View Full Version : Questions About Cats

04-08-2006, 09:04 PM
Hi I am new here and i am not sure how your threads work or if i am in the right one. I wish i had a few pictures to post but hopefully later. I have a persian beutiful eyes like an Owl (usually closed in deep contemplation of her eyelids). I adopted shadow a little over 2 years ago. I had 2 roomates at the time and there was almost always someone home.

Now i find myself alone in a 3 bedroom 2 bath mobile home with shadow, which is wonderful, unfortunately I am working 12 hours a day sometimes and saturdays to boot :( I come home and she is right at the door meowing and of course ready to get underfoot as i take off my workboots and get supper ready. Shadow is a very mellow but jumpy cat layabout but if you move to fast or the heater turns on she will jump. I tried bringing 2 other cats into the house and Ole the one eyed cat pounced on shadow and gouged her pretty good on the side, now ole and sven had only been here 2 weeks so i had to let them go back to their foster family because i want shadow to be comfortable.

Now shadow is healed up good as new which is great but i still want another cat both for her and me i love cats. The lady at cause for paws told me to go with a very young mellow kitten, but i was hoping for a declawed cat maybe an older one because i am used to declawed cats (shadow is declawed) now i would never declaw a cat myself because i now realize how unecessary that is. Does there always have to be a dominant cat in a house do they always establish this through fighting? (I met Lilly at the humane society today she is 7 years old declawed but no history with other cats at least none the owner knew about owner had for 5 years)

I know there isnt a question here but ??? any suggestions I have never accually picked out a cat before and i would like to avoid another cat fight..

i feel bad they have a picture of the cats up now i hope they find a home http://www.petfinder.com/shelters/causeforpaws.html they should they are great cats

04-08-2006, 09:26 PM
Wow, you sound like me. I'm alone in a 2 bdrm, 2 bathroom condo with one Persian....Max, see attached. I'm also out of the house for almost 12 hrs a day. I did have an older female, Speckles (she was also declawed by her previous owners), but she made her way to the Rainbow Bridge on December 20, 2005. Max is, and always will be the alpha cat. About 5 yrs ago I tried to foster an older female but that just didn't work out at all. Max terrorized her and he would have used his claws had I not broken up a couple of major fights.

When I get home from work Max is all over me and won't leave me alone for a minute. I really don't think he is lonely....he's just glad that he has me all to himself. Max has the attitude that he is greater than God (I don't know if it's a Persian thing or not) and I've made the decision not to introduce another cat. When he goes, I will adopt two that need to stay together.

You need to think of Shadow first. Shadow was not the instigator in that other fight...sounds like she is laid back. I think that an unruffled younger kitty might work out. Myself, I would choose a young male but Lilly sounds absolutely wonderful. Perhaps you could offer to foster her just to see how it works out. Do you know all the dos and don't of introductions?? I won't go into detail here as I know that others will give you lots of advice. Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your Persian Princess.

....and Welcome to Pet Talk! :)

04-08-2006, 10:10 PM
The general rule of thumb when adding a new cat to a household with a resident single cat (especially when the resident is female) is to pick a VERY, VERY docile, non-teritorial cat. Or...probably the best option...is to add a kitten. Kittens don't usually need to act territorial and Shadow can show the newby the rules and that this is HER house.

But, like Slick said, make sure Shadow's wishes and lifestyle are your number 1 priority. If she doesn't like other cats, its really not fair to add one.

Lots of luck with your decision! Welcome to PT, btw. :)

Take care,
Kelly :D

04-09-2006, 12:05 AM
My cat attacked every other cat that I tried to bring home, didn't matter if they were old, middle aged, kittens, friendly or not, he'd go for them, claws and teeth showing. As far as he's concerned wherever I live is his home and his only, definitely no other cats allowed.

04-10-2006, 11:03 AM
And just because a cat is declawed doesn't mean that it won't fight or act territorial. My sister adopted a cat that was already declawed, and she defends her territory against all comers, including (admittedly easily intimidated) greyhounds.

04-10-2006, 11:39 AM
My cat attacked every other cat that I tried to bring home, didn't matter if they were old, middle aged, kittens, friendly or not, he'd go for them, claws and teeth showing. As far as he's concerned wherever I live is his home and his only, definitely no other cats allowed.

Chuck is the SAME WAY! I have never been able to have another cat in the house, ever. Or the fur will fly!

He loves the dog though and will snuggle with her.

04-10-2006, 03:38 PM
Well, it's more than a matter of bringing a cat(s) home.

It's about isolation and slow integration.

P.M. me if you want all the details,

Also, I think you are on the right track by looking at males for Shadow.
Now, try and think of the more laid back type cats, such as the Snowshoe and Flame Point Siamese males. (available at shelters and rescue orgs.)

There are definite tendencies having to do with markings and colors of cats to consider. Many tend to fall into personality categories based on their markings.

Mixed genders is a good rule of thumb, not to say that same sex placements won't work, but there can be issues that arise due to territory, etc.

I don't think you've given it a fair try yet, with Shadow

Best of Luck


04-10-2006, 04:18 PM
I ma very lucky in that The Found Ctas have accepted all New Comers with a minimum of fuss and bother.
I think that its all how you introduce them.
I know how most people feel when they see a Cat that needs a home.
Will My Cat be better off with a Pal?
We hope that things work out and you soon have an Addition.