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04-09-2006, 12:57 PM
I moved into Alexa's on Friday and Corkscrew had been doing great, he didn't pee anywhere he wasn't supposed to, he didn't have hissing fits and he didn't hyperventilate (which he has done before). Since him and Tibby were doing so well and were starting to get bored in the bedroom I thought I'd let them explore the rest of the house. Corkscrew seemed to be doing well, he was exploring and didn't seem freaked out. But when I brought him back up to the bedroom he peed on the bed. I guess I'll wait a while before letting him explore again.

04-09-2006, 02:21 PM
Poor Corkscrew (poor you). He is such a sensitive soul.

This is how I see it: going from 1 room to an entire home is overwhelming. I always feel bad, but how else can a person make the house seem smaller? (there really is no way, I guess) It is almost like the cat needs 1 room, then 2 rooms, then 3 rooms......but there is usually no WAY to do this.

I hope he feels more at home real soon.

04-09-2006, 02:26 PM
I wish there was a way to make the place seem smaller, but like you said it's almost impossible. Once the bedroom door is open the entire house except for the downstairs bedroom is exposed.

Despite this one setback though he really is doing much better than I could have ever expected. I have three feliway plugins, one in the upstairs bedroom one in the living room and one in the downstairs bedroom (which he won't be going into for a long time because that is Tuna and Pocky's room). I also have him on resuce remedy. I was so proud of him on Friday when I moved him in, it didn't take very long before he started being naughty and tried to pull all of my drawers out in an attempt to make himself a suitable bed.

Tibby I don't even think has noticed that we've moved!

04-09-2006, 03:18 PM
Poor Corkscrew. I think Pouncer is related to you because he'd be doing the same thing in your position. I promise you'll feel at home very soon!

04-09-2006, 08:27 PM
My Michael Had A Hard Time Getting Used To The Found Cat Hotel And Had A Few Accidents Too.
I Think That Was Because He Was Traumatized Not Being In The Apartments That He Was Used To.
We Hope That Corkscreww Will Find His Bearings Soon.

04-09-2006, 10:37 PM
aaww I hope he settles in soon!
hugs to both!

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-10-2006, 05:30 AM
Poor baby. I am sure he will settle in soon.. then he will wonder how he ever lived without all those playmates!!

give him some *hugs* and *kisses* for me!

04-10-2006, 11:46 AM
I hope that both kitties settle in soon. I know it'll take some time but I'm sure that everything will work out eventually. Good luck.:)

04-10-2006, 01:09 PM
I'm going to try this again right now, they have been trying to get out of the room all morning. Hopefully Corkscrew does better this time!