View Full Version : How did your dog get it's name?

04-09-2006, 08:51 PM
Bailey, ironically, was named after two female characters in two seperate movies. Bailey was after the character in The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and Cale was after Dakota Fanning's character in Dreamer.

Where did your dog get it's name?

04-09-2006, 09:02 PM
Maggie Mae: My twin was obsessed with the name Maggie and absolutely loved it so my mom let her name Maggie and Mae because we got her in the month of May. I personally think my mom let Rachel name her Maggie because my mom likes the song "Wake Up Maggie May".

Martin Jeffery: Marty's name was picked out of a hat and one day my little sister called him Jeffery and we all thought it was so cute that it became his middle name.

Alejandro: Alex got his name from the puppy mill he came from, we named changed it but we do call him Alejandro for a long version of it.

Roxabella: I was wanting a pit bull puppy for all last year and I had the names picked out Chachi for a boy or Roxie for a girl. Well since I didn't get my pit, I got a min pin. She was Roxie from the start and personally I think I should have named her Diva. Roxabella came from Roxie and Bella(beautiful). Bella is my cousin's pug's name and so I just combined it. RoxieBella didn't sound right so it became Rox-A-Bella.

04-09-2006, 09:07 PM
Buster -- I always called him Buster Button and it stuck. :)

Rocky -- we got him in a town named Rocker, so it's Rocky.

Jenny -- my mom named her after my grandmother, Geneva..they spell it
G-e-n-n-y, but I spell it J-e-n-n-y, because it looks better. :p

and Ginger -- my mom inherited her from my grandmother (my mom's mom, Geneva) when my grandmother passed away in 2003. My grandmother named her Ginger, because of her color.

04-09-2006, 09:39 PM
We got Sassy from the movie Homeward Bound. :) My dad really named her since he thought Malteses were "for super star" dogs back then :rolleyes: . Sassy just stuck.

04-09-2006, 09:42 PM
Credit Approved "Visa" - When Visa was a puppy, her and her littermates became exposed to another puppy's vaccine reaction and developed parvo. The breeder spent $2000 keeping the litter alive. Some of the puppies died, but Visa and her brother and sister, Amex and Cash, both survived. Visa literally owes her life to a Visa card.

04-09-2006, 09:48 PM
Roxy--Well she had her name from the shelter, and it fit her, so it stuck!
TigerLily Princess "Lily"-TigerLily from Peter Pan. Wanted her to share the name of a Peter Pan character in memory of Tink. Couldn't think of her middle name, and my mom suggested Princess, so Tigerlily Princess, it is! Lily for short :D.

Aspen and Misty
04-09-2006, 10:18 PM
Teddy - was named because he is big and fluffy like a Teddy bear. Besides that all the kids in the house were young and who wouldn't want a dog named Teddy? LOL.

Nova - She got her name because she is yellow and Nova means star. It just seemed to suit her.

Konner - My sister named him Connor when she owned him (same name, different spelling) and when I got him I hated the name. I had him for awhile and considered changing it but eventually decided to leave it. On his first birthday (December 14) I wanted to do something really special to celebrate. Might sound stupid but I changed the spelling of his name from Connor to Konner. I bought him and ID tag with that spelling and it made me feel like he was 100% totally mine, name and all.


04-09-2006, 10:54 PM
Tango: To make a very long story short, I'd always wanted a Toller named Tango so that's how she got her name.

Tia: Not really sure, my mom named her. I don't think there was a reason for it, it just suited her.

Winston and Morgan came with their names.

04-09-2006, 10:58 PM
Payson - There is a city in Arizona named Payson. We liked the way it sounded and it seemed to fit him.

04-09-2006, 11:05 PM
Simba & Nala are from The Lion King 1 - Kiara is Simba & Nala's cub in TLK2.

04-10-2006, 08:21 AM
My daughter named both Sirius and Natalie- Sirius was pretty obvious since he is a big black dog, but Natalie was born at Christmas (nativity). Hogan and Pagan both came with their names from the breeder, but we got to pick their registered names. Hogan's litter were named for Elvis songs, so my daughter picked 'PBKs Got My MoJo Workin' (which I have never heard) and Pagan was called Pagan because the breeder like 'P' names- and I kept it because she was 8 months when I got her and seemed mean to change it. I wanted a pretty name that had pagan origin so it fit, and she was born in July, so I chose 'PBKs Summer Solstice'.

04-10-2006, 08:36 AM
Frisk... well... I was young and it was either going to be Jack or Frisk. I don't remember it that well, but I suppose it ended up being Frisk! :D
Ethan... when we adopted him, he had no name. I always like the name Ein, and my family did, too. I have a cousin named Ethan, and mum just wouldn't get used to calling the new dogs Ein, so it ended up being Ethan.
Skylar... my sister came up with it. Not sure how, though. Probably because of his blue eye.

04-10-2006, 08:40 AM
My mom named Pepper, because she was black. She was registered as Miss Pepper K'mere.
Autumn was born in Autumn. I had picked out her name before we met her.

04-10-2006, 09:03 AM
Nanook: I had the name picked out well before the dog. I knew it ment polar bear in Inuit so between that & the fact that I already wanted some sort of artic type breed I searched for one who fit & liked the name Nanook and of course one with an exceptional personality.

Raustyk: I knew I wanted her for months yet could not for the life of me think of a name that I liked, she liked & one that would suit her. The name issue was really starting to bother us both as we have already had her for a number of days yet she still did not have a name so our brains were working overtime. My b/f at the time was working in an apartment complex named Rustic Village. Not sure what promted it but he came home one day saying we should name her rustic and that he thought of it from the apartments. When he said the name surprisngly enough I loved it yet I was not sure about the spelling or meaning behind it (the apartment complex was a dumb meaning when it had no significant relations to either of us & it was not that nice of a place either) so I revised it, spelling it different & thinking of some other meaning that was a little more sentimental, she is more like the older (rustic) rotts, a little more stocky & shorter and her rust colored points were just that color.

Kaige: I needed to think of both a kennel & call name for him and I wanted them to be connected in some way yet a little unique as well. Tons of call names came to mind, many that I adored much more than "Kaige" yet for some reason the kennel names that went with them didn't fit him or the call name or just the call name didn't fit Kaige. One of my favorite kennel names that seemed to fit him best was RisingStar's Bustin' Loose, so I worked off of that in search of a call name. My neice actually thought of "Cage" but that was way to simple for me yet I became really attracted to the name. So I changed the spelling to Kaige.

critter crazy
04-10-2006, 09:35 AM
Duke- Well my bloodhound duke got his name from the "Beverly Hillbillies" Obviously after their dog duke!! :D

04-10-2006, 09:42 AM
Bitsy was named because of her small size.
Charlie came to us with the name 'Shortie', we didn't feel it fit him so we renamed him Charlie. We wanted something that ended similar to Shortie so he'd adjust to it more easily. The name Charlie also just seem to fit him well.
Buster came with is name.
Nacey also came with her name.
Nova showed up in our yard on Thanksgiving day. Because it was November we decided to call her Nova. We posted signs, reported her at the pound & vets and no one responded until a few days before Christmas. They were very short with me and basically said they didn't want her (this is the shortened version of the story). I never found out her original name. By then she was responding to the name Nova and it seemed to fit her well.

Lori Jordan
04-10-2006, 09:55 AM
My first which is Maggy,i wanted to name her Nala,but the hubby did not like that i was sitting in the back seat with her on our way home after purchasing her,Jamie looks back at me and says "Maggy" and i thought it was cute so it stuck! And Lacy i had Lexy ,Jenny or Lacy picked out and i said Lacy to her and her ears perked up so that one stuck too...And Molly,i wanted a dog named Molly so that is what we got lol..And with my RB Bandit i wanted to call him either Blaze or Jesse and My nephew picked him up and said no he looks like a Bandit...so thats how he got his name also!

04-10-2006, 03:35 PM
Beanie got his name froma list of names i made when we adopted him. his full name is JellyBean.

Gracie was origonaly Wolfie. i didn't like the name and my mom suggested the name. it wasn't officail until she was walking and fell right on her face. that's my graceful Gracie! :rolleyes:

Kodie(rescue dog) came with the name Nakoda. i made it shorter and sweeter with Kodie.

04-10-2006, 03:57 PM
NINJA : when i first got her i called her NIŅA (girl in english) and she responded so well to the name and i came to the conclusion i had to name her something that sounded similar so i came up with NINJA besides i love ninjas and i would love to have the abilities and agility they have :p

CHINA: (formerly know as Tonta ;) ) this is a long story but after a long long while i decided tonta wasnt a really nice name since it means dumb in english so i had enought of it and finally came up with CHINA for a fine and fragile as porcelain, shes my fine, petite dog and such a girlie girl i think it really suits her and i like it

i could name all my former, RB dogs but iīll take a while so iīll stick to my current ones............hoping to add one more ;) :D

04-10-2006, 04:03 PM
Shadow - She came to us with the name, we never even thought about changing it, not sure why!

Micki - Well...Just look at him!
He has two Mickey Mouse shaped markings!! I outlined them in green ;) And we knew that we had to name him "Mickey"...and I planned on spelling it like that too, but my mom liked it "Micki" better :rolleyes: So Micki he became :D

Mini - Being Micki's sister...what else could we name her?! And I guess it does have some significance...She is smaller than Micki...Mini = Miniature..yeah, I try...Oh and her original name was Angel, doesn't fit her at all :p

Kyra - My brother and I searched baby names all day long and wrote a list of names we liked for her. My mom came home from work that night with a list of her favorite names...except she promised me that I could name her, so the only one on our list that she liked was Kyra...so Kyra she became!

Jack - I really, really, really, really wanted to name him Bonzai...but everybody I talked to (my family, my cousin, my Aunt..) absolutely hated it. My mom was completely stuck on the name Jack, and I hated it. I couldn't think of anything else that I'd really like to name him, and when I actually met him I knew he would be Jack. His full name is actually Jumpin' Jack Splash ;) (Jumpin' = my hopes of an agility dog, and Splash = my hopes of actually having a dog that likes water.) His original was actually BIFF! And needless to say, I didn't like it at all!

04-10-2006, 04:10 PM
Madison named after the mermaid in "Splash" and she was definitely an uptown girl. :)

McMurphy named after the fiesty nurse on "China Beach".

Whizzer of Oz named after the "Wizard of Oz" of course, because I wanted a connection for him, a Collie, to my 2 Toto dogs.

Gulliver named after Gulliver's Travels. Figuring that gives him a connection to Oz. With both being named after stories involving traveling off to a strange land.


04-10-2006, 04:16 PM
I named Molli because I just really liked the name! I really like the 'i' at the end... it's just different.

Sam had his name before we even looked at him. We thought Sam was such a cute name. His name before that was creek. I hated that name for him.

04-10-2006, 05:00 PM
Marta- Marta is named after one of the little girls in "The Sound of Music" which is one of my favorite movies. It is the slavic form of Martha and means "a lady." I think it suits her perfectly!

Adele- I found her name by doing a search online, and I wanted a 2-syllable name that didn't sound like Marta at all. I saw the name Adele and it just suited her!! We mainly say "Dell" though, and our computer is "named" A dell. haha

Buddy- He came with the name. I have wanted a male welsh corgi and wanted to name him "Vallis" (which means a welshman) but Buddy is used to his name so we will probably keep it.

Seine- Ok, ok, she is a cat, but she is named for the Parisan river Seine and also a character from the movie "spirited away."

04-10-2006, 05:49 PM
Tito is named after General Tito, the former learder of Yugoslavia.

Bella means beauty in Italian, and white in Serbian.

Bo is named after my auntīs old dog, he was a great dog when I was little, and i loved the name.

04-10-2006, 05:52 PM
SKIPPER- Skipper got his name because he was the skipper on our boat of course! ;)

Nobas Mom
04-10-2006, 06:36 PM
Noba's full name is Oda Nobunaga, who is an ancient Japanese "warlord" type warrior person... basset hounds are really not known for being warrior types, so I thought the name would make him sound tough!! :D