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Edwina's Secretary
04-27-2002, 04:11 PM
Poor Edwina. First, we go and leave her for ten days. We get home and her bed (also ours) goes away -- moves anyway. Then this morning.......she had to go to the vet for her annual checkup.

NEVER has she behaved so badly. I had a feeling so we put her in a carrier instead of just her harness. She howled like a cat in heat for the three minute ride (naturally my husband got confused, then there was a "do" on at the church by the vet and no parking...etc, etc.)

She began hissing before we even got inside. She hissed at the receptionist. We went in the room and she hissed at her poppa and she hissed at me. We finally got her out of the carrier she climbed on me like white on rice. When the vet came in she hissed, growled and made every other negative cat noise known. I was SOOO embarrassed. The vet, a very young woman, seemed a bit afraid of Edwina. Asked a tech to come in and hold her. Then suggested the tech use a towel to hold her while she got her shots. She was so awful. We kept saying she is really a very sweet cat. I don't think anyone believed us. The took her in a back room to weigh her (up a pound -- no more turkey!) I can't imagine how she was there.

When we got home she wanted to sleep on my lap. Then she vomited (she is good about vomiting on non-carpeted surfaces!) She is back to sleep now. After all the stress I imagine she will sleep for quite a while.

04-27-2002, 04:51 PM
Poor Edwina!!!
So many changes all at once, no wonder she's upset. I would be hysterical! Hope she feels all better soon. At the risk of making Marius jealous, Leonardo, Chester, Leroy, and Luke all send her head bumpies and wishes for feeling all better soon.:(

04-27-2002, 06:48 PM
Poor Edwina and Edwina's Secretary! I can so relate....every year when it's time to go to the V-E-T...I always have a week of guilt time following. She is so horrible at the vets and such a nice kitty to us, and I always wonder if she is getting a thorough exam because she is so balled up with terror that I don't know how they can feel for any abnormal bumps. We do that ourselves with her, during brushings and petting time, we feel all over...

Give her an extra head nuzzle and maybe a warm towel from the dryer - does wonders for Ritzy

04-27-2002, 11:08 PM
{{{Edwina!!!}}} and {{{Edwina's Mommy and Daddy, too}}} sounds like you had almost as bad a day with it all as she did! Things will settle down soon which should help your little sweetie quite a lot. Hang in there!

04-28-2002, 12:21 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Edwina is having such a hard time with the new bed changes and then the vet visit. My cats hate going to the vet too but they are usually too scared to be mean hissy cats. I hope Edwina calms down soon and things get back to normal. Good luck.

04-28-2002, 12:58 AM
Awwwwww!!! Poor Edwina!! What a traumatic experience for all of you! **hugs**
Marius is all in a scramble worried about her! Lots of headbumpies are coming her way.

On another note, I can totally relate to the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde act that our Scooter puts on. Well, most of you know that Scooter isn't really the most purrrsonable cat. He's a daddy's boy for sure...but he's really not that bad here at home. He's just downright lovey with Aaron (nobody else though! LOL). But, as soon as you get him at the VET he turns into a frizzy, hissing, spitting, furball of rage!! It's almost embarassing, and we always say that he's not like that at home...really! I don't think they believe us though. It's kind of annoying that they have to sedate Scooter....just for a routine checkup!! This usually involves a cat, a net, and a syringe with some sort of calming drug! Since nobody can get near him, they have to 'net him' then they stick him in the butt with the syringe!! :eek: Poor guy. He's just really scared out of his element.
On another note...there was this time when I was living in Cincinnati, and Scooter was having UTI problems so I took him to the vet. Since I was new to the area, I just went to the nearest one to our apartment. Well, I tell you what...the lady there just made me so mad. First, she didn't handle herself as a professional at all. I guess I should have deducted this when I first walked in. The place wasn't that clean, and there were two huge collie dogs sleeping on the floor. You should have seen the mounds of fur lying all around! :eek:
Anyway, usually a vet talks soothing to animals and seems like a real animal lover. This lady did not. Of course Scooter acted like his 'normal' VET self and she told me 'Hold the cat!' Uh...ok...she was more afraid of herself getting hurt than me or my cat! I was annoyed, but attempted to comply. Then, she tried to muzzle him...which wasn't pretty. I could tell she was irritated and she said, 'well, I'm sorry I can't do anything since I can't get near him'. OK THEN!! Every other vet handled it in a much better manner. Anyway, she called another local vet and I heard her say, "I have a lady with a real mean cat...."
I was just fuming by then and almost in tears at this point. I gratefully got out of there and went to the other vet. They were SO MUCH better about everything and handled it quite nicely. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman!! So bad!!! :(

04-28-2002, 06:35 AM
Poor Edwina! I hope she is feeling better after such a stressful time at the vet's. My two boys are scaredy cats at the vet and try to disappear into the farthest corner of their cat carriers, and we literally have to dump them out. They just sit on the table like little angels, too scared to move.

My daughter's ragdoll, on the other hand, is just like Edwina and Scooter. He even has a "bad attitude" sticker on his chart. :( Unfortunately he isn't an extremely lovable guy even at home. :( The first vet they went to had a hard time examining him, just like with Scooter. She managed to get through the exam but called him "a brat" to one of the vet techs. That didn't sit too well with my daughter. Nowadays my daughter takes him to a "cats only" vet, and although he still has a "bad attitude" sticker on his chart at least these people seem to understand him a little better.

I have two postcards on my refrigerator right now reminding me that it's time for Trevor and Andy's routine visit. The worst part about this upcoming appointment will be getting them in the carrier. :rolleyes:

04-28-2002, 07:38 AM
Oh Poor Edwina:( :(
And {{{{{{{Edwinwina's secretary}}}}}}}}:(

All you guys need a good cuddle:)

Dan - sat on myarm at the moment wants Edwina to know V*** don't mean to scare her and he's so upset that she had such a nasty experience.xxxx He ENJOYS seeing the V** and has a lovely chat and snuggle when he's there!!!


04-28-2002, 09:39 AM
Oh, POOR EDWINDA and Family! Everybody, all together now.... GROUP HUG! http://bestsmileys.com/smileys/grouphug.gif

04-29-2002, 06:29 AM
Poor Edwina (and poor you, I don't think it was a nice experience for you either)! I hope she is over her ordeal now.

Edwina's Secretary
04-29-2002, 09:03 AM
Thank you all for your kind hugs. After pouting all day Saturday and not eating she was back to normal by Sunday afternoon. She slapped around a visiting dog and played outside with me a bit.

She even decided the new bed is aceptable to her. Amazing though how the "cat expands to fill the space available."

04-29-2002, 09:41 AM
Edwina's secretary! I'm glad to hear things are nearly back to normal. Hope Edwina will enjoy "her" new bed as much as you hopefully will! :D

Quote by Pam: The worst part about this upcoming appointment will be getting them in the carrier.

Pam! I can certainly relate to that! Hours before we have to get Fister in the box we are nervous wrecks - it's always a drama. But, we've found a cunning plan - John goes down to the cellar and get the box while Fister relax as usual. As soon as he become aware of the danger, he immediately rushes under the bed. Then I take the hoover out and start in the bedroom. Fister runs out into the kitchen where John is waiting with the box!! A little easier!

Give Edwina a big hug from us
Fister & his mum ;)

Edwina's Secretary
04-29-2002, 09:53 AM
I'm still laughing. The cunning, the planning, the deviousness! All to manage a creature that logic says, since we are probably at least 10 times bigger, we should be able to control.

At least Fister helps you get your vacuuming done!

(My mother asked me why, instead of spending money on a bigger bed, didn't I just make the cat move. Silly mother!)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-29-2002, 10:22 AM
Sorry to hear about Edwina's bad day. :( But glad to hear she's over it and has accepted the new bed. After all, it was for her that you bought it, right? :rolleyes:

Peanut is usually so scared at the vet that she just sits there and lets them do what they need to do. Tubby isn't necessarily scared - I think he just wants to do his own thing and check the place out - but he does put up a fuss when the vet does things that Tubby doesn't like, but is generally pretty good. I just take him on his leash, but I put Peanut in the carrier to make her feel safer, like she's got a place to hide. My trick to getting her in is hours before she needs to go in (the day before if the appointment is early in the morning) I'll bring the carrier up from the basement and just set it out. That way she has plenty of time to check it out, and is generally over the trauma of the carrier before it's time to put her in it. Then (bad mommy) I trick her by giving her a treat, then picking her up and giving her smoochies, as I'm approaching the carrier without her knowing. The only way I can get her in is back end first, so as I'm smooching on her, I'm slowly repositioning her so I can hold her back feet and just slide her in. Before she knows it she's in and the door is closed and she's wondering what happened! :eek: And she's also realizing trauma time is here. Not just the vet, but the carrier, the car, the entire experience doesn't thrill her. But once we get home I open the carrier, she comes flying out (because she knows we're home), goes to her usual spot and starts cleaning herself as if she has to get all those stinky vet smells off, then 15 minutes or so later, she's on the chair fast asleep. :rolleyes:

04-29-2002, 05:13 PM
Oh, Edwina, poor baby!! So sorry to hear you had such a rough day at the white coats!!:( That can be such a traumatizing experience for a kitty! We all know what a sweet girl you are, so not to worry about that! Are you feeling better now?? I hope so precious! Of course, your new bed must be of some comfort!;( {{{Hugs}}}

05-03-2002, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by wolflady

Anyway, usually a vet talks soothing to animals and seems like a real animal lover. This lady did not. Of course Scooter acted like his 'normal' VET self and she told me 'Hold the cat!' Uh...ok...she was more afraid of herself getting hurt than me or my cat! I was annoyed, but attempted to comply. Then, she tried to muzzle him...which wasn't pretty. I could tell she was irritated and she said, 'well, I'm sorry I can't do anything since I can't get near him'. OK THEN!! Every other vet handled it in a much better manner. Anyway, she called another local vet and I heard her say, "I have a lady with a real mean cat...."
I was just fuming by then and almost in tears at this point. I gratefully got out of there and went to the other vet. They were SO MUCH better about everything and handled it quite nicely. I just couldn't believe the audacity of this woman!! So bad!!! :(

ooh, I had a similar experience with my cat Liza (RB) several years ago. She WAS a difficult cat at the vets, I will admit.

I had moved and a friend recomended a vet to me. Well, Liza stared her usual stuff, and then this vet, said "WELL! I am NOT going to put up with THIS stuff!!!" Then she leaves to get an assistant, and I heard her say "I need help with this awful cat!"

I was shocked because she did not once try and calm her down, speak calmly to her, etc. My former vet had always made an attempt (and sometimes succeeded) in calming her down. Liza was kinda pissy at the vet, but she was more scared than anything.
Needless to say I found another vet that I LOVE, and it's cheaper too!
Some people go to vet school I think because they are more interested in making $$$$$$, not because they like/love animals.

05-03-2002, 10:45 PM
Why is it that my cats turn into Jello at the vets??? :confused: Mimi, I can understand. She is older, much more docile than Butter. But even the evil Butter turns to mush, literally.......they are so sweet with him and he is so sweet right back! If I didn't have the scars on my hands and arms to prove it, I don't think they would believe how "bad" he can be!! :o

05-04-2002, 12:14 AM
It's me again.
My 2 cats that I have now (Kedi & Wylie: 1 M. Coon mix, and 1 pure M. Coon) are totally little *Angels* at the vet. In fact, the vet assistants have told me to PLEASE bring Wylie back just to visit :)

I have had cats that have been really bad at the vets (Liza), and then the other extreme (my present 2 cats). You just never know about kittys........:rolleyes:

05-04-2002, 03:25 PM
Poor Edwina and her mommy and daddy!!! :/ Im lucky so far. None have minded the vet or shots but Im sure after the 19th (when they get fixed) they will hate me... (hopefully just for a little while)