View Full Version : new dog with cats- help!

08-01-2001, 12:04 PM
Help! I just got a new dog three weeks ago. She is half black lab. and half border collie, and is very smart and well behaved most of the time. The problem is that she goes nuts over my cats (one 7 year old, one 7 month old kitten). I have always had cats and dogs together before with no real problems other than a little adjustment at first. This dog seems different though: she is very intense in her interest, and lunges and barks wildly- not like any dog I have had before. She is also VERY quick because of the border collie in her. Much faster than the average dog I think. Does anyone have any good suggestions &/or pointers on how to handle this? Right now all the animals are separated and they don't like it, especially the cats who have always had the run of the house. I just don't want a dead cat!

08-01-2001, 09:43 PM
I just got my first cat, and I have had a greyhound for 2 years. It was an adjustment, the dog had never been around cats, that I know of and the cat is a year old and hadn't been around dogs since she was a little kitten. I just took it slow and made certain that I always supervised the dog and sometimes even shut the cat into the bedroom so she could have some downtime.
This was just in my pet connection newsletter today:

Can cats and dogs get along? While a current movie has
fun with the idea that the animals are secretly fight-
ing an all-out war, millions of real-life cats and
dogs live in harmony, and millions of people feel no
family would be complete without at least one of each

Getting a dog and cat to accept one another can dif-
ficult, though, as anyone who's tried to introduce
them well knows. There are some basic steps to get-
ting both pets to at least call an inter-species

Under no circumstances should cat-dog introductions
be handled by throwing the animals together and let-
ting them work out things on their own. That method
is far too stressful even in the best of circum-
stances. It's also important to keep in mind that
introductions can be dangerous, usually for the cat.
Some dogs see cats as prey, and even those dogs who
are generally easygoing may react instinctively to
a cat on the run, attacking the smaller animal.
Introductions must be supervised, and they must be handled
with planning, care and patience.

If you have a cat and are planning to bring in a dog, try
to find an animal who is known to be accepting of cats.
Shelters, rescue groups or private parties looking to
place puppies and dogs often know if an animal has suc-
cessfully lived with a cat, or they will test to see how
the pet behaves in the presence of one.

If you have a dog and are planning to bring in a cat,
start working on your pet's obedience before you add
the new animal. Your dog should be comfortable on a
leash, and trained well enough to mind your requests
for him to stay in either a sit or down position
while on that leash.

For the cat's comfort, he should be confined during
the early stages of introduction to a small area
(such as a second bathroom or guest bedroom) where
he can feel safe while becoming acclimated to the
sounds and smells of the dog. Be sure the room has
everything he needs, and make sure frequent one-on
-one visits with human family members are also on
the schedule.
After a couple of days with the cat sequestered, put the
dog on leash and open the door to the cat's room. Allow
the animals to see one another, and do not allow the dog
to chase the cat, even in play. Use the sit-stay or down
-stay to keep the dog in place while the cat gets used
to his calm presence. Don't force the cat to interact
with the dog; if the cat wishes to view the dog from
the darkest recesses of the bed, so be it. Reward the
good behavior of both animals with treats and praise.

Keep the dog on leash for a couple of weeks in the cat's
presence, and always make sure the cat has a way to
escape from the dog, such as putting a baby gate across
the door to the safe area. Build up the time the animals
spend together, and continue to make the introductions
rewarding, with more treats and praise.

When the dog isn't interested in bothering the cat, and
the cat feels secure enough to come out from under the
bed, you can take off the leash and let them get on
with their new lives together. How long it will take
to get to this step will depend on the animals involved,
and you must work at their pace.

It not uncommon for dogs and cats to become friends and
to enjoy each other's company. Take the time to manage
your cat-dog introduction properly, and you could be
setting up a friendship that will last for the rest
your pets' lives.
Good luck and I hope things get better.

08-01-2001, 10:45 PM
Thank-you so much Shais_Mom. That was such a good article that I printed it up! Also thanks to you spencer, I know I can always count on you for good advice.