View Full Version : Nevada, a very sad snake-story

04-07-2006, 08:47 AM
Last week I picked up a snake at a friend's house, she died a few days later but her story is so sad....

She was bought as a cornsnake, although she was a gray ratsnake ( a species that grows a lot bigger as cornsnakes and is more agressive). The owners didn't like her attitude, agression anymore and sold her to my friend's brother. he kept this almost 5 feet long snake in a 2 feet by 1 feet tank. When he moved back in with his parents and sister he ofcourse took the snake with him and one day he told them the snake has died...

But this is not the end of Nevada's story; she slithered freely in the house for two months since she did escape and didn't die at all...My friend and her mother are afraid of snakes and there was also a cat in the house the right size for Nevada so it was totally unresponsible to let her slither. My friend found her under her bed and called me if I wanted the snake.

Yes, I did want the snake and when i collecter her I found out there was something wrong with this snake...maybe she was so afraid she couldn't relax her muscles anymore, maybe her spine was deformed from the terrible small tank she lived in?? I didn't know...A few days later she died and when seeing her lifeless body my husband came to the conclusion she had probably broken her neck when my friends father caught Nevada...

Life was so mean to Nevada that I think she's much more happy now. She's back home, in Gaia's arms...

04-07-2006, 05:46 PM
Aww. :( Thats really sad. Poor Nevada.

04-08-2006, 09:38 AM
Rest in Peace sweet Nevada. :( You shouldn't have had to live like you did. :mad: