View Full Version : Am I WRONG to think this way?

04-08-2006, 09:18 PM
Zoe is almost a year old, and she LOVES to play.

She'll bark at me, and crouch down on her front legs. She'll run up to me, inviting me to play. I'll step towards her and she'll back up barking louder. (which my neighbors hate). I'll tell her to be quiet, and she'll bark even louder. Jumping at me, crouching down. (I do know that this is the stance that they get into, when they want to play). She runs around onto the sofa and down again. And occassionally knocks over my 2 1/2 year old.

She gets walks 2 times a day at least 2 miles one way.

Everyone says that this is agressive behavior and that i need to curb it NOW!!

I'm thinking that she's just playing. And I laugh at her behavior.

Am I wrong?

(Also posted in the behavior section, but getting no responses so far)

04-08-2006, 09:21 PM
Sounds to me like she just wants to play. If she was aggressive, her ears would be back and she'd be growling. Sounds like whoever told you that doesn't know dogs very well.

04-08-2006, 09:22 PM
I do the same EXACT thing with Buster, and it isn't aggressive at all imo. Just playing is all. So, I would say, you are NOT wrong in doing this. :)

04-08-2006, 09:28 PM
Not aggression! Just play and "rude" behaviour.. like a child! :)

04-08-2006, 09:29 PM
I do the same thing with Lucy,just wants to play! and i agree with moosmom,whoever told you that doesnt know much about dogs.

04-08-2006, 10:42 PM
Gonzo does the barking and initiating play thing when he hasn't been exercised enough. If this bothers you, ignore the behavior and wait until it stops, THEN take her out to play ball/frisbee/tug/etc. I just worry about zealously knocking over your little girl, it happens, and that is a clear sign that she needs more stimulation, play, and full-out exercise. Make sure you provide that for her and let her know that it's good to be playful where it's appropriate (outside). One thing for sure, you should be the one initiating play and saying when it ends, not Zoe.

04-08-2006, 11:17 PM
No aggression, me and Autumn play like this all the time and she isn't the least bit aggressive. She doesn't bark as much but some dogs are loud and some growl when the play. I think when you are laughing it helps the dogs to realize you are playing too. It builds trust when they can play like this and know you are going to hurt them. Dogs can trust you more when they can predict your behavior so I think if you stopped playing like this she would think something is wrong.

Lori Jordan
04-09-2006, 09:13 AM
My Lacy does the same thing,it's moreless to get you attention so you play with them! Nothing aggressive at all!

04-09-2006, 09:21 AM
Sounds like playing...maybe when you step towards her, she figures you're going to chase her (which is what she is probably trying to get you to do??) and perhaps by stepping closing, that is why she barks more and steps away? I really don't know..but if you want it to stop, you could try turning away from her and ignoring her, maybe? However, I don't think it's aggressive at all...I'm no expert though.

Ginger's Mom
04-09-2006, 09:33 AM
You got some really good answers. I had to smile at the "rude" comment, when Ginger gets overly exuberant or pushy I tell her "bad manners will not be tolerated" (that is usually followed by the command "sit" :) ). Anyway, it is not aggressive, but it may be something that you may want to take some control over. You obviously do not want her knocking over your daughter. So ignore the behavior, or what I would do is to give her something appropriate to do and reward that behavior.

04-09-2006, 10:51 AM
Sounds like what my two do when they get fiesty and wanna play, i think its cute and i do the same thing with them.

04-09-2006, 12:17 PM
She's a puppy and she wants to play. A tired puppy is a good puppy, but getting one to stay tired takes alot of time and energy.

You might want to work on the barking. I only say that because it sounds like it might cause problems with your neighbors. Reward the bejezzus out of her when she's quiet!

Ginger's Mom: I do something similar with Deuce. He's a rambunctious boy and has no clue how big and strong he is. Sometimes he gets so excited that I can't even open the gate to go into his pen safely! I tell him to "use your manners, Deuce." He knows that means lay down just past the gate. He doesn't know what "lay down" means, but he knows how to use his manners! :p

04-09-2006, 12:42 PM
It doesn't sound like aggression, just as BC MoM said, rude behavior. It might be a good idea to settle that behaviour out though as she may hurt someone without meaning to. For the sake of your neighbors sanity, I would take the advice of lots of praise and treats for staying quiet!