings she is running through the house with either Snow cat or Fawn, playing run and hide. It is so funny to watch them play their cat games. Yet, Tiger is not a lap cat, and does not like to be picked up for scritchies. But the only times I can pick her up without a protest, is when she is being carried to her feeding box with the expectation of eating some of her favorite goodies.:) also, that Tiger is the most mischevious cat of the lot.

This morning (5/11) she absolutely pestered me for nearly 3 hours until I got out of bed to feed her (and the others). Pestering me: by climbing around on the bed, making noises under the mattress (by "twanging" the springs with her paws), jumping on me from the adjacent shelf, and running over me. Finally, she started to knead my face with her front paws. So, I finally got the idea that Tiger was hungry! She apparently was justifiably hungry -having eaten nearly 1/2 large can of cat food with some kitten chow, and Nutra-cal added. Because of the cool weather this last part of April and first part of May, I have noticed that tiger's and the other's appetites are greater. So, I fed all of them. including the kittens, until they quit eating! What a food intake! :p
