View Full Version : Gone.

04-07-2006, 05:26 PM
She took them to the humane society.

She never even told me she was even THINKING about taking them there.

I told her if we got them vaccinated (which she agreed to do, at one point) my friend would be able to take them.

I come home today to no cats. SHE NEVER EVEN TOLD ME SHE WAS GOING TO TAKE THEM THERE OR THAT SHE DID TAKE THEM. She took them last night and said NOTHING about it to me today until I ASKED.

She made my sister take them to the HS.

I'm angry, frustrated, upset, scared, annoyed, enraged... don't make me go on. I feel like bawling. This wasn't supposed to happen.

I have never despised her more than right now.

04-07-2006, 05:45 PM
Thats terrible taht those Poor Cats are now sitting in cages,with sadly a time limit on them.
Can your Friend go to the Shelter and put a hold on them?
The only good thing is that most Shelters will save you money on the neutering and spaying!!
But youshould have been told.
I hope that you can make the best out of a bad situation.

04-07-2006, 05:54 PM
Whoa! I just don't know what to say about this. Part of the problem is a case of LES. I'm a mom myself and we had our share of pets as my son was growing up. Personally, I think this could have been handled in a much better and more sensitive way. This is a very tough situation and it's easy to understand how you must feel. Go ahead and cry, let it all out. Is there a teacher, counselor, a parent of a friend or another adult that you're comfortable talking to? If so, PLEASE talk to them ASAP. Right now you have a lot of stuff to work through and you're going to need support and the advice of a responsible, caring adult to help you through this. Don't keep it in because you're afraid they'll think you're being dumb about losing your kitties. Go to someone you trust, they won't think any less of you. Prayers for your kitties and that you'll find someone to talk to.

(((( HUGS))))

04-07-2006, 06:42 PM
I am speechless. BUT very sorry:(

04-07-2006, 07:30 PM
I am so sorry. I cannot understand how a parent can inflict such pain on their child. You deserve so much better.

04-07-2006, 07:41 PM
so amny thoughtstoyou right now. i cant even begin to imagaine what you must be goign through right now. cry, scream and yell and punch a pillow, and think try and think clearly about what you are going to do. perhaps you could ask your friends and family etc if they can get a hold on the. hope this advice helps.

04-07-2006, 07:58 PM
How heartbreaking!!! I'm so sorry. I wish I knew something to say to make you feel better. :(

04-07-2006, 08:31 PM
Call your friend. If she will take them, then tell her what happened so she or her mom can put a hold on them.

There is even that other PTr in Wisconsin...HeidiV?

And with everything else going on - do check in with a counsellor at school...that person might even be a cat lover!



04-07-2006, 09:19 PM
I agree with Catty1. Maybe if you tell your friend about them being at the shelter, she can go get them.

What your Mother did was unforgiveable and you have every right to be angry and upset.

04-07-2006, 11:08 PM
All I can say is "This should have never happened" I was able to help you out I completely understand the loss that you must be going through but the Humane Society in reality is a pretty good place instead of being casted out on the street. But I could have helped you out. Then your two cats would have had a sanctuary all to them selves without the stress of the shelter environment and all the connections that I have finding them a good home would have been a no brainer. I know you don't have any control over what your mother did but is she totally heartless??? I mean seriously who does that to their child????? I would find someone to talk to for sure you are going to need it.

04-08-2006, 12:23 AM
She IS completely heartless. We (dad, sister and I) have come to that conclusion a long time ago.)

This has happened before. If you remember back a couple years she again, got rid of our three cats behind my back. They had threatened me with it, but they had never actually gone through with it. One day she finally did, and I came home and she just came out and told me they were gone, before even saying hi to me. I almost think she did it just to see me break down and cry.

Heidi, I know you would have taken them at the drop of a hat. I had TOLD my mother that if we got them vaccinated, Madison would be able to take them, no questions asked. My mom was totally okay with that. TOTALLY.

Then all of a sudden, BANG. They're gone. I had NO control over what happened.

Please don't be angry with me, Heidi. I know you could have taken them, but my mother would have let me, seeing as I know you from the internet. There was no possible way my mother would go out of her way to bring them to you. It just wouldn't have worked. We agreed on giving them to my friend so I could still be close with them.

I'm sorry for the letdown, everyone.

04-08-2006, 12:33 AM
Now the tears are flowing. I can't help it.

As I walk into the bathroom, it hits me. Bella isn't there following me like usual. She isn't sitting in the sink, waiting for me to turn on the water. Nor is she in the bathtub, hiding behind the shower curtain and attacking her tail.

Autumn isn't trying to get into the bathroom cupboard like usual. I can't hear her lion-like roar of a purr, nor her infamous sneezing.

They're not here.

I can't do this anymore. I don't know what I've done wrong to deserve such luck.

04-08-2006, 01:37 AM
I'm so sorry, hun. :( I know this isn't the first time you've had a horrible run in with your mother. I wish you the best and hope the years go by fast enough so you can get the heck away from her. :(

My mom did this to EVERY dog we had. The one's SHE brought home, it wasn't like I said, "Look mom! He followed me home. Can we keep him??" After the 2nd dog, I stopped showing any enthusiasm for dogs and thankfully, we never had anymore. It just wasn't fair to the dogs - or us.

I can remember sitting outside the night before she told us she was taking the dog (Lucky) to the pound. I sat there with my arms wrapped around his neck, crying my eyes out. She didn't even have the decency or balls to take the dog to a person, she dropped him off in those overnight cages!!! :mad: Before that, she gave away our childhood dog during their divorce. :mad: :(

I'm very, very sorry. There is NO excuse for what she did, especially with someone here on PT willing to take them. It seems intentional and ruthlessly mean. I'm so sorry, honey. :(

In the future, I wouldn't subject anymore animals to her, if you can help it.

Take care,

P.S. Catty has an excellent idea to tell your friend where the kittens were taken to. Or...heidiv as well.


04-08-2006, 02:20 AM
Megan honey you know how much i feel for your right now, yes your mother is heartless and she does not deserve you,but right now you have to try and get those kitties for your friend or Heidi, that sounds like their best chance to me, so sweetie dry those tears and see what you can do.

GIANT HUGS to you and i hope you can rescue the kitties, i know how heartbroken you must feel right now,this is a terrible thing for your mother to have done, she should be so ashamed of herself right now.

04-08-2006, 03:35 AM
Don't let your mom win this round, Megan, get the information about which shelter to heidiv today. We are all relying on you to do this, everyone on P.T. and your cats, so you need to be a hero and set aside your pain for now to help them. My step-mother took our cat to the shelter to be killed, not even to be re-homed, 50 years ago and I still think of that poor cat with tears in my eyes.

04-08-2006, 04:05 AM
I'm so very sorry. This is heartbreaking, and it makes me so angry! I wonder if your mother has any idea what damage she is doing to your soul, and I don't even want to start thinking about the poor kitties! I could say much more here, but I better stop.

I agree with those who have suggested to get information, and try to find a new home for Bella and Autumn.


Lori Jordan
04-08-2006, 07:08 AM
I am so sorry this has happend to you!

04-08-2006, 08:54 AM
Call the shelters yourself if you have to, and tell Madison where they are!

Poor you...can you not live with your dad?



04-08-2006, 05:43 PM
We are so sorry your mom did this. If you can tell someone where they are, so heidiv or your friend can get them, at least you know they will be safe. And as they are well-socialized kitties, hopefully they'll be okay adjusting to a new home.

I'm sorry, I know we cannot change who your Mom is. All you can do for now, besides what I said above, is to vow never to subject any future child under your care to this kind of heartlessness. Big hugs to you, okay?

04-08-2006, 06:09 PM
I am so very sorry to read this thread. If parents only realize the things they do to their children...I just hope you can find someone to talk to about what has happened. Despite how bad you feel now, your have to be strong to get help for yourself. Prayers for you dear girl and your cats!!!

04-08-2006, 07:16 PM
I am so sorry. I cannot understand how a parent can inflict such pain on their child. You deserve so much better.

ditto. (((ILoveMyAbbyGirl))) :(

04-11-2006, 05:03 PM
Hey Abbygirl, I've been thinking about you these past few days. How are you doing?

04-11-2006, 07:35 PM
There will be a Day,when you are an Adult,and then you will be a Wonderful Meeowmie,and help lots of Cats!
Please try to be positive,maybe Someone will see them,and fall in love!

04-11-2006, 07:39 PM
So far, alright. Madison is looking into taking them from the shelter, but they called and they're at an estimated $125 each? That does NOT seem right, since their site says $40 for unspayed cats.

Wish us luck.

04-11-2006, 08:36 PM
Good luck, hon.

I wonder if they were spayed/neutered already?

I wonder if your dad or sister could help out with some of the money stuff.

Glad Madison found them...there's hope here.

